Chris Lee 's Reviews > The House on the Borderland

The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson
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bookshelves: f-horror, r-4-star, z-seasonal-spookyoctober

Two buddies take a fishing trip in a remote area of Ireland near an old decrepit house. While exploring, they come across an old manuscript filled with unimaginable horrors.

Cosmic horror is the central theme running throughout this pulse-raising book. The manuscript that the two feverously read features an old recluse who spins fantastical stories about his time at the house. Some interactions with things that go bump in the night are familiar within the genre, while others are quite innovative for the time and are brought to a fever pitch: exploring cellars with a lantern, visiting the moors at night, and gloomy caverns that descend into chasms.

|| "It was not Halloween. If I were telling a story for amusement's sake, I should probably place it on that night of nights; but this is a true record of my own experiences, and I would not put pen to paper to amuse anyone."

I felt I was walking the unlit corridors with the recluse and pepper (his dog), twisting around corridors and pondering what evil lay ahead. There is a keen sense of foreboding the author implies, which just amplifies the subtle scares and magnifies the twists and turns. Overall, I just think it is so ahead of its time! Do you like Gothic elements? It has it. Do you like other worldly creatures crashing the party? Call the Ghostbusters. Do you like decaying mansions and those who lift trap doors to find out what’s beyond? Yep, this has it.

Oh, and the cosmic horror elements just put it over the top! I do not want to give much away, but it has the most ingenious visual of variable space and time. Very Lovecraftian.

Add it to your Halloween repertoire. You will not be disappointed.

|| "Then, at least, I should have known my danger, and been able to meet it; but to wait like this, through a whole night, picturing all kinds of unknown devilment, was to jeopardize one's sanity."

📝 | Extra | 📝’s
❖ I had a dog named Pepper. I’m so glad he did not endure the same fate as in this book. (fair warning)
❖ That ending was just incredible. Very Shirley Jackson-esque.
❖ Is there a better fear-inducing visual than those walking the grounds of an old house with a candle? I think not!

🎵| Soundtrack |🎵
❖ VOLA – These Black Claws
❖ Starset - Otherworldly
❖ Gojira - Stranded
❖ Electric Wizard - House on The Borderland

⭐ | Rating | ⭐
❖ 4 out of 5
33 likes · flag

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Reading Progress

October 8, 2023 – Shelved
October 8, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
October 8, 2023 – Shelved as: f-horror
October 9, 2023 – Started Reading
October 9, 2023 –
page 10
5.21% "I have a feeling this fishing trip is not going to end well."
October 9, 2023 –
page 40
20.83% ""It was making its way, cumbrously 'round the building, stopping as it came to each window to peer in and shake at the bars; and whenever it came to a door, it would push at it, fingering the fastening stealthily." 😐"
October 10, 2023 –
page 65
33.85% ""For perhaps a minute I stared at the creature; then as my nerves steadied a little I shook off the vague alarm that held me, and took a step toward the window. Even as I did so, the thing ducked and vanished. I rushed to the door and looked 'round hurriedly; but only the tangled bushes and shrubs met my gaze." - Halloween vibes~~~~👻"
October 11, 2023 – Shelved as: r-4-star
October 11, 2023 – Finished Reading
October 16, 2023 – Shelved as: z-seasonal-spookyoctober

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by Helga (new)

Helga Excellent review, Chris and a great soundtrack, as always! ;)

Chris Lee Helga wrote: "Excellent review, Chris and a great soundtrack, as always! ;)"

Thank you, Helga! 😀

message 3: by Cara (new)

Cara Great review, Chris💚!!!!!!! I'm curious what those horrors were on the manuscript!

Chris Lee Cara wrote: "Great review, Chris💚!!!!!!! I'm curious what those horrors were on the manuscript!"

Thank you, Cara! Considering it was written in 1908, I was surprised at how modern it felt. The manuscript is full of creepy visuals of all kinds, including the surrealist touch of H. P. Lovecraft, the sci-fi feel of H.G. Wells, and even some Evil Dead thrown in there for good measure.

message 5: by Άννα (new)

Άννα Fantastic review, Chris! Gojira is a great band, especially in concert

message 6: by Rebecca (new) - added it

Rebecca Mann Great review, Chris. This sounds very interesting!

Mica Santos ⇢ Excelente reseña, Chris! Can't read this genre though... Que pena por el perro Pepper

Chris Lee Anna wrote: "Fantastic review, Chris! Gojira is a great band, especially in concert "

Jealous, Anna! 'Another World' is my favorite song from the band. I bet it was incredible.

Chris Lee Rebecca wrote: "Great review, Chris. This sounds very interesting!"

I started losing count of how many genres it switches to. There is something for everyone. It is a really fun read. 📚

message 10: by Alli (new)

Alli Great review Chris! Sounds very spooky! 👻

Chris Lee Mica Santos ⇢ wrote: "Excelente reseña, Chris! Can't read this genre though... Que pena por el perro Pepper"

Gracias, Mica! Sí, pobre, pobre perro. El libro es muy manso en scariness/fear. :)

Chris Lee Allison wrote: "Great review Chris! Sounds very spooky! 👻"

Thank you, Allison! It's not; I have to keep the lights on because it's scary, but it has a regular amount of exciting creepiness involved. haha. 🎃

message 13: by Άννα (new)

Άννα @Chris: 'Another world' is amazing, and yes, their concerts are incredible, very powerful

message 14: by Rosh (new)

Rosh I do love Gothic elements and decaying mansions, but otherworldly creatures? Gaah!!
Glad you had fun with this read, Chris! I'll satisfy myself with reading your amazing review. :D

Chris Lee Rosh wrote: "I do love Gothic elements and decaying mansions, but otherworldly creatures? Gaah!!
Glad you had fun with this read, Chris! I'll satisfy myself with reading your amazing review. :D"

Would it help if I told you the creatures were only in it for a few pages? 😜 Thank you for the kind words, Rosh.

message 16: by Rosh (last edited Oct 14, 2023 12:45AM) (new)

Rosh Chris Lee wrote: "Would it help if I told you the creatures were only in it for a few pages? 😜 "

That does help, but in ensuring that I stay away from the book! 😄

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