Darcey's Reviews > Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

Design Patterns by Erich Gamma
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it was amazing
bookshelves: books-i-own, math-and-cs, reference

[Note: This is a reference book; I didn't actually read it cover to cover. I did read the first two chapters in full though.]

For the last couple years, I've been working as a software engineer, and I've found myself getting very confused by a lot of our Java code. Why do we use dependency injection? What's a factory and why do we need them? It felt like everyone else on my team had gotten some memo that I didn't receive.

It turns out that everyone else on my team *did* get some memo that I didn't receive, and that memo was this book.

This book describes the concept of design patterns, which are broad overarching ways of structuring your code. Design patterns are not about ensuring syntactic or algorithmic correctness; rather, they're about writing your code in a way that makes it easily extensible, restructurable, and maintainable. A design pattern is not something like "use for-loops for iteration"; that's just a specification of the syntactic structure of the language. And, as far as I understand, "test your code using unit tests" is not a design pattern (since it's not really about code structure), just a good testing practice.

An example of a design pattern is something like using a factory to make new instances of an object. Suppose you have some interface Foo, and an implementation of it called FooImpl. And suppose you frequently need to create new instances of this. You could pepper your code with "Foo foo = new FooImpl()", but then suppose you wrote a new, better implementation of the Foo interface called FooImplImproved or something. You would have to find each instance of "new FooImpl()" and replace it with "new FooImplImproved()". This is a pain. So instead, you could create an object called FooFactory which returns instances of Foo. Then you could do something like "Foo foo = FooFactory.create()". This create() method would then just contain "return new FooImpl()". Then, when you wanted to change FooImpl to FooImplImproved, you would only have to change it in one place: in the FooFactory.create() method.

I think I would have benefited from encountering this book in college, before I ever worked as a professional software engineer. But I wouldn't have fully understood or appreciated it then. I still don't fully understand it, but now that I've worked in industry, I have a much better understanding of the need for maintainable code.

This book definitely changed how I think of programming / software engineering. And, if I'm understanding correctly, back when this book came out, it changed how *everyone* thought about software engineering. As far as I know, this book introduced the concept of a design pattern. The book tells you about all sorts of different design patterns, but I think the main impact of the book was not teaching people individual design patterns, but introducing them to the concept of a design pattern altogether. Once you have that concept, you can identify and use new design patterns more more easily. The specific design patterns presented are certainly useful, but the concept itself is more important.

Also, in the spirit of "reading the history of philosophy backwards", this book taught me a lot about what was known about software engineering back in the early 90s, just based on what it felt like it needed to explain to its audience. One thing that surprised me was that it went out of its way to explain the separation into interface-based inheritance and implementation-based inheritance. I'd always taken that distinction for granted, because it's built into Java, which was my first language. But I realized, after reading this book, that the distinction between implementing an interface and inheriting an implementation was not always obvious. And in C++, that distinction is not a syntactic feature, but merely a design pattern. (Which makes me wonder what it would look like if OO languages incorporated more of these design patterns into their syntax.) Anyway, "program to the interface, not the implementation" was something I had only learned since starting at this job; it's not something that was covered during my undergrad education. So I was glad this book went out of its way to emphasize its importance.

Anyway, this book absolutely gets 5 stars, for introducing me (and also the rest of the software engineering world) to a new conceptual framework that allows software engineers to do a much better job. I expect that I will return to this book very often and will always view it as a useful resource.
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Reading Progress

February 2, 2019 – Shelved
February 2, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
February 2, 2019 – Shelved as: books-i-own
February 2, 2019 – Shelved as: math-and-cs
February 17, 2019 – Started Reading
March 15, 2019 – Finished Reading
April 18, 2020 – Shelved as: reference

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by Sudharshan (new)

Sudharshan Viswanathan I would have never thought that I would come across an ode to the Gang of Four Design Patterns book! The first time I came across this book, and read it I was repulsed by it. To a certain extent I still find it hard to read and form a cohesive picture. But I must also say that having worked in places where huge libraries were written completely following the patterns, it raises the learning curve and makes it really hard to understand what's happening. Inheritance by itself does that to a certain extent, adding Factories around it and then having inheritance for that factories and then writing Visitors around it broke my back!

message 2: by Darcey (last edited Apr 21, 2020 10:46AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Darcey Yeah, that's fair. :) I gave this book 5 stars because it helped me to finally understand why the code at work was written that way. Once I had read it, I was able to look at the code more critically, and understand "oh yeah, the reason this part of the code is confusing is because we've used [design pattern] in a place where it doesn't really make sense", or "oh yeah, it really was a good idea to use [design pattern] here; now I finally understand". I think I rated the book five stars because it was such a revelation to finally understand the code. But I do see how that supports your point about design patterns raising the learning curve. :) I'm still glad I learned about design patterns, because I feel like they are useful tools to have in my arsenal, but I can see the benefit of using them sparingly.

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