Infinity Quotes

Quotes tagged as "infinity" Showing 91-120 of 419
Galileo Galilei
“SALV. I will now say something which may perhaps astonish you; it refers to the possibility of dividing a line into its infinitely small elements by following the same order which one employs in dividing the same line into forty, sixty, or a hundred parts, that is, by dividing it into two, four, etc. He who thinks that, by following this method, he can reach an infinite number of points is greatly mistaken; for if this process were followed to (37) eternity there would still remain finite parts which were undivided.

Indeed by such a method one is very far from reaching the goal of indivisibility; on the contrary he recedes from it and while he thinks that, by continuing this division and by multiplying the multitude of parts, he will approach infinity, he is, in my opinion, getting farther and farther away from it. My reason is this. In the preceding discussion we concluded that, in an infinite number, it is necessary that the squares and cubes should be as numerous as the totality of the natural numbers [tutti i numeri], because both of these are as numerous as their roots which constitute the totality of the natural numbers. Next we saw that the larger the numbers taken the more sparsely distributed were the squares, and still more sparsely the cubes; therefore it is clear that the larger the numbers to which we pass the farther we recede from the infinite number; hence it follows [83] that, since this process carries us farther and farther from the end sought, if on turning back we shall find that any number can be said to be infinite, it must be unity. Here indeed are satisfied all those conditions which are requisite for an infinite number; I mean that unity contains in itself as many squares as there are cubes and natural numbers [tutti i numeri].”
Galileo Galilei, Two New Sciences: Including Centres of Gravity and Force of Percussion

Naomi Shihab Nye
“My infinity would be/ the never-ending light/ you deserve/ every road opening up in front of you”
Naomi Shihab Nye, Voices in the Air: Poems for Listeners

Ana Claudia Antunes
“The river that runs through my being
Flows through an endless sea,
Reflects in a view such tender feeling,
Under the Universe only what I see.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, The Sea Sons: The Enchanted Valley

Søren Kierkegaard
“Infinite humiliation and grace, and then a striving born of gratitude — this is Christianity.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Journals and Papers

Steven Magee
“Listen to the mind to hear the secrets of the universe of thought.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Ride the mind to the universe of thought.”
Steven Magee

László Krasznahorkai
“it’s precisely the infinite that casts light upon how the brain thinks, and how clever it is in showing us something that seems real when it’s merely an abstraction, namely that brain introduced or employed to great effect those methods of distortion, that dislocation”
László Krasznahorkai, Baron Wenckheim's Homecoming

Aida Mandic
“There is elegance in your truth
There is a rhyme to your youth
There is a secret that keeps you whole
There is an essence to your goal
When you move your head to the side
It is because there are rules
That you don’t wish to abide
You know how to make them fall
You know how to deck the hall
With desires that move through your veins Chasing after plans and their styles
You want the moment to last forever
A scrapbook of your soul and its smiles”
Aida Mandic, A Maniac Did

Aida Mandic
“There is elegance in your truth
There is a rhyme to your youth
There is a secret that keeps you whole
There is an essence to your goal
When you move your head to the side
It is because there are rules
That you don’t wish to abide
You know how to make them fall
You know how to deck the hall
With desires that move through your veins
Chasing after plans and their styles
You want the moment to last forever
A scrapbook of your soul and its smiles”
Aida Mandic

“If we bring it down to earth, infinity is a series of rolling hills. A countryside in Ohio where all the tall-grass snakes know how angels lose their wings.”
Tiffany McDaniel, Betty

Stewart Stafford
“The Calling by Stewart Stafford

Lightning-scorched gravestones,
Leave and follow infinity’s call,
Spring off the edge of Flat Earth,
Know not what lies there and fall.

Silence licks and speaks in tongues,
Darkness the ferryman leading on,
Fingers caress, scraping skin curses,
Talisman whispers the way is gone.

Hit the bottom and scream out for air,
Fill the lungs with each noxious gas,
Decide to rest some in poisoned sleep,
Nourish yourself in an extended fast.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Madeleine L'Engle
“But I kept looking at that enormous sweep of [Texas] land, stretching out to eternity so you couldn’t stay afraid because fears were so small they just lost themselves. The only other place I know where you can see that far and makes you feel the same way is the ocean”
Madeleine L'Engle, The Moon by Night

Steven Magee
“Imagination exceeds infinity.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Imagination is my ride to infinity.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“If you think infinity is the limit, you are not using your imagination.”
Steven Magee

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you have a dream of disappearing completely by diving into infinity, you have an absurd dream, because that is the present destiny of mankind! Change your dream! Desire to co-exist with infinity with your own body and mind without being destroyed in infinity, and strive for this new dream!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Swami Dhyan Giten
“The most fundamental question in life is to learn that existence cares for you. Existence is not indifferent. Existence is full of love.
We are taken care of in infinite ways, but all those ways are invisible. They are not tangible, you cannot see them, you can only feel them. These hands are God's hands.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, God is Everywhere: You are Divine, Everything is Divine

Swami Dhyan Giten
“We have lost the capacity to trust, to love. We have lost the sensitivity to feel the infinite around us. We have forgotten how to relate with the totality. We have forgotten how to relate to trees, birds, animals, rivers and people. We have even forgotten how to relate with our own self, with our own body and with our own mind. We are living unrelated and meaningless, which is why a sadness is surrounding the whole humanity.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, God is Everywhere: You are Divine, Everything is Divine

Rabindranath Tagore
“The question why there is evil in existence is the same as why there is imperfection, or in other words, why there is creation at all. We must take it for granted that it could not be otherwise, that creation must be imperfect, must be gradual, and that it is futile to ask the question, ‘Why are we?’
But this is the real question we ought to ask: Is this imperfection the final truth? Is evil absolute and ultimate?
The river has its boundaries, its bank, but is a river all banks or are the banks the final facts about the river? Do not these obstructions themselves give its water an onward motion?
The towing rope binds a boat, but is bondage its meaning? Does it not at the same time draw the boat forward? The current of the world has its boundaries, otherwise it could have no existence, but its purpose is not shown in the boundaries which restrain it, but in its movement which is towards perfection.
The wonder is not that there should be obstacles and sufferings in this world, but that there should be law and order, beauty and joy, goodness and love.
The idea of God that man has in his being is the wonder of all wonders. He has felt in the depths of his life that what appears as imperfect is the manifestation of the perfect. Just as a man who has an ear for music realises the perfection of a song, while in fact he is only listening to a succession of notes.
Man has found out the great paradox that what is limited is not imprisoned within its limits; it is ever moving, and therewith shedding its finitude every moment. In fact, imperfection is not a negation of perfectness. Finitude is not contradictory to the infinity. They are but completeness manifested in parts; infinity revealed within bounds.”
Rabindranath Tagore, Sadhana

Betsy James
“The air changed. It had been dry, the Hill air I had grown used to. All in a moment the breeze went moist and soft, like a hand laid against me. I smelled salt and iodine, fish and weed, the coast and all that dwells there—its countless lives.”
betsy james, Listening at the Gate

“Nobody can predict what exactly awaits one.

One thing that we can be sure about is, everything happens in Ultimate Providence of righttime.”
Bhawna Dehariya

“When I stand alone with the earth and sky a feeling of something in me going off in every direction into the unknown of infinity means more to me than any organized religion gives me.”
Georgia O’Keeffe

“Human lifetimes are time documented by time, employment is compensated by documented time for work; and the value of life is expensive. No one is wealthy enough to buy time for why let them waste yours!
#Studypeople who do not value the #expense of life & time...gain old, but common #wisdom. #Studypeople who value the expense of life & time...gain new but uncommon wisdom.
Last year will never repeat in your #lifetime, neither will the New Year. Consider how you manage the #destiny #distraction of #timewasters...
I reset my #NewYear clock with an alarm to signal the entry of expensive time wasters, so I can kindly show them back to the exit point.
People who consciously care to connect their active purpose with others who value share them, are more likely to make most of time's expense, rather than waste time, as if forever could be spared.”
Dr. Tracey Bond

“It's the way spirit moves in the world of time and space. That's what a human body-mind is: an extension of spirit in time and space.”
Adyashanti, True Meditation: Discover the Freedom of Pure Awareness

“This journey is a fire. It will consume everything. Then it will consume itself. It will leave nothing at all behind. It will be as if nothing ever happened. Even the notion of enlightenment will to be seen to be absurd. It is beyond enlightenment. You already are the Self. You cannot attain it. You are it. You can gain a recognition that you are That. That is the difference.”
Ramaji, 1000: The Levels of Consciousness and a Map of the Stages of Awakening for Spiritual Seekers and Teachers

Dumitru Stăniloae
“Pure prayer is concerned with the reuniting of the mind (nous) and the heart. Neither mind nor heart can be allowed to remain alone. Prayer that comes only from the mind is cold; prayer that comes only from the heart is sentimental and is ignorant of all that God has given us, is giving us now and will give us in Christ. It is prayer without horizon or perspective, prayer in which we do not know what to thank God for, what to praise him for, what to ask him for. The man who prays in this way has the feeling of being lost in an impersonal infinity. Such a feeling knows nothing of encounter with a personal God. And thus it is not prayer.”
Dumitru Stăniloae, Prayer and Holiness: The Icon of Man Renewed in God

Dumitru Stăniloae
“By its search for God the mind itself enters into the reality of the depth of the heart and knows it as depth set apart for God, the true Infinity. ‘Deep calls to deep’ (Psalm 42: 9). The infinity of God cannot be experienced apart from his love for us. This love of God for us calls to our love, and it is with the heart, the organ of love within us, that we experience his love. But we are speaking here of a heart that knows, thanks to the mind which has entered it, that this infinity is the infinity of a God who is personal, and that God enters into intimate relationship with us through Christ. That is why it is the mind which comes to rest in the heart. In the heart it finds the infinity of God. It is not the heart that comes to rest in the mind, for that would mean that the feeling of the infinity of God had become a theory, chilled by thought. It is not feeling that must be chilled by thought, but thought which must warm itself in the feeling of the heart in real contact with the infinity of God, and thus give this feeling a definite content.”
Dumitru Stăniloae, Prayer and Holiness: The Icon of Man Renewed in God

Tamara Rendell
“She felt as though an immense, unending sky lay within her heart. A sky with no lightning, no thunder – an empty sky of banished stars.”
Tamara Rendell, Mystical Tides

Ulonda Faye
“Time and space, Infinity
You, me, we

When this opening is revealed, found
is your sacred heart

Spiritual heart
Earth, heaven, sky, peace, love-
It is all there.

The wind becomes your lips and the sun becomes your eyes, just as too the earth becomes your feet. The echoes of your Soul, becomes your ears.

Taste, see, feel and walk
For, it is there that we meet.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Mehmet Murat ildan
“When they look towards infinity, almost everyone sees a vast emptiness, but some see the eyes of infinity looking towards them, not emptiness! Wisdom is the name of the transition from being everyone to being some!”
Mehmet Murat ildan