
Lethal Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lethal" Showing 1-30 of 30
Erik Pevernagie
“We may like to combat disease or even want to cure death. We may try to surf on the waves of infinity and attempt to kill mortality. Nobody, though, ever recovers from the lethal illness. In the meantime, we’d better unlock temporal moments that deliver touches of eternity. They, for sure, never disappoint. (" Living on probation")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“The global Corona conflict has rammed people into trenches. Invisible, lethal, viral weapons have replaced visible whistling bullets and thunderous bombs. As we don’t know who is calling the shots, it is difficult to tell how we can call a truce with imperceptible enemies. (“What do they hide behind their dirty aprons”)”
Erik Pevernagie

Bret Easton Ellis
“I felt lethal, on the verge of frenzy. My nightly bloodlust overflowed into my days and I had to leave the city. My mask of sanity was a victim of impending slippage. This was the bone season for me and I needed a vacation.”
Bret Easton Ellis, American Psycho

Christine Feehan
“When Jackson used that particular tone of voice, men died, pure and simple.”
Christine Feehan, Safe Harbor

Sarah Noffke
“I’m a heartless optimist. This combination could make me lethal, but mostly it has led to a successful hermit lifestyle.”
Sarah Noffke, Awoken

Margaret Atwood
“Forced to chose between one irascible tyrant and another, Laura had chosen the one which was greater, and also further away.”
Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin

Sandra       Brown
“His gut was stitched up good and tight, but that didn’t prevent it from flopping. He wiped his damp palms on the legs of his jeans and stood up shakily, leaning heavily on his cane.
He called himself a masochist for putting himself through this torture day after day.
He braced himself for the disappointment of having to go home alone.
He braced himself for happiness like he’d never known in his entire life.
He watched the door they would come through.”
Sandra Brown, Lethal

David Weber
“Other folk thought the Rage was simple bloodlust, a berserk savagery that neither knew nor cared what its target was, and so it was when it struck without warning. But when a hradani gave himself to it knowingly, it was as cold as it was hot, as rational as it was lethal. To embrace the Rage was to embrace a splendor, a glory, a denial of all restraint but not of reason. It was pure, elemental purpose, unencumbered by compassion or horror or pity, yet it was far more than mere frenzy.”
David Weber, Oath of Swords

S.J. Kincaid
“Wyatt avoided the petty gunfights and headed to a saloon and rigged up a bunch of Molotov cocktails. Her firebombs against members of Tom and Vik's posse had destroyed the scenario's promise of so many wonderful gun duels. She'd killed most of their group, too, and shown everyone that she wasn't getting promoted only because of her programming skills. Her dislike of fighting had paradoxically turned her into a lethal killing machine.”
S. J. Kincaid

C.D. Gorri
“She doesn’t seem to like me very much. Why is she here?” I wondered about the
testing Uncle Sean spoke of, but I was more concerned with the lethal blonde who
seemed to have taken an instant dislike to me.

C.D. Gorri, Hunter Moon

Steven Magee
“Police intentionally murdering a mentally unstable person will always be unacceptable when there are numerous other non-lethal options available to them.”
Steven Magee

Taylor Stevens
“One foot in front of the other, more aimless than direct, Bradford left the waiting room for the outside world. Called for a taxi and then dialed Munroe again, desperate for her voice, for one ray of light in the darkness, afraid of what he might say if she did answer, afraid of himself and the inner deadening that pointed to a danger far more lethal than any rage he'd felt.”
Taylor Stevens, The Doll

“Tedium is a dangerous thing, potentially lethal.”
Nina -, Johnny Kiddow

“with the police doing all the killing, who do we call when our hero's are the villain”
O.S. Hickman

Thomas Bernhard
“We have relinquished and abandoned and left behind and forgotten what we believed we had to relinquish, abandon and leave behind and ultimately forget; we have let ourselves go and we have gone away and we have gone under, but we have relinquished nothing and abandoned nothing and left behind nothing and forgotten nothing; we have in reality extinguished nothing whatsoever, because our parents did not inform us of or enlighten us about the fact that our life-process is in reality nothing but a process of illness. We were up above, in the company of our parents, locked up in our walls and in our rooms and in our books and papers and everything around us and in us was nothing but lethal and we are down below, without our parents, again locked up in these walls and in our rooms and in our books and papers and everything around us and in us is nothing but lethal.”
Thomas Bernhard

“The energy of youth with the experience of age is a lethal combination.”
Murad S. Shah

Anurag Shourie
“A weapon is only an extension of one’s own persona; as lethal or useless as the person wielding it.”
Anurag Shourie, Half A Shadow

Steven Magee
“Mother nature is in the process of receiving a lethal injection of man-made toxins.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Mental health is the problem and guns are not the solution.”
Steven Magee

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The enemy is often the one that we have created, which can make it more lethal than the enemy that we are in denial of.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Stacey Marie Brown
“All these boys were lethal. It really wasn't fair.”
Stacey Marie Brown, Darkness of Light

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
“A theory is like medicine (or government): often useless, sometimes necessary, always self-serving, and on occasion lethal. So it needs to be used with care, moderation and close adult supervision.”
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable

Margaret Atwood
“I reach out in love, my hands are guns,
my good intentions are completely lethal.”
Margaret Atwood

“Since the mouth is a lethal weapon, you must learn to speak and listen with your eyes”
Charmaine J. Forde

“Since the mouth is a lethal weapon, one must learn to speak and listen with their eyes”
Charmaine J. Forde

Steven Magee
“Guns are the problem and more guns are not the solution.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“My lethal weapon is a brain.”
Steven Magee

Joe Satoria
“It’s where you saved my life but as long as I’m with you, I’m home.”
Joe Satoria
tags: lethal

“Focus, Donal. Why should you care who the lethal woman flirts with?”
Stefon Mears, Magician's Choice