
Non Existence Quotes

Quotes tagged as "non-existence" Showing 1-17 of 17
Erik Pevernagie
“Life gives us a flair of awareness in the breeze of our daily journey and offers a free reign to explore what we are, to experience what we are not and to find out what we may become: a free ride until everything melts down into the indistinct and indefinite, while walking up to the ultimate gate of non-existence. ("Living on probation")”
Erik Pevernagie

Victor Pelevin
“How can non-existence get sick of itself?

Everytime you wake up, you appear again out of nowhere. And so does everything else. Death just means the replacement of the usual morning waking with something else, something quite impossible even to think about. We don't even have the instrument to do it, because our mind & our world are the same thing.”
Victor Pelevin, Babylon

Stanisław Lem
“Everyone knows that dragons don’t exist. But while this simplistic formulation may satisfy the layman, it does not suffice for the scientific mind. The School of Higher Neantical Nillity is in fact wholly unconcerned with what does exist. Indeed, the banality of existence has been so amply demonstrated, there is no need for us to discuss it any further here. The brilliant Cerebron, attacking the problem analytically, discovered three distinct kinds of dragon: the mythical, the chimerical, and the purely hypothetical. They were all, one might say, nonexistent, but each non-existed in an entirely different way.”
Stanisław Lem, The Cyberiad

Garielle Lutz
“From time to time I show up in myself just long enough for people to know they are not in the room alone.”
Gary Lutz, Stories in the Worst Way

Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky
“People are ignorant of what any street clock knows. Why? Because the crack that cleaves existence also swallows their existence-reflecting consciousnesses. Thrown back into existence, the poor souls don't suspect that a moment ago they didn't exist - and only isolated things and persons, swallowed by the crack never to return to this world, arouse a certain fear and foreboding.”
Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky, Autobiography of a Corpse

Milan Kundera
“He looks at houses, chateaus, forests, and thinks about the countless generations who used to see those things and who are gone now; and he understands that everything he is seeing is oblivion; pure oblivion, the oblivion whose absolute state will soon be achieved, the moment he himself is gone. And again I think about the obvious idea (that astoundingly obvious idea) that everything that exists (nation, thought, music) can also not exist.”
Milan Kundera, Encounter

“When a lie makes a soft bed for everyone, may the truth lie low. God as commonly understood appears to be one such lie. God as non-existence is not everyone's cup of tea and He better remain so.”
R. N. Prasher

Elmar Hussein
“Who are we? Nobody. We have come into existence from nothingness, and one day we'll also belong to the state of non-existence.”
Elmar Hussein

Giannis Delimitsos
“Death may be seen as a generous gift that is offered to us as a reward for our willingness to endure life and to play the game until the end. And if it’s true that after death there is only death, non-existence, that would be the holiest of all the blessings!”
Giannis Delimitsos, A PHILOSOPHICAL KALEIDOSCOPE: Thoughts, Contemplations, Aphorisms

Giannis Delimitsos
“The world, and we as a part thereof, are the carnival mask on the face of Nonbeing.”
Giannis Delimitsos

Marsha Hinds
“On Atheism – If people continue to think of atheism as a kind of religion, then I demand all the perks that real religions get. I want to build big empty buildings where like-minded people can gather once a week to debate a non-existent deity. I want tax-exempt status. I want real food, not cheap wine and crackers. I want a rocking band. I want altar men! Not altar boys—altar MEN—and I want them to look like the chain-clad guy who hands an envelope to RuPaul at the beginning of “To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar”.”
Marsha Hinds

Marsha Hinds
“On Atheism – If people continue to think of atheism as a kind of religion, then I demand all the perks that real religions get. I want to build big empty buildings where like-minded people can gather once a week to debate a non-existent deity. I want tax-exempt status. I want real food, not cheap wine and crackers. I want a rocking band. I want altar men! Not altar boys—altar MEN—and I want them to look like the chain-clad guy who hands an envelope to RuPaul at the beginning of To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar.”
Marsha Hinds

جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel
“انقلب الواقع عندي إلى كذبة، وسكنت الحقيقة عالم اللاوجود.”
جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel, صراع الأقنعة

“Zero is not a point of non-existence. Zero is always a balance point of existents. The human understanding of “zero” must undergo the most radical of all transformations. Most people, especially scientists, associate it with absolute nothingness, with non-existence. This is absolutely untrue.”
Thomas Stark, God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics

Sebastián Wortys
“English: "When something does not exist in a way we imagine it, it does not mean the thing doesn't exist at all."

Česky: „To, že něco neexistuje tak, jak si to představujeme, neznamená, že by to neexistovalo vůbec.”
Sebastián Wortys, Vtiposcifilo-z/s-ofie

Shawn   Davis
“Life is hard because it cannot last, because it must not last. Its very definition is that which lies tenuously between nonexistence and nonexistence.”
Shawn Davis, The Talk: A Young Person's Guide to Life's Big Questions

Sebastián Wortys
“English: "Consensus on non-existence is easier than consensus on the manner of existence."

Česky: „Shoda o neexistenci je snazší než shoda o způsobu existence.”
Sebastián Wortys