Inspirational Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inspirational-quotes" Showing 2,971-3,000 of 25,898
“Don’t let the wrong crowd shape your drive to do better for yourself and others. For as long as a lofty dream lives in your heart, rely on your inner voice to awaken you to the right opportunities, at the right time.”
Tunde Salami

“War and peace

Humanity has fought many wars,
But won none,
Because even in peace the victors carry its scars,
That they can share with no one,

Because when they saw their comrade fall,
They saw a friend die,
When they were smashed against the pitiless wall,
The human within them did die,

Resurrecting a beast from within,
That they try to leave behind, but it walks with them,
And becomes their penance for what was not their sin,
And then they spend a lifetime with this beast and with them,

Whom they lost in the war,
Their fellow comrades part of the same legion,
And even in times of peace, in dreams the demons of war chase them far,
There, where all emotions die, all sentiments sink, a death forsaken region,

Where they are cursed to live forever,
In the phantoms of war that chase them every day and every night,
Because they have seen their fellow comrades die forever,
And this aches their inward and memory invoked sight,

They maybe soldiers who are meant to kill,
But I wonder what they think when they see a fellow human on the other end,
The enemy who they shall kill even even at the cost of killing their own will,
Thus is born the beast within and for the human that it now feeds on, it is the end!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“War and peace

Humanity has fought many wars,
But won none,
Because even in peace the victors carry its scars,
That they can share with no one,

Because when they saw their comrade fall,
They saw a friend die,
When they were smashed against the pitiless wall,
The human within them did die,

Resurrecting a beast from within,
That they try to leave behind, but it walks with them,
And becomes their penance for what was not their sin,
And then they spend a lifetime with this beast and with them,

Whom they lost in the war,
Their fellow comrades part of the same legion,
And even in times of peace, in dreams the demons of war chase them far,
There, where all emotions die, all sentiments sink, a death forsaken region,

Where they are cursed to live forever,
In the phantoms of war that chase them every day and every night,
Because they have seen their fellow comrades die forever,
And this aches their inward and memory invoked sight,

They maybe soldiers who are meant to kill,
But I wonder what they think when they see a fellow human on the other end,
The enemy who they shall kill even at the cost of killing their own will,
Thus is born the beast within, and for the human that it now feeds on, it is the end!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Books are a truth serum, if you don't read, you won't know what's true or not.
-Freak the Mighty”
Rodman Philbrick, Freak the Mighty

“Flower killers ( Part 2 )

And if you visit the fence and look at the metallic vampire,
You will notice something strange in this tragedy’s ultimate empire,
Bullets where the address is still the same: kill,
Who? Just anyone do it at your free will,
The flower had no name, the bee that loved it and the butterfly that romanced it,
Have all died with it, forever dead with it,
The garden of tragedies invokes a morbid feeling,
It is as if asking the angel of death to rescue life’s last hope its last feeling,
But the bullets still travel through the garden of tragedies,
Only that now there are no casualties,
Do you know why?
Because now there is no one left to kill, and no one left to die,
The young flower has fallen, others with it fell too,
But a bullet with no address, still has a job to do,
Because its address reads: Kill anyone at your free will,
And that is what it did yesterday, it will do so today too, because it has mad man’s wish to fulfil,
Who directs its anonymity and its every act,
But the bullet in the fence has a different fact,
The bullet is not the killer of the flower,
It is someone else, whom the garden of tragedies knows as “The Bullet Lover!”
Men have died, women have been killed, flowers murdered,
But the mad man’s will has not surrendered,
It may not ever, it may never,
Because he is on a quest to find a bullet that can travel forever,
Through desires, hopes, wishes and feelings of love,
And kill them all one by one, for the sake of his mad love,
Where exaltation is sought via phoney acts,
Always feeding on a desire that never detracts,
From being the seminal factor in everything related with misery,
So it kills with a delusional passion bearing vigour missionary,
And if you happen to visit the garden of tragedies to see the bullet in the fence,
Towards the bullet, please hold not feelings of lament or any offence,
Because it obeys the shooter,
Who has never been a lover!
That is why the bullet lies pierced in the wall,
Because it no more wants to obey the mad man’s call,
And be known as the killer of the young flowers,
Murderer of many passionate lovers!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

John Kreiter
“I am someone who has stepped through the door, someone who has accepted the possibility of a life beyond routine and self-misery. I have accepted the challenge of life and I now see it as something that must be overcome. I challenge you, young man, to see the weight and measure of life, to look for the places
in between here and there, and to try and battle against that devil that screams in your head, that devil that wants to make you take the easy path, that makes you want to hate yourself and the world, that wants to make you think that somehow you are special in your struggles and in your fate. Wake up boy, or the only thing that you will ever find at the end of all your routine and self-misery, is your death”
John Kreiter, The Art of Transmutation

“Dejar de esperar ser perfecta para sentir que mereces ser amada”
Allie Rangel, No olvides mi voz

“Old man and his dead daughter

An old aging man,
Walks on the promenade everyday,
He surely in his years of youth, played and ran,
But now he is spending his life slowly and day by day,

As life greets him every morning,
He looks at it without any surprise,
And he treats her like his only darling,
For his fulfilling life was his greatest prize,

He was aging but somehow not old,
He believed in life that is lived everyday,
And this realisation had made him bold,
So here he is now living his life day by day,

But lately he has become meek,
His daughter died when the war broke,
Now it is her, in everything he loves to seek,
And in the darkness he deals with his fate and its cruel stroke,

And maybe he wants to know why her,
And why not him?
When the bullet traveled and hit her,
He was happily walking under the moonlight dim,

And someone told him about the fateful incident,
He fell, he moaned, he grieved,
His sobbings were loud and incessant,
There was nothing left to love, because his world had died, the world in which he believed,

Now he curses the war and the bullets,
The killers of joys, the murderers of innocence,
And he leads a life of torments,
And invain seeks in everything his dead daughter’s essence,

That now lies scattered in the air,
But as bullets pass through it , the air smells of gunpowder,
And it erases all her traces beautiful and fair,
And the old man dies every day, as a father who was a lover,

Of everything life had to offer,
But the bullets have invaded everything,
Now they even kill a flower,
And that is the most heinous thing,

I have known the old man for many decades,
But I have never seen him so old,
Today a bullet killed him too and ended his life’s facades,
He died smiling, looking at the sky, so I am told!

Rest in peace wherever you may be now,
And be merry that bullets cannot reach there,
Because in a place abounding in grace and love,
It is just flowers and lovers everywhere!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Your plights should be your source of inspiration .Remember nothing good comes from a good place.”
Ngonga John

Nancy Gracia Surpris
“Your talent is a gift; your work on that talent is an offering to the world. Keep nurturing what's inside, and let it shine.”
Nancy Gracia Surpris, 7 Days to a Better You

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“We are not silt at the bottom of a river. We are the water that is flowing. There is no way they can confine us.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“Live the life you have”

“Do what you know and what you do best, even when the situations or circumstance don’t favor you. Don’t lose focus on the end goal. Don't be distracted, discouraged or lose hope when things are not working out at the moment. Hold on until the end. Sometimes our destiny is not to lose. The only reason we lose it is because we gave up.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Do what you know and what you do best, even when the situations or circumstance don’t favor you. Don’t lose focus on the end goal. Don't be distracted, discouraged or lose hope when things are not working out at the moment. Hold on until the end. Sometimes our destiny is not to lose. The only reason we lose it is because we give up.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Marion Bekoe
“I only like one thing hard around me, and it's not work.”
Marion Bekoe

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Patience, tolerance, and forgiveness. These are our amenities, which will see us through many difficult days.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“Who is who?

In the silence that sinks into you,
In the seclusion that excludes you,
You begin to realise without her you are not you,
And you begin to believe in her more than you do in you,

Wherever you might be, her thoughts seem stubbornly pervasive,
And in this state of her pervasiveness you let her memories become invasive,
And now you are no more you and this happens to you in phases successive,
Now everything appears yonder and so inconclusive,

But you love her because now she is a part of you,
You exist in her and not in you,
Even your heart revolts as it begins to beat for her and not for you,
You no longer exist in days or months, you just exist in moments where you wonder without her what are you?

In life everything seems pertinent because you have evolved into a poker face,
Because no matter how hard you try, in the mirror, in your own reflection you see her face,
A sort of a purgatory for true lover’s face,
Where through some intermediary grace you now kiss her face,

Because now it is difficult to tell who is who,
Whether it is you, it is her, and you wonder who can tell; who?
After struggling to define who is who,
You let her face, her memories, her feelings, her heart beats define you. Because this is who you are, the real you!

So let me love you Irma with this poker face,
And see if you can find the grace in this superimposed face,
And when million reflections are cast in the mirror of life let me see if you can identify the face,
That loved you for your beautiful heart and your inward grace!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

Sati Siroda
“Be the change, then lead the change.”
Sati Siroda, Mind The Quote

“Надеждата е нещо крехко и опасно. Тя открадва концентрацията ти и я насочва към възможностите, вместо да я задържи там, където и е мястото-върху вероятностите”
Ребека Ярос, Fourth Wing

“Some people might spot a premature palm tree and feel the urge to tap it. However, it's essential to be cautious, as not only will the premature palm tree not yield palm wine, but its premature decay won't even give rise to mushrooms. It's important to understand that everyone has their own unique maturation period.”
Osborn Martin Gatugbe

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free but first it shall make you miserable”
Carl Rogers

“Taking action is the ignition key to the engine of achievement, turning potential into progress and dreams into reality.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Benevolence is the currency of the heart, and in its generous transactions, we discover the true wealth of our humanity.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Righteousness is the compass of our moral journey, guiding us through the tempests of temptation towards the shores of virtuous purpose.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Propriety is the conductor of harmony in the orchestra of our interactions, ensuring that every note we play resonates with respect and consideration.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Wisdom is the timeless treasure chest of insights, and those who seek its jewels find themselves rich beyond measure in the currency of understanding.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Trustworthiness is the cornerstone upon which lasting connections are built, a fortress of reliability that withstands the tests of time and adversity.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Empathy is the bridge that connects hearts, enabling us to walk in each other's shoes and build the bonds of understanding that transcend differences.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

“Compassion is the gentle rain that nurtures the parched landscapes of human suffering, allowing the flowers of kindness to bloom in even the harshest of conditions.”
Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie

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