Patrick.G.P's Reviews > The House on the Borderland

The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson
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bookshelves: weird-fiction, my-library

An astonishing piece of strange fiction! The novel’s outlandish and terrifying vistas and vast scope are awe-inspiring and reminded me of several works from David Lindsay’s dizzying, existential fantasy A Voyage to Arcturus, and Jean Ray’s Malpertuis, to Walpole’s spectacularly doomed edifice, The Castle of Otranto, all of which seems to occupy that same dream-like subconsciousness as that of Hodgson’s novel. As with Lindsay’s epic, The House on the Borderland is a daunting read, due to the enormous scope and sheer strangeness that it presents to its reader.

Reading the beautiful hardcover edition from Swan River Press, I thoroughly enjoyed Alan Moore’s insightful foreword and can see the influences of the novel in his work (particularly his early Green Lantern stories) as well as the excellent re-printed afterword by Ian Sinclair who ties the novel into the counterculture of the sixties as well as pose some truly interesting theories regarding the plot of the novel.

As I finished the book, it is the pressing aura of solitude and loneliness that lingers most heavily in my mind after the last pages. Rightly considered a masterpiece of weird fiction, Hodgson’s work is imbued with a strangeness and aura that is wholly exceptional and should be experienced by everyone with an interest in uncanny fiction.
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May 1, 2017 – Shelved
May 1, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
November 24, 2017 – Shelved as: weird-fiction
February 23, 2020 – Shelved as: my-library
October 1, 2021 – Started Reading
October 1, 2021 –
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October 4, 2021 –
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October 16, 2021 – Finished Reading

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Yórgos St. Excellent review

Patrick.G.P Thank you Yórgos!

message 3: by Brian (new) - added it

Brian Great review, Patrick, of such a singular novel. I was interested to read your thoughts on the feeling of loneliness and solitude in the book - that’s always been my impression when reading the novel. For all its unique, visionary imagery, it’s that overwhelming melancholy that has stayed with me.

Patrick.G.P Thank you, Brian, yes the solitude feels almost overwhelming near the end of the manuscript. It is something with being confronted with something so vast and unknowable and left with no answers, that really emphasizes the feeling of insignificance and despair.

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