Infinity Quotes

Quotes tagged as "infinity" Showing 151-180 of 419
“Like your body breathes air, your mind breathes thoughts. You feel depressed when your mind forgets to fully breathe out. Stretch your mind regularly. Contemplate who you are in this infinite cosmos.”

Steven Magee
“Infinity took me to places I had never been to before.”
Steven Magee

“Discoveries, like resources, may well be infinite: the more we discover, the more we are able to discover.”
Julian L. Simon, The Ultimate Resource 2

Steven Magee
“I have spent time with infinity.”
Steven Magee

“We didn't know what was ahead of us then. We were just two teenagers, looking up at the sky on a cold February night. So no, he didn't give me flowers or candy. It gave me the moon and the stars. Infinity.”
Jenny Han, We'll Always Have Summer

Akshay Vasu
“The only way of reaching the infinity is to embrace the constants that this universe has made us with and caged us in.”
Akshay Vasu, The wrecked windows: The whispers of the beautiful hearts

“Feynman said, “If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence passed on to the next generations of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words? In that one sentence, you will see, there is an enormous amount of information about the world, if just a little imagination and thinking are applied”

Our sentence would be: “The Monadology asserts that the fundamental units of existence are INFINITE, dimensionless, living, thinking points – monads, ZEROS, souls – each of which has INFINITE energy content, all controlled by a single equation – Euler’s Formula – and the collective energy of this universe of mathematical points creates a physical universe of which every objective value is ZERO, but, through a self-solving, self-optimizing, dialectical, evolving process, the universe generates a final, subjective value of INFINITY – divinity, perfection, the ABSOLUTE.”

For ours is the religion of zero and infinity, the two numbers that define the soul and the whole of existence. As above, so below.”
Mike Hockney, The God Equation

Steven Magee
“The concept of infinity is meaningless inside of an insane human mind.”
Steven Magee

Roland Barthes
“In this mythology of seafaring, there is only one means to exorcise the possessive nature of the man on a ship; it is to eliminate the man and to leave the ship on its own. The ship then is no longer a box, a habitat, an object that is owned; it becomes a travelling eye, which comes close to the infinite; it constantly begets departures.”
Roland Barthes, Mythologies

Laurence Galian
“The One (the Uncreated or the First Being) is the high source of the Pleroma. The One is Infinite. Infinity is integral. Integral means whole, intact, undivided, full and unbroken. Infinity cannot be divided against itself. The One is also coherent. Coherent means clear, consistent, sonorous, intelligible. All Divine Reality is present in each and every point within itself. This spirit that dwells in us also inhabits all existence. There is a living presence dwelling in everything. The final substance from which all forms are created.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Virginia Woolf
“The number of books in the world is infinite, and one is forced to glimpse and nod and move on after a moment of talk, a flash of understanding, as, in the street outside, one catches a word in passing and from a chance phrase fabricates a lifetime.”
Virginia Woolf, Street Haunting

“I still live
And I feel
That I will never die;
All my life
An infinite time”
Jazalyn, The Universe in My Eyes: Existential Love and Life

“Define yourself. Create yourself. Choose Life. Choose Immortality. Choose Divinity. Choose zero and infinity, and a dialectical process that converts potential into actualization.”
Mike Hockney, Hyperreason

Vladimir Hlocky
“In a weathered closet, I saw a universe of irredeemable beauty. My eyes misted over in joy; hardly could I hold the rivers back. A galactic invitation stood in my room.”
Vladimir Hlocky, Journeys Beyond Earth

“My thoughts can manipulate the structure of reality, it has eternal directions and can stretch up to infinity.”
Shubham Sanap

Natalia Jaster
“How humbling, overwhelming, exciting to realize what an infinite plain the world is, to touch that infinity without boundaries or borders. You cannot help but explore the land from this impossible prospect and wonder...”

That if the land is this limitless, we could be, too. Our journeys never end, and that’s distressing as much as a comfort.”
Natalia Jaster, Kiss the Fae

Steven Magee
“Insanity allows you to pass through infinity.”
Steven Magee

Pradip Bendkule
“True things like Love and Universe,
It always Reaches Infinity.”
Pradip Bendkule

“Combien naquirent sur les sols boueux de nos campagnes, en plein sable, dans la tempête, sans eau et sans lumière ? Le voyage n’est-il donc pas pour tout le monde le même ?
Qu’importe. Le temps qui nous est accordé ne nous semblera infini que si l’amour s’en mêle. Et peut-être, de nos larmes dernières ayant troublé la poussière, reviendrons-nous, phosphorescents, de l’au-delà.
Une vie minuscule contre l’éternité.”
Philippe Krhajac, Une vie minuscule

“Though there's beyond infinity to be solved, you'll be always my first bracket , My LOVE”
Lungh Gangmei

Jean Baudrillard
“He illuminates the landscape of society with an intense, ultra sensitive light and brings out a strange, hyperreal relief - a coherent reading, precisely like the light of a laser.

The local is a shabby thing. There's nothing worse than bringing us back down to our own little corner, our own territory, the radiant promiscuity of the face to face. A culture which has taken the risk of the universal, must perish by the universal.

Exile always offers a marvellous - pathetic or dramatic - distance, a distance which aids judgement, a serenity orphaned by its own world. Deterritorialization, on the other hand, is a demented deprivation. It is like a lobotomy. It has in it something of agony, of the inconstancy and disconnection of circuits.

You need an infinite stretch of time ahead of you to start to think, infinite energy to make the smallest decision. The world is getting denser. The immense number of useless projects is bewildering. Too many things have to be put in to balance up an uncertain scale. You can't disappear any more. You die in a state of total indecision.

A frenzy of indifference in these times of 'speed'. In the same way as you can counter the acceleration of your molecules with an iced drink, you have to head off artificial euphoria by pulling on the brake of melancholy.
Science and technologies could have become extensions of our human faculties, as MacLuhan wanted. Instead, they have devoured them. They have become sarcastic, like the laugh of the same name which devours flesh or like the creatures on the banks of the Styx which destroy the substance of the mental faculties.”
Jean Baudrillard, Cool Memories

Jean Baudrillard
“In days gone by, we were afraid of dying in dishonour or a state of sin. Nowadays, we are afraid of dying fools. Now the fact is that there is no Extreme Unction to absolve us of foolishness. We endure it here on earth as subjective eternity.”
Jean Baudrillard, Cool Memories

Joey Comeau
“Sometimes in a crowded mall I realise that everyone has a whole life of their own and it's like suddenly seeing infinity ignoring itself.”
Joey Comeau

“The temporal, contingent world is, as Leibniz said, a “collection of finite things.” It is possible only because it is underpinned by an eternal, necessary world, comprising a collection of zero-infinity things, i.e. monads.”
Thomas Stark, God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics

“Why be force to the law when you can be it's Master”

Isaac Asimov
“The infinity of potential knowledge may be infinitely greater than the infinity of my actual knowledge.”
Isaac Asimov, The Last Answer

“Zero and infinity also define religion (which is just a branch of philosophy). Zero is the number of the Soul. As for the Soul’s capacity, it’s infinite (so infinity is the second number of the soul). Zero is the number of mind, of deathlessness (it’s dimensionless, so cannot be annihilated), of life itself; infinity is the number of eternity, of immortality, of endless energy, endless knowledge, endless power – of GOD. It’s time for science, religion and philosophy to be brought under one roof: mathematics. Now that defined numbers (zero and infinity) have been explicitly attached to the soul/mind, it can be treated as a respectable entity for mathematical study.”
Mike Hockney, Hyperreality

“If you want to understand existence, just consider the Big Bang Singularity itself. Leave aside all other considerations. The Big Bang Singularity is beyond the scope of science. It can never be explained within the materialist, empiricist Meta Paradigm of mainstream science. The Big Bang Singularity is a wholly mathematical object completely defined by just two numbers: zero and infinity. In those two numbers (which are the flip side of each other) lies the only conceivable explanation of everything.”
Mike Hockney, The God Secret

“We always talk about the incredible relationship between zero and infinity. It’s Euler’s Formula that controls this relationship ontologically. You can have infinite things that are completely different and unique and yet are all exactly the same – ZERO. Every Euler circle, with its different Euler numbers and different energy characteristics, is, at one and the same time just zero energy because all the different elements ALWAYS cancel to zero. This is simply breathtaking. Only mathematics can deliver this and, in particular, only Euler’s Formula. That’s why it’s the all-controlling God Equation.”
Mike Hockney, Hyperreason

Pradip Bendkule
“Those whose Minds are Ignited chooses either the Peace of Soul or the Infinity of the Universe.”
Pradip Bendkule