
Self Value Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-value" Showing 1-30 of 51
C. JoyBell C.
“You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at you, but if you yourself don't know it, all of that doesn't even matter. Every second that you spend on doubting your worth, every moment that you use to criticize yourself; is a second of your life wasted, is a moment of your life thrown away. It's not like you have forever, so don't waste any of your seconds, don't throw even one of your moments away.”
C. JoyBell C.

John Green
“I just want to do something that matters. Or be something that matters. I just want to matter.”
John Green, An Abundance of Katherines

Erik Pevernagie
“After facing the relentless pandemic showdowns, many long for the glow of a new dawn and crave bright life stories with liberating slapsticks to shatter silenced desolation and pent-up rage, restoring self-value and broken identity.”
Erik Pevernagie, Stilling our Mind

Richard P. Feynman
“I think a power to do something is of value. Whether the result is a good thing or a bad thing depends on how it is used, but the power is a value.”
Richard P. Feynman, The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist

Pooja Agnihotri
“You’re not in the business because you want to create value for yourselves.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Michael Palmer
“Never compare your inside with somebody else's outside.
-Gabe Singleton remembering his counselor's first advice-”
Michael Palmer

C. JoyBell C.
“Dear young woman, do not place your sense of beauty and self worth, upon the plastic pedestal called "what other people say to you", "what other people think about your photo", "how many 'likes' your pictures get", "how many guys tell you that you look sexy", "how skinny can you be?". A plastic pedestal that is but the dismal shadow of the real one. Dear young woman, place your sense of self worth and beauty upon the Roman marble pedestal that will exist even when all other people are no longer there. If you were the very last person on this planet, you should still be able to know within your heart that you are worthy, you are beautiful, you are wanted. Even if you become the very last person on Earth, you should be fully wanted. Want yourself. Know yourself. See yourself as beautiful, see yourself as worthy.”
C. JoyBell C.

David Elliott
“I welcomed who I was and left behind who I was not.”
David Elliott, Voices

Sally Rooney
“She experiences a depression so deep it is tranquilizing, she eats whatever he tells her to eat, she experiences no more ownership over her own body than if it were a piece of litter.”
Sally Rooney, Normal People

Christine Evangelou
“In all that we lose, we rediscover a hidden part of ourselves. Loss is a road toward self discovery because it is only when we are stripped back to nothing, that we realise how truly valuable we are.”
Christine Evangelou, Stardust and Star Jumps: A Motivational Guide to Help You Reach Toward Your Dreams, Goals, and Life Purpose

Christine Evangelou
“Hunger Howls

You will always feel hungry if you keep starving yourself to feed others
The vacant call from your belly is a signal from your soul
The calls turn into howls
To realise your own worth
To value the ribbons of love that are angelically sewn
So deeply into every part of you
You are a tapestry of fine and rare art
With beauty in your bones
Find yourself in you
Feed yourself with love”
Christine Evangelou, Exit Point: Arrows From a Rebel Heart

Christine Evangelou
“We should not elevate anyone higher than our own heart.
If you do not value what you have to give then no one else will ever come close to what you truly deserve.”
Christine Evangelou, Beating Hearts and Butterflies: Poetry of Wounds, Wishes and Wisdom

Christine Evangelou

There is beauty both inside and outside of the cocoon that pushed you to grow
Through darkness and dysfunction, depth and despair
A vivid light splits through and steals you away
When you get comfortable with your own messy and beautiful self
Nothing and no-one can block you
You finally see your truth
You fall in line with the beat of your own vibration
You come out of your cocoon
A gorgeous butterfly”
Christine Evangelou, The Touch of 10,000 Words: Musings and Poetry: Love, Life, Inner Magic and the Pursuit of Dreams

“Do not be ashamed, Draco, to find yourself unable to control the contents of your own heart. But do not let that delude you either, into believing that just because someone holds your heart, that makes them worthy of it.”
starbrigid, Draco Malfoy and the House of Black

“We cannot be of any good to other people unless we are first good to ourselves.”
Dee Waldeck

Christine Evangelou
“Rescue your heart when you feel you need to
Choose to share it with those that value and appreciate everything you are
And everything you are not.
Hold your heart in your hands and cherish its riches.
Love in its purest form comes without judgement or conditions,
But you need to value your heart first so that others can love you there too.”
Christine Evangelou, Rocks Into Roses: Life Lessons and Inspiration for Personal Growth

Hope Edelman
“A daughter whose mother chose to leave her or was incapable of mothering may feel like a member of the emotional underclass, like a dispensable part of society whose needs the government has ignored. As a result, she often develops a sense of devaluation and unworthiness even more profound than that of the daughter whose mother has died.”
Hope Edelman, Motherless Daughters: The Legacy of Loss

“Self-reflection is a structured way to think positively and make better decisions.
Social awareness is to be empathetic with others, but be aware of the different emotional boundaries. To be clear in your own mind as to where your own emotions end and another person’s begins.”
Dee Waldeck

Christine Evangelou

I took my heart back. Beacuse no one could treasure it in the way they should have.”
Christine Evangelou, Diamonds Through The Dark: The Poetry I Am in Love, Faith and Fire

Jaachynma N.E. Agu
“Stop Creating and Inventing Excuses, No Matter How Reasonable They May Sound...They Still Reduce Your Worth & Value.”
Jaachynma N.E. Agu, Risk It, Be Different

Mac Duke

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Your ideas are expensive, let no one cheapen them.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions

C. JoyBell C.
“My dear child, you must know that you are not only valuable thanks to what you can give, to who you can be for others; but you are also valuable because of the spark of light inside that ignites your eyes, the laughter that is content within your heart, the way you look at your face in the mirror and feel good about what you see, the way you feel joy and sadness both because you are alive and you are you. We are worthy not only thanks to what we can give; but we are also worthy thanks to what we can keep and experience for ourselves. Our lives are not sacrifices. Live a life of calm, contentment and curiosities; not for someone else or for this world; but just because you are you and you are here.”
C. JoyBell C.

Hank Green
“Andy Scamp's simple list of the ways people feel valuable.
1. Just believing it.
Sometimes this is religious, sometimes it is not. God cares for everyone, but society is supposed to as well. We strive to live in a world that places tremendous even infinite value on a single human life. We do not live in that society, but I think part of the reason we strive for it is because we need to signal that our existence in intrinsically meaningful. This is the only source of meaning that does not rely on other people, it is also that hardest to hold onto.
2. Story
We understand ourselves in complex ways, but often times that can be distilled down into some core identities and we imagine these identities as part of a story and that that story is some intrinsically positive thing. It might being part of a tradition or breaking free of one. It might be your race or height or hair color. Your status as a child or a parent. Being a job creator or a Star Wars fan or a snowboarder. We create positive narrative around these things and when we fit in them we feel like we matter.
3. Being appreciated
It might be hearing someone laugh at your joke or being paid a living wage or getting likes on Instagram. It might be only external or come from within. Appreciation is almost synonymous with value and I think this is where most meaning comes from.
4. Helping People
This might sound the same as appreciation, but it is not. Indeed I think your average waste water treatment engineer will tell you that you can help a lot of people and not get a ton of thanks for it, but we are empathy machines and one of the most lasting and true ways of finding meaning is to actually be of service.
5. Comparison
You know, keeping up with the Jones. Also, every sport, but it is more than just comparing ourselves to other people. We also compare our current selves to our past selves which is why getting better at something makes us feel valuable. Even if we are the only ones who really understand how much we are improving.
6. Impacting the World
This one is simple, but so dangerous. If the world is different because you were in it then you must matter. You must be important if things changed because you exist, but if that is what you believe then the bigger the impact the more you matter and that can lead to some bad places.”
Hank Green, A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor

Sadie Robertson
“If you let what you believe about yourself—and what other people believe about you—define your life, that would be a tragedy. You’ll never find out what you’re capable of. But your life can change the world when you start believing good things for yourself.”
Sadie Robertson, Live

Sadie Robertson
“Remember, God created us because He wanted a relationship with us. Go read Psalm 139 if you are doubting that. God knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb, He saw you, He has always had a plan for you, and your life was written in His book before you took your first breath.”
Sadie Robertson, Live

Julia Cameron
“Seeking to value ourselves, we look to others for assurance. If what we are doing, threatens them, they cannot give it. If what we envision is larger than what they can see, they cannot give support for what it is we are doing.”
Julia Cameron, The Right to Write: An Invitation and Initiation Into the Writing Life

Kamand Kojouri
“Who are you to refuse yourself?”
Kamand Kojouri

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