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Ani is currently reading
by Costanza Casati (Goodreads Author)
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Jul 06, 2024 01:30PM

Ani is currently reading
by Ovid
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Apr 07, 2024 05:44PM

Concepcion: An Im...
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Apr 01, 2024 08:32AM

See all 6 books that Ani is reading…
Vaishnavi Patel
“The people of Bharat have often blamed my father for my sins, as if a woman cannot own her actions.”
Vaishnavi Patel, Kaikeyi

Vaishnavi Patel
“If a woman crafted by the gods themselves could be consigned to this fate, what hope was there for a woman born of a woman?”
Vaishnavi Patel, Kaikeyi

Vaishnavi Patel
“Because those who are good question themselves. Because those who are good always wonder if there was a better way, a way that could have helped more and hurt less. That feeling is why you are good.”
Vaishnavi Patel, Kaikeyi

Chloe Gong
“I will fight this war to love you, Juliette Cai. I will fight this feud to have you, because it was this feud that gave you to me, twisted as it is, and now I will take you away from it.”
Chloe Gong, Our Violent Ends

Jennifer Saint
“It was the women, always the women, be they helpless serving girls or princesses, who paid the price.”
Jennifer Saint, Ariadne

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