Sing Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sing" Showing 151-180 of 250
Kamand Kojouri
“I have drunk the night
and swallowed the stars.
I am dancing with abandon
and singing with rapture.
There is not a thing I do not love.
There is not a person I have not forgiven.
I feel a universe of love.
I feel a universe of light.
Tonight, I am with old friends
and we are returning home.
The moon is our witness.”
Kamand Kojouri

Charlotte Eriksson
“Yesterday it was sun outside. The sky was blue and people were lying under blooming cherry trees in the park. It was Friday, so records were released, that people have been working on for years. Friends around me find success and level up, do fancy photo shoots and get featured on big, white, movie screens. There were parties and lovers, hand in hand, laughing perfectly loud,
but I walked numbly through the park, round and round,
40 times for 4 hours
just wanting to make it through the day.

There's a weight that inhabits my chest some times. Like a lock in my throat, making it hard to breathe. A little less air got through
and the sky was so blue I couldn’t look at it because it made me sad, swelling tears in my eyes and they dripped quietly on the floor as I got on with my day. I tried to keep my focus, ticked off the to-do list, did my chores. Packed orders, wrote emails, paid bills and rewrote stories,
but the panic kept growing, exploding in my chest. Tears falling on the desk
tick tick tick
me not making a sound
and some days I just don't know what to do. Where to go or who to see and I try to be gentle, soft and kind,
but anxiety eats you up and I just want to be fine.
This is not beautiful. This is not useful. You can not do anything with it and it tries to control you, throw you off your balance and lovely ways
but you can not let it.

I cleaned up. Took myself for a walk. Tried to keep my eyes on the sky. Stayed away from the alcohol, stayed away from the destructive tools we learn to use.
the smoking and the starving, the running, the madness,
thinking it will help but it only feeds the fire
and I don't want to hurt myself anymore.
I made it through and today I woke up, lighter and proud because I'm still here. There are flowers growing outside my window. The coffee is warm, the air is pure. In a few hours I'll be on a train on my way to sing for people who invited me to come, to sing, for them. My own songs, that I created. Me—little me. From nowhere at all.
And I have people around that I like and can laugh with, and it's spring again.
It will always be spring again.
And there will always be a new day.”
Charlotte Eriksson

Kamand Kojouri
“You must be more alive than life.
You must see darkness dance
and hear silence sing.
You must be more awake than light
for we aren’t born sleeping
and we shouldn’t live sleeping.
Only then will death’s slumber
become sweet.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“Art doesn’t give rise to anything in us that isn’t already there. It simply stirs our curious consciousness and sparks a fire that illuminates who we have always wanted to be.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“What is life?
Life is living in this moment,
experiencing and experimenting
but experience isn’t life.
Life is reflecting and meditating
but reflection isn’t life.
Life is helping and guiding
but philanthropy isn’t life.
Life is eating and drinking
but food isn’t life.
Life is reading and dancing
but art isn’t life.
Life is kissing and pleasuring
but sex isn’t life.
Life is winning and losing
but competition isn’t life.
Life is loving and caring
but love isn’t life.
Life is birthing and nurturing
but children aren’t life.
Life is letting go and surrendering
but death isn’t life.
Life is all these things
but all these things aren’t life.
Life is
always more.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“This is a day of celebration!
Today, we are divorcing the past
and marrying the present.
and you will find God
in every room.
Today, we are divorcing resentment
and marrying forgiveness.
and God will find you
in every tune.
Today, we are divorcing indifference
and marrying love.
Drink, and play that tambourine
against your thighs.
We have so much celebrating to do!”
Kamand Kojouri

Katherine Applegate
“If you can talk, you can sing. If you can walk, you can dance.”
Katherine Applegate, Home of the Brave

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“A free spirit is not bound by this, that, matter, materialism or opinion. They sing, dance and flow on the wind - for they are at one with it. They are nothing and everything - void and expanse. Even space and time does not confine or define them. For they are pure energy itself.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Akshay Vasu
“It is beautiful to hear, how even the demons inside me have started singing your name.”
Akshay Vasu

Jeannine Hall Gailey
“Ghosts sit in my mouth and sing.”
Jeannine Hall Gailey

Dianna Hardy
“Melody perfected was a song in itself – a ballad between notes that held all notes together. It was emotion unfurled and impeccably orchestrated, and if it did its job right, it would have no sense of itself. Melody became the story; its song and the singer, one force.”
Dianna Hardy, Blood Shadow

J.R. Rim
“Singers provide all the proof that we have souls.”
J.R. Rim

Munia Khan
“Ashes have no fear to burn in hell
In your heart's paradise angels dwell
Rib cage fastens all sins of the wrong
Your bones will sing you mortality’s song”
Munia Khan

Rick Riordan
“As our ship tumbled, free-falling through the eye of a saltwater cyclone, the nine giant maidens spiraled around us, weaving in and out of the tempest so they appeared to drown over and over again. Their faces contorted in anger and glee.
Their long hair lashed us with icy spray. Each time they emerged, they wailed and shrieked, but it wasn’t just random noise. Their screams had a tonal quality, like a chorus of whale songs played through heavy feedback. I even caught snippets of lyrics: boiling mead...wave daughters...death for you! It reminded me of the first time Halfborn Gunderson played Norwegian black metal for me.
After a few bars, it dawned on me...Oh, wait. That’s supposed to be music!”
Rick Riordan, The Ship of the Dead

Akshay Vasu
“Holding you in my arms always feels like holding a musical instrument that I love the most, moving my fingers on your skin feels like playing it. And my soul closes its eyes and starts singing along with the music I start creating.”
Akshay Vasu

“Why be sad, when you can sing?”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Dianna Hardy
“She wasn't really aware of the song as she sang it. Rather, she slipped through song's tunnel, down its corridor of reality, until she landed in the seat of the music. It was strangely healing; addictively powerful. She hadn't expected to become so engulfed by the notes.”
Dianna Hardy, Blood Shadow

Jay Woodman
“Open spaces sing to my heart
of the art of nature and the nature of art.”
Jay Woodman

“Nothing softens the heart like a song.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Debasish Mridha
“Be awesome! Let your mind dance like a butterfly and your heart sing like a flower.”
Debasish Mridha

“Laugh, I tell you
And you will turn back
The hands of time.

Smile, I tell you
And you will reflect
The face of the divine.

Sing, I tell you
And all the angels will sing with you!

Cry, I tell you
And the reflections found in your pool of tears -
Will remind you of the lessons of today and yesterday
To guide you through the fears of tomorrow.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Henry Miller
“I am going to sing for you, a little off key perhaps, but I will sing. I will sing while you croak, I will dance over your dirty corpse.”
Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer

“Are you sad, sing?”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“If you sing a song, you never be sad.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Life is a sorrow, without a song.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“If you sing a song, any brokenness shall heal.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Toba Beta
“Heaven resonates when one sings wholeheartedly.”
Toba Beta

“Music dissipates every misery.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“How could you be sad, when you can sing?”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Neither wail nor weep.”
Lailah Gifty Akita