
Suspicion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "suspicion" Showing 1-30 of 149
J.R.R. Tolkien
“Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

Scott Dikkers
“Statistically speaking, there is a 65 percent chance that the love of your life is having an affair. Be very suspicious.”
Scott Dikkers, You Are Worthless: Depressing Nuggets of Wisdom Sure to Ruin Your Day

Peter David
“That was when it was all made painfully clear to me. When you are a child, there is joy. There is laughter. And most of all, there is trust. Trust in your fellows. When you are an adult...then comes suspicion, hatred, and fear. If children ran the world, it would be a place of eternal bliss and cheer. Adults run the world; and there is war, and enmity, and destruction unending. Adults who take charge of things muck them up, and then produce a new generation of children and say, "The children are the hope of the future." And they are right. Children are the hope of the future. But adults are the damnation of the present, and children become adults as surely as adults become worm food.
Adults are the death of hope.”
Peter David, Tigerheart

Dark Jar Tin Zoo
“To find out if she really loved me, I hooked her up to a lie detector. And just as I suspected, my machine was broken.
Dark Jar Tin Zoo, Love Quotes for the Ages. Specifically Ages 19-91.

Criss Jami
“There's nothing more contagious than the laughter of young children; it doesn't even have to matter what they're laughing about.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Joyce Meyer
“Trust and faith bring joy to life and help relationships grow to their maximum potential.”
Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Sometimes your dearest friend whom you reveal most of your secrets to becomes so deadly and unfriendly without knowing that they were not really your friend.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Erik Pevernagie
“When the brain becomes too tired, the mind stops decrypting the perceptions in our mental world and surrenders willingly to the unguarded moments of life.
For some time, the safeguards of our thinking pattern weaken and discontinue the decoding of the chips of daily reality.
The mind picks the instants which are above suspicion, pure and innocent. ("Uber alle Gipfeln ist Ruh" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Joyce Meyer
“Some people think they have discernment when actually they are just suspicious..

Suspicion comes out of the unrenewed mind; discernment comes out of the renewed spirit.”
Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind

Erik Pevernagie
“When we cannot share our values any longer and our incipient intentions have become blurry, common understanding may turn into irredeemable misunderstanding. If the spirit of common perspectives and commitments has irreversibly been broken, we might patently drift down into suspicion, remorse or regret. As such, shared initiatives ought to be reasoned and well thought-out to avoid ‘understanding’ becoming ‘misunderstanding’ and ‘hope’ breaking down into ‘heartbreak’. ("The unbreakable code " )”
Erik Pevernagie

Gosho Aoyama
“Humans are suspicious and jealous creatures. When they see something perfect, they want to find a flaw.”
Gosho Aoyama, Detective Conan: Showdown with the Phantom Thief Kid Special Edition

Erik Pevernagie
“As people are retracting into their snail shell's security of “stay home, stay safe,” distrust has become the top concern on the list. A climate of suspicion or denunciation is taking hold, gradually destroying the strings of sociability. In the aftermath, every singular person must find out how to reweave the ties of trust and confidence in their community's social tissue. ("What do they think behind their dirty aprons?" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“Life gives us a bunch of choices because everything is a matter of perception. Where some see the light, others see darkness. Where some feel openness and expectation, others feel fear and danger. Where some are influenced by yin, others are dominated by yang. Where some are guided by trust, others are confined into suspicion. ( “Let us say more and speak less”)”
Erik Pevernagie

Alexandre Dumas
“Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit.”
Alexandre Dumas

Michel de Montaigne
“So it is with minds. Unless you keep them busy with some definite subject that will bridle and control them, they throw themselves in disorder hither and yon in the vague field of imagination... And there is no mad or idle fancy that they do not bring forth in the agitation.”
Michel de Montaigne

Karl Braungart
“We work in the city of Würzburg, which is between Frankfurt and Nürnberg. Eric and I are in military intelligence.”
Karl Braungart, Lost Identity

Tom  Baldwin
“I’ve got my Sig and I’m in a car I swiped,” Bert raged on.” I thought of that much ahead. I don’t miss! It’s like candy, Sammy. His car is candy red. Like Valentine’s Day for me!” I ain’t gonna let a perfect moment pass, Sammy. I’m my own man now in this stuff. I done enough already to earn the respect I don’t get. I’m not stupid, so go to bed.”
Tom Baldwin, Macom Farm

Karl Braungart
“Aha, Yury, I wonder if they are getting more US military. I am very anxious to get the recording. We want to know what is taking place between these Americans and Iraqis.”
Karl Braungart, Counter Identity

Tom  Baldwin
“I’ve watched hundreds of deed transfers take place right here on the steps of the Registry,” Michele mused. “At those moments of transfer, I’ve seen in the eyes of desperate sellers an emotional reconciliation of irrevocably relinquishing a homestead, a treasured dominion, willingly or otherwise. Perhaps all these deeds, Mr. Geoffrey…perhaps they, too, have their own soul, a predilection that would tell me more than what they say if only I had the capacity to ask.”
Tom Baldwin, Macom Farm

Ann Radcliffe
“Such is the inconsistency of real love, that it is always awake to suspicion, however unreasonable; always requiring new assurances from the object of its interest.”
Ann Radcliffe, The Mysteries of Udolpho

Daphne du Maurier
“She has done for me at last, Rachel my torment.”
Daphne du Maurier, My Cousin Rachel

Karl Braungart
“It wasn’t until I noticed two of the words on the sheet printed on a folder label. Sure enough, it was Williams’ study titled ‘Nuclear Waste Management.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“I realized he was on the island when I found this matchbook.”
Karl Braungart, Counter Identity

Karl Braungart
“I got the pictures with the names, and they match the passport photos and names from Madrid. How did you get the manager to help?”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“  “Yes, well, I thought you should see it. The cover page is in Arabic scribblin’, but the next hundred-plus pages are in five sections, and in English. I can’t for the life of me figure out what to make of it. This appears to be more American, and it seems to be a kind of scientific material. Have a look at it and let me know what to tell the boys in Z-land,”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Tom  Baldwin
“Catching the wrong Fish is unrewarding.”
Tom Baldwin, Macom Farm

Patrick Henry
“Suspicion is a virtue as long as its object is the public good, and as long as it stays within proper bounds. ... Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel.”
Patrick Henry

Tom  Baldwin
“The world was heating up and changing for the worse.”
Tom Baldwin, Macom Farm

Anthony Liccione
“Distrust is like a vicious fire that keeps going and going, even put out, it will reignite itself, devouring the good with the bad, and still feeding on empty.”
Anthony Liccione

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