
Modesty Quotes

Quotes tagged as "modesty" Showing 1-30 of 248
Ralph Waldo Emerson
“A great man is always willing to be little.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Harry Truman
“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”
Harry S. Truman

A.A. Milne
“It's not much of a tail, but I'm sort of attached to it.”
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Ronald Reagan
“There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit.”
Ronald Reagan

Clarissa Pinkola Estés
“There is probably no better or more reliable measure of whether a woman has spent time in ugly duckling status at some point or all throughout her life than her inability to digest a sincere compliment. Although it could be a matter of modesty, or could be attributed to shyness- although too many serious wounds are carelessly written off as "nothing but shyness"- more often a compliment is stuttered around about because it sets up an automatic and unpleasant dialogue in the woman's mind.

If you say how lovely she is, or how beautiful her art is, or compliment anything else her soul took part in, inspired, or suffused, something in her mind says she is undeserving and you, the complimentor, are an idiot for thinking such a thing to begin with. Rather than understand that the beauty of her soul shines through when she is being herself, the woman changes the subject and effectively snatches nourishment away from the soul-self, which thrives on being acknowledged."

"I must admit, I sometimes find it useful in my practice to delineate the various typologies of personality as cats and hens and ducks and swans and so forth. If warranted, I might ask my client to assume for a moment that she is a swan who does not realzie it. Assume also for a moment that she has been brought up by or is currently surrounded by ducks.

There is nothing wrong with ducks, I assure them, or with swans. But ducks are ducks and swans are swans. Sometimes to make the point I have to move to other animal metaphors. I like to use mice. What if you were raised by the mice people? But what if you're, say, a swan. Swans and mice hate each other's food for the most part. They each think the other smells funny. They are not interested in spending time together, and if they did, one would be constantly harassing the other.

But what if you, being a swan, had to pretend you were a mouse? What if you had to pretend to be gray and furry and tiny? What you had no long snaky tail to carry in the air on tail-carrying day? What if wherever you went you tried to walk like a mouse, but you waddled instead? What if you tried to talk like a mouse, but insteade out came a honk every time? Wouldn't you be the most miserable creature in the world?

The answer is an inequivocal yes. So why, if this is all so and too true, do women keep trying to bend and fold themselves into shapes that are not theirs? I must say, from years of clinical observation of this problem, that most of the time it is not because of deep-seated masochism or a malignant dedication to self-destruction or anything of that nature. More often it is because the woman simply doesn't know any better. She is unmothered.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Christopher Hitchens
“I suppose that one reason I have always detested religion is its sly tendency to insinuate the idea that the universe is designed with 'you' in mind or, even worse, that there is a divine plan into which one fits whether one knows it or not. This kind of modesty is too arrogant for me.”
Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir

Vladimir Nabokov
“I am sufficiently proud of my knowing something to be modest about my not knowing all.”
Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita

Yasmin Mogahed
“My value as a woman is not measured by the size of my waist or the number of men who like me. My worth as a human being is measured on a higher scale: a scale of righteousness and piety. And my purpose in life-despite what fashion magazines say-is something more sublime than just looking good for men.”
Yasmin Mogahed, Reclaim Your Heart: Personal Insights on Breaking Free from Life's Shackles

“Having a low opinion of yourself is not 'modesty.' It's self-destruction. Holding your uniqueness in high regard is not 'egotism.' It's a necessary precondition to happiness and success.”
Bobbe Sommer

“Now. Now, Annwyl. No need to curtsy. A simple nod of your head and absolute worship will be more than enough.”
G.A. Aiken, Dragon Actually

Margery Williams Bianco
“He didn't mind how he looked to other people, because the nursery magic had made him Real, and when you are Real shabbiness doesn't matter.”
Margery Williams Bianco, The Velveteen Rabbit

Margaret Atwood
“Modesty is invisibility...Never forget it. To be seen—to be seen—is to be...penetrated. What you must be girls, is impenetrable.”
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale

Christopher Hitchens
“I have met some highly intelligent believers, but history has no record to say that [s]he knew or understood the mind of god. Yet this is precisely the qualification which the godly must claim—so modestly and so humbly—to possess. It is time to withdraw our 'respect' from such fantastic claims, all of them aimed at the exertion of power over other humans in the real and material world.”
Christopher Hitchens, The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever

Jane Austen
“That will do extremely well, child. You have delighted us long enough. Let the other young ladies have time to exhibit.”
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

Cassandra Clare
“You might want to put some clothes on' suggested Jace 'I'm all for the bra and panties look, but you don't want the Silent Brothers to die of excitement”
Cassandra Clare, City of Fallen Angels

“It seems to be the fashion nowadays for a girl to behave as much like a man as possible. Well, I won't! I'll make the best of being a girl and be as nice a specimen as I can: sweet and modest, a dear, dainty thing with clothes smelling all sweet and violety, a soft voice, and pretty, womanly ways. Since I'm a girl, I prefer to be a real one!”
Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

Terry Pratchett
“Modesty is only arrogance by stealth.”
Terry Pratchett, The Long Earth

Francine Pascal
“He slowed down a bit more. "Gaia, how do you know these things?" She shrugged. "I'm smart." "And modest, too." "Modesty is a waste of time," she pronounced. "I'll keep that in mind.”
Francine Pascal, Fearless

Coco Chanel
“I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity. Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. I stay in the game to fight it.”
Coco Chanel

Yasmin Mogahed
“[A Letter to the Culture that Raised Me] I'm not here to be on display. And my body is not for public consumption. I will not be reduced to an object, or a pair of legs to sell shoes. I'm a soul, a mind, a servant of God. My worth is defined by the beauty of my soul, my heart, my moral character. So I won't worship your beauty standards, and I don't submit to your fashion sense. My submission is to something higher.”
Yasmin Mogahed, Reclaim Your Heart: Personal Insights on Breaking Free from Life's Shackles

Douglas Wilson
“Immodest and attractive is easy. Modest and repulsive is easy too. But modest and attractive is an art form.”
Douglas Wilson, 5 Paths to the Love of Your Life: Defining Your Dating Style

Israelmore Ayivor
“If you lose your integrity, you will also lose your identity, your sensitivity and your dignity. Integrity is honesty, modesty and security in all kinds of weather. It should be our priority!”
Israelmore Ayivor

Albert Einstein
“A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.

Imperial Hotel note paper, Tokyo Japan, 1922”
Albert Einstein

Kahlil Gibran
“Your clothes conceal much of your beauty, yet they hide not the unbeautiful.
And though you seek in garments the freedom of privacy you may find in them a harness and a chain.
Would that you could meet the sun and the wind with more of your skin and less of your rainment.
For the breath of life is in the sunlight and the hand of life is in the wind.
Some of you say 'It is the north wind who has woven the clothes we wear.'
And I say, 'Ay, it was the north wind, but shame was his loom, and the softening of the sinews was his thread.'
And when his work was done he laughed in the forest.
Forget not that modesty is for a shield against the eye of the unclean.
And when the unclean shall be no more, what were modesty but a fetter and a fouling of the mind?
And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.”
Gibran, Kahlil Gibran

Winston S. Churchill
“A modest little person, with much to be modest about.”
Winston S. Churchill

“He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good.”
Confucius, The Sayings of Confucius

Manis Friedman
“It's like the old question, "Do you lock your house to keep people out, or to protect what's inside?" Should a person act modestly and dress modestly in order to prevent intrusion from the outside, undesirable things from happening, or to preserve and maintain what is inside: the delicate and sensitive ability to have and maintain an intimate relationship.”
Manis Friedman, Doesn't Anyone Blush Anymore: Love, Marriage and the Art of Intimacy

Adam Smith
“The prudent man always studies seriously and earnestly to understand whatever he professes to understand, and not merely to persuade other people that he understands it; and though his talents may not always be very brilliant, they are always perfectly genuine. He neither endeavours to impose upon you by the cunning devices of an artful impostor, nor by the arrogant airs of an assuming pedant, nor by the confident assertions of a superficial and imprudent pretender. He is not ostentatious even of the abilities which he really possesses. His conversation is simple and modest, and he is averse to all the quackish arts by which other people so frequently thrust themselves into public notice and reputation.”
Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments

Wendy Shalit
“The best protection against rape, stalking, and domestic violence is to raise men who both understand that women are different, and would never dare take advantage of this difference.”
Wendy Shalit, A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue

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