Inspirational Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inspirational-quotes" Showing 2,941-2,970 of 25,898
Mohamad Jebara
“On the day he was born, Muhammad was given a unique name—and with it a mission to model positive behavior to inspire others. The great inventors of the Golden Age sought to emulate his success by applying his mindset of blossoming to their own circumstances. Each manifested his methodology in trailblazing innovations that not only reflected their individuality but also transformed the world—precisely the lifetime goal Muhammad’s mother had articulated for her son on her deathbed.

Indeed, Aminah’s inspiring last words reverberate beyond six-year- old Muhammad to reach people of all backgrounds across the genera- tions: strive to be a world-changer in your own unique way.”
Mohamad Jebara, Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait

“Few can see wither their road will lead them till they come to its end”

“You don't know peace until you've become comfortable in your own skin. Having nothing to prove is the biggest flex.”
Kierra C.T. Banks

“Anything that's easy ain't worth a damn”
Woody Hayes

“A bomb here and a bullet there

A bomb here and a bullet there,
A wall riddled with bullets everywhere,

A man dead, a woman crying,
A young child crying and for nobody’s sake dying,

A building collapsing somewhere,
Homes on fire everywhere,

A soldier scanning for enemies,
A civilian seeking innocence in these wary faces who too are born of fairies,

A state of emergency declared in the war torn regions,
It is a crisis of all sorts, for humans, for every life form, and for my once familiar flock of pigeons,

Feelings of nothingness and nowhere appear to dominate,
Because that is what happens to mind when you have nothing to share but only hate,

A bullet to kill someone you don't even know,
A bomb to destroy a home that for someone is all he/she could ever know,

All gone, all lost, all turned to ash,
And from the sky a plane falls, it appears to be a fateful crash,

Where someone will die soon,
And it will be missed by many, and ah the pain of the moon,

To not find him anywhere not even in the sky,
For when you crash in wars you do not die,

A part of lies on Earth and a part of you in the Sky,
Confusing the angel of death whether to claim the remains that lie on the Earth or the hopes that died in the Sky,

Wars do not end when bullets are not fired and bombs do not fall anymore,
Because those who lose their hopes to wars are in a state of war forever and its immortal pain is what their hearts cannot ignore,

For a few it is just about a bomb here and a bullet there,
Unable to see injured memories and dying hopes everywhere!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Christmas is a timeless tale of hope, love, and the profound art of selfless giving.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“A bomb here and a bullet there

A bomb here and a bullet there,
A wall riddled with bullets everywhere,

A man dead, a woman crying,
A young child crying and for nobody’s sake dying,

A building collapsing somewhere,
Homes on fire everywhere,

A soldier scanning for enemies,
A civilian seeking innocence in these wary faces who too are born of fairies,

A state of emergency declared in the war torn regions,
It is a crisis of all sorts, for humans, for every life form, and for my once familiar flock of pigeons,

Feelings of nothingness and nowhere appear to dominate,
Because that is what happens to mind when you have nothing to share but only hate,

A bullet to kill someone you don't even know,
A bomb to destroy a home that for someone is all he/she could ever know,

All gone, all lost, all turned to ash,
And from the sky a plane falls, it appears to be a fateful crash,

Where someone will die soon,
And it will be missed by many, and ah the pain of the moon,

To not find him anywhere not even in the sky,
For when you crash in wars you do not die,

A part of you lies on Earth and a part of you hangs somewhere in the Sky,
Confusing the angel of death whether to claim the remains that lie on the Earth or the hopes that died in the Sky,

Wars do not end when bullets are not fired and bombs do not fall anymore,
Because those who lose their hopes to wars are in a state of war forever and its immortal pain is what their hearts cannot ignore,

For a few it is just about a bomb here and a bullet there,
Unable to see injured memories and dying hopes everywhere!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Kindness is the universal language of the heart, spoken by every soul regardless of words, weaving a tapestry of connection that transcends borders and time.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

Pep Talk Radio
“Inside each of us is untapped potential just waiting to be discovered. But first, you need to replace those negative voices in your head with uplifting messages of self-belief.”
Pep Talk Radio, LinguaVerse: A Journey through Language Realms

“Generosity is the art of enriching the world with the gifts of our heart, painting a brighter tomorrow with every selfless brushstroke.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Service is the symphony of selflessness, where every note played with care and dedication creates a harmony that resonates through the hearts of those in need.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Loyalty is the unbreakable bond that weaves the threads of trust and commitment into the tapestry of enduring relationships, a testament to the strength of the human heart.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Patriotism is the love song we sing to the land that cradles our dreams, a melody of unity and devotion that echoes through the chapters of our shared history.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Forgiveness is the beacon of healing, guiding us through the stormy seas of resentment and allowing us to find calm shores in the harbor of reconciliation.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Integrity is the lighthouse of character, standing tall in the tempests of temptation, and beckoning all who sail the seas of life to navigate by the unwavering light of honesty and principle.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Honesty is the compass of integrity, guiding our actions along the moral pathways of truth, and illuminating our character with the brilliance of authenticity.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Respect is the currency of empathy, exchanged freely in the marketplace of human connection, enriching both the giver and the receiver with the value of dignity.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Time, much like the ever-changing seasons, dances through our lives, each moment a petal of a tulip, a sunflower, a maple leaf, or a mistletoe leaf.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie


Somebody said, real self awareness lies beyond thinking,
When the mind does not think,
But can eyes serve their purpose if they are always closed or open? No, their true purpose lies in blinking,
Even to realise we are not thinking we need to think,

So when they say silence is what offers inner peace,
I say without sounds, without voices, without music you experience a different form of silence,
Where you find not inner peace, but just your forsaken and unknown piece,
A piece that bears life’s no resonance,

So, you may meditate in silence, but let your mind be filled with voices,
Voices of love, voice of endless nature’s music,
Because it is only in death you shall experience eternal silence as it marks the end of all voices,
That is why death approaches silently, because it is only when you are alive that you can create and feel music,

So if they tell you to stop thinking and remain still!
Just smile, let them hear your voices of laughter and let them envy you,
Because by forcing you into silence even before your time to die, they actually intend to kill,
The beautiful and thinking mind gifted by universe just to you, only to you,

And if silence and thoughtless existence were the true philosophy of the universe,
Then there would exist flowers and nothing else, no breeze to scatter their scents and no birds to sing,
In this universe nothing is purposeless or perverse,
Imagine a beautiful butterfly withouts its wing,

And a mind that does not think is like a butterfly without wings,
Like a flower garden never visited by breeze,
So sing aloud whenever your heart sings,
Because with your mind and heart it is you who you should first be able to please,

Let these silencers of your mind and its beautiful thoughts say whatever they wish to,
You just fly like a butterfly with wings and dance to the tunes of every beautiful voice,
Because mind is an instrument from which you can create whatever you wish to,
So listen to the voices, listen to the sounds, love someone true and confess this to her in your beautiful voice,

I wonder what silent love feels like where two hearts just beat but never communicate,
Always remember your mind just like your life, serves a perspicuous purpose,
But when your mind is silent it retires into the hinterland where nothing grows because it now has no thoughts to replicate,
And it is then your heart turns impervious to every feeling, to every voice, and you begin to surmise about reality too that has an obvious purpose!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Well, when the place you run to is a single person, then you know you found it.”
Abi Maya

“Never quit on her

To deal with the desires and feelings of the heart,
Demands you to be an artist who knows life’s every art,

That to love, feel loved and be sometimes discarded like scrap,
And still steer the heart from this destiny’s trap,

Where it seeks to push you into the base of the pit,
Where longing and agony become your permanent habit,

And if you realise it and yet you love her true,
The pit shall reveal to you the sky that is clear and blue,

And from there too your heart shall say,
“I love you everyday and anyway!”

It is then you shall become the artist who can paint hearts,
Fo to paint hearts needs the knowledge of life’s most faint and sensitive colours of all sorts,

That make the admirer believe in its beauty that throbs always,
Though the person is not around but her feelings somehow seep into life’s long nights and short days!

Just to keep you alive in the pit,
So that you still love her and you do not quit!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Stay away from negative and backstabbers & protect your wellbeing and sanity.”
Shaila Touchton

“What I cannot create, I do not understand”
Richard Feynmann

“Winter rose

Finally after many days the sun rose,
And it turned lively, the stiff, but beautiful winter rose,

That will soon be covered in frost,
Where its scent and its radiant colour will be lost,

And its petals will kiss each other with a passionate compactness,
And lie suspended in this state with a beautiful aptness,

That humans fail to acquire,
Because we are a rose where every petal is a dichotomous desire,

So the rose of our life never achieves this beautiful compactness,
Because it tries to grow against the winter’s stillness,

And as it does so, its frost bitten petals fall apart and break into pieces,
Unlike the winter rose where it seems beauty reposes in peace in so many pieces,

Holding them together, for it believes in winter’s silence and its stillness,
That whispers to it silent songs of patience and its eventual fairness,

Like this winter rose I hold your memories together,
Though many might say I am a cold and insensitive lover,

But my love Irma, the petals of hope and love have a melancholic dichotomy of their own,
And like the beautiful winter rose your memories within me have grown,

Waiting, waiting for the winter silence to end,
Even if that means a million winter’s I have to defend,

So, let the winter rose be, and let the winter stay as long as it wants to,
For my mind and heart have entered into a beautiful hibernation, where no one wishes to be, but sometimes we have to!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“True heroism lies in the selfless acts of bravery.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Leadership transcends titles; it's about the actions that inspire, the decisions that empower, and the vision that transforms.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“The true magic of Christmas lies in our capacity to give without expecting, to love without conditions.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Turning impending defeats into momentous victories demands Maxwellian courage.”
Ali Hassan Bangwar

“She and her feeling!

She seeks a chance,
A moment to feel and romance,
To fulfill with life her last dance,
Before she feels serenaded by a new form of trance,

Her love, her passions for someone,
With whom she feels there are just two them and no one,
With whom time appears to have acquired a new semblance, where being two feels like one,
Her dance has ended and now she is waiting for this someone,

She seeks him in every corner,
She thinks of him to be engulfed by feelings warmer,
His thoughts make her feel better,
But she can't help, but wander, and wander,

Until she has met this feeling,
That she has already felt and with it her heart is already dealing,
It feels like a very high ceiling,
That you can see, but you can't touch, and ah this helpless feeling!

So she waits at the corner, looking at the ceiling and gazing at hopes,
That dangle from the ceiling like ropes,
That you can see but you can't touch, just like beautiful hopes,
With whom your heart often in dreams elopes,

The high ceiling, the visible and reachable ropes, all there,
Tempting and challenging the feeling of love, within her growing everywhere,
But where is he, although she has searched for him everywhere,
Then one day her heart beats differently and she realises he was always there,

Just like the ceiling that was waiting not to be touched but to be felt,
And when she let this realisation melt in her, his true sensation she felt,
He appeared everywhere, and now with him just like her heart her eyes too dealt,
Because finally she had felt the way he always felt!”
Javid Ahmad Tak

John Kreiter
“That is our odd lot and our fate in this world, it is as if this entire world is designed to make us forget our true nature so that we focus wholly and solely on physical reality and the physical aspects of existence.”
John Kreiter, The Art of Transmutation