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Mr. & Mrs. Americ...
Alison is currently reading
by Juliet McDaniel (Goodreads Author)
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  (page 134 of 368)
8 hours, 23 min ago

North Woods
Alison is currently reading
by Daniel Mason (Goodreads Author)
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  (page 138 of 372)
8 hours, 52 min ago

You Could Make Th...
Alison is currently reading
by Maggie Smith (Goodreads Author)
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9 hours, 53 min ago

See all 6 books that Alison is reading…
Henry David Thoreau
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately...”
Henry David Thoreau

Mark Twain
“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”
Mark Twain

Chris Abani
“What I've come to learn is that the world is never saved in grand messianic gestures, but in the simple accumulation of gentle, soft, almost invisible acts of compassion.”
Chris Abani

H.L. Mencken
“I know some who are constantly drunk on books as other men are drunk on whiskey.”
H.L. Mencken

year in books
10,902 books | 40 friends

200 books | 8 friends

72 books | 5 friends

68 books | 54 friends

61 books | 11 friends

193 books | 39 friends

Darya O...
87 books | 29 friends

Laza Pr...
189 books | 14 friends

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