ali garcia

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Jane Eyre
ali garcia is currently reading
bookshelves: currently-reading, classics
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"wow what a way to end volume one" 16 hours, 14 min ago

American Promethe...
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"reading the book bc i heard the movie was too long 🤭" Jul 20, 2024 07:25AM

Emily Wilde’s Enc...
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1218700 Lucky Cielo Book Club — 5 members — last activity Mar 23, 2024 01:03PM
a book club where we pick everything from non fiction, romance, historical fiction, autobiographies and more! all are welcome :)
345436 Reese's Book Club x Hello Sunshine — 150213 members — last activity 2 hours, 45 min ago
Hey Y’all, We’ve been reading together for awhile and we don’t know about you, but we’re ready to hear your thoughts and opinions. This group is a pl ...more
1065386 Literally Dead Book Club — 15706 members — last activity 2 hours, 2 min ago
A mostly monthly book club (February-November) focused on thriller/mystery/horror hosted by BooksandLala and a rotating set of wonderful co-hosts! li ...more
1224953 bookish baddies — 17 members — last activity Oct 28, 2023 11:55AM
my girls! my loves! my hearts! here we can have our usernames so we can support each others posts!!
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