
Malediction Quotes

Quotes tagged as "malediction" Showing 1-18 of 18
Emily Brontë
“Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living. You said I killed you--haunt me then. The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe--I know that ghosts have wandered the earth. Be with me always--take any form--drive me mad. Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!”
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

“You're going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.”
Joss Whedon

Emily Brontë
“May she wake in torment!" he cried, with frightful vehemence, stamping his foot, and groaning in a sudden paroxysm of ungovernable passion. "Why, she's a liar to the end! Where is she? Not there—not in heaven—not perished—where? Oh! you said you cared nothing for my sufferings! And I pray one prayer—I repeat it till my tongue stiffens—May she wake in torment!" he cried, with frightful vehemence, stamping his foot, and groaning in a sudden paroxysm of ungovernable passion. "Why, she's a liar to the end! Where is she? Not there—not in heaven—not perished—where? Oh! you said you cared nothing for my sufferings! And I pray one prayer—I repeat it till my tongue stiffens—Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living; you said I killed you—haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always—take any form—drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! it is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!”
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

Cornelia Funke
“For him that stealeth, or borroweth and returneth not, this book from its owner, let it change into a serpent in his hand and rend him.
Let him be struck with palsy, and all his members blasted.
Let him languish in pain, crying aloud for mercy, and let there be no surcease to this agony till he sing in dissolution.
Let bookworms gnaw his entrails in token of the worm that dieth not, and when at last he goeth to his last punishment, let the flames of hell consume him for ever.

Curse on book thieves, from the monastery of San Pedro, Barcelona, Spain”
Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

Keisha Keenleyside
“May the fleas of a thousand camels invade the crotch of the person that ruins your day. And may their arms be to short too scratch”
Keisha Keenleyside

J.R.R. Tolkien
“There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for this treachery.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

Cassandra Clare
“I curse you," it said. "All who love you will die. Their love will be their destruction. It may take moments, it may take years, but any who look upon you with love will die of it, unless you remove yourself from them forever. And I shall begin it with her." It snarled in Ella’s direction, and
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Rick Riordan
“Curse Hermes and his multi-vitamins!”
Rick Riordan, The Sea of Monsters

Christopher Moore
“May the IRS find that you deduct your pet sheep as an entertainment expense.”
Christopher Moore, Practical Demonkeeping

Mercedes Lackey
“In a calm, clear voice, she suggested that the wyrsa in question could do several highly improbable, athletically difficult and possibly biologically impractical things involving its own mother, a few household implements, and a dead fish.”
Mercedes Lackey, The Silver Gryphon

Charles Dickens
“If I dropped a tear upon your hand, may it wither it up! If I spoke a gentle word in your hearing, may it deafen you! If I touched you with my lips, may the touch be poison to you! A curse upon this roof that gave me shelter! Sorrow and shame upon your head! Ruin upon all belonging to you!”
Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son


May they never
Return home at night...

May you have no part of eventide,
May you have no room of your own,
Nor road, nor return.
May your days be all exactly the same,
Five Fridays in a row,
Always an unlucky Tuesday,
No Sunday,
May you have no more little worries,
Tears or inspiration,
For you yourself are the greatest worry on earth:

Visar Zhiti, The Condemned Apple: Selected Poetry (Green Integer)

Jez Butterworth
“I, Rooster John Byron, hereby place a curse
Upon the Kennet and Avon Council,
May they wander the land for ever,
Never sleep twice in the same bed,
Never drink water from the same well,
And never cross the same river twice in a year.
He who steps in my blood, may it stick to them
Like hot oil. May it scorch them for life,
And may the heat dry up their souls,
And may they be filled with the melancholy
Wine won't shift. And all their newborn babies
Be born mangled, with the same marks,
The same wounds of their fathers.
Any uniform which brushes a single leaf of this wood
Is cursed, and he who wears it this St George's Day,
May he not see the next.”
Jez Butterworth, Jerusalem

Stephen King
“Purpurfargade ansiktet”
Stephen King, Thinner

“Curse you, cheap beer. Must find miso in tiny packet.”

“I hope the Vandals had thorns in their sandals”
Arthur Guiterman

Nadine Gordimer
“The malediction is upon him even if the law does not exact it.”
Nadine Gordimer, The House Gun

Olivia Gometz
“Le cœur de la jeune femme tambourinait dans sa poitrine. Relâchant son poignet gauche, le duc effleura son menton avec une douceur inquiétante.
— Le pouvoir coule dans nos veines, et c’est bien moins une grâce qu’une malédiction.”
Olivia Gometz, Les Carmidor : Trahir et Survivre