
Jodi Picoult Quotes

Quotes tagged as "jodi-picoult" Showing 1-30 of 79
Jodi Picoult
“Until this moment, I had not realized that someone could break your heart twice, along the very same fault lines.”
Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper

Jodi Picoult
“She was all the things I wasn't. And i was all the things she wasn't. she could paint circles around anyone; I couldn't even draw a straight line. She was never into sports; I've always been. Her hand, it fit mine.”
Jodi Picoult, The Pact

Jodi Picoult
“Besides the obvious difference, there was not much distinction between losing a best friend and losing a lover: it was all about intimacy. One moment, you had someone to share your biggest triumphs and fatal flaws with; the next minute, you had to keep them bottled inside. One moment, you'd start to call her to tell her a snippet of news or to vent about your awful day before realizing you did not have that right anymore; the next, you could not remember the digits of her phone number.”
Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult
“She puts her hands on either side of my face, and the room falls away. I have never gotten so lost in a kiss before.
And then, the space between us explodes. My heart keeps missing beats and my hands cannot bring her close enough to me. I taste her and realize I have been starving.
I have loved before, but it didn't feel like this.
I have kissed before, but it didn't burn me alive.
Maybe it lasts a minute, and maybe it's an hour. All I know is that kiss, and how soft her skin is when it brushes against mine, and that even if I did not know it until now, I have been waiting for this person forever.”
Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult
“Envy, after all, comes from wanting something that isn't yours. But grief comes from losing something you've already had.”
Jodi Picoult, Perfect Match

Jodi Picoult
“If you didn't remember something happening, was it because it never had happened? Or because you wished it hadn't?”
Jodi Picoult, Plain Truth

Jodi Picoult
“I think you're the only person who gets me. When I'm with you, the world doesn't feel like a problem I can't figure out. Please come to the dance, because you're my music.”
Jodi Picoult, House Rules

Jodi Picoult
“You can make it dark, but I can't make it light.”
Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper

Jodi Picoult
“If she spoke, she would tell him the truth: she was not okay at all, but horribly empty, now that she knew what it was like to be filled.”
Jodi Picoult, Plain Truth

Jodi Picoult
“An oncology ward is a battlefield, and there are definite hierarchies of command. The patients, they're the ones doing the tour of duty. The doctors breeze in and out like conquering heroes, but they need to read your child's chart to remember where they've left off from the previous visit. It is the nurses who are the seasoned sergeants -- the ones who are there when your baby is shaking with such a high fever she needs to be bathed in ice, the ones who can teach you how to flush a central venous catheter, or suggest which patient floor might still have Popsicles left to be stolen, or tell you which dry cleaners know how to remove the stains of blood and chemotherapies from clothing. The nurses know the name of your daughter's stuffed walrus and show her how to make tissue paper flowers to twine around her IV stand. The doctors may be mapping out the war games, but it is the nurses who make the conflict bearable.”
Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper

Jodi Picoult
“Like a missing tooth, sometimes an absence is more noticeable than a presence.”
Jodi Picoult, Lone Wolf

Jodi Picoult
“The wolves knew when it was time to stop looking for what they'd lost, to focus instead on what was yet to come.”
Jodi Picoult, Lone Wolf

“The question is not if you're willing to die for her. The question is, can you live without her?”
jodi picoult samantha van leer, Between the Lines

Jodi Picoult
“Life, it turns out, goes on. There is no cosmic rule that grants you immunity from the details just because you have come face-to-face with a catastrophe. The garbage can still overflow, the bills arrive in the mail, telemarketers, interrupt dinner.”
Jodi Picoult, Perfect Match

Jodi Picoult
“When feeling came back, in a storm of color and force and sensation, the most you could do was hold on to the person beside you and hope you could weather it. Alex closed her eyes and expected the worst-but it wasn't a bad thing; it was just a different thing. A messier one, more complicated one. She hesitated, and then she kissed Patrick back, willing to concede that you might have to lose control before you could find what you'd been missing.”
Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes

Jodi Picoult
“It's the child who's supposed to cry, and the mom who makes it all better, not the other way around, which is why mothers will move heaven and earth to hold it together in front of their own kids.”
Jodi Picoult, House Rules

Jodi Picoult
“Clearly God was in some kind of mood on my birthday.”
Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper

Jodi Picoult
“The thing that most people didn't understand, if they weren't in his line if work, was that a rape victim and a victim of a fatal accident were both gone forever. The difference was that the rape victim still had to go through the motions of being alive.”
Jodi Picoult, The Tenth Circle

Jodi Picoult
“What would you do if you only had one day left in this world? Spend it with the people you love? Travel to the far corners of the earth to see as many wonders as possible? Eat nothing but chocolate? Would you apologize for all your mistakes? Would you stand up to those you'd never had the courage to face? Would you tell your secret crush that you loved him or her? Why is it that we wait till the last minute to do the things we should be doing all along?”
Jodi Picoult, Off the Page

Jodi Picoult
“During the night he'd kicked off a sock; his toes were plump as early peas; it was all she could do not to taste his caramel skin. So much of the language of love was like that: you devoured someone with your eyes, you drank in the sight of him,you swallowed him whole. Love was sustenance, broken down and beating through your bloodstream.”
Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes

Jodi Picoult
“There are some nights when you just want to know there's someone else besides you in this wide world.”
Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult
“People believed what they wanted to believe, no matter what was right in front of their eyes.”
Jodi Picoult, The Tenth Circle

Jodi Picoult
“Coop kissed me deeply, drawing my breath from me in a long, sweet ribbon. "Perhaps I haven't mentioned it, but I'm an expert when it comes to first steps."

Are you," I said. "Then tell me how."

You close your eyes," Coop answered, "and jump.”
Jodi Picoult, Plain Truth

Jodi Picoult
“There's got to be a moment when that baby [flying] squirrel looks from the end of one branch to the tree six feet away and thinks twice about making a leap. Falling in love is no different; it's the moment that we close our eyes and throw away everything that seems reasonable and hope to God there's someone or something waiting to catch us on the other side.”
Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult
“Cara: I used to believe everything my brother told me, because he was older and I figured he knew more about the world. But as it turns out, being a grown-up doesn't mean you're fearless. It just means you fear different things.”
Jodi Picoult, Lone Wolf

Jodi Picoult
“It's like the psychiatrists themselves are buying into that stupid belief that therapy is something to hide.”
Jodi Picoult, House Rules

Jodi Picoult
“What if the one I choose to discount is one who has been truly hurt?”
Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult
“I smiled at him as best I could and pushed the paper across the table before he could change his mind. Because Henry DeVille was correct - there was an ingredient in my baking more concenctrated than any extract, more pungent than any spice; an ingredient that everyone would recognize and no one was able to name: it was regret, and it rose when one least expected. ”
Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult
“An item that looks perfectly normal on the surface might only be disguised.”
Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult
“How do you know she’s the one for you?
...and did you ever notice how, when she’s nervous,she sings? Off-key?
You like that?
Well, that's the thing. I think her flaws make me love her even more. She’s not perfect, but she’s perfect to me.”
Jodi Picoult, Between the Lines

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