
Incompatibility Quotes

Quotes tagged as "incompatibility" Showing 1-16 of 16
Jodi Picoult
“The hardest part about being back in the human world was relearning emotion. Everything a wolf does has a practical, simple reason. There is no cold shoulder, no saying one thing when you mean something else, no innuendo. Wolves fight for two reasons: family and territory. Humans are driven by ego; wolves have no room for it and will literally nip it out of you. For a wolf, the world is about understanding, knowledge, respect – attributes that many humans have cast off, along with an appreciation of the natural world.”
Jodi Picoult, Lone Wolf

Ingeborg Bachmann
“There was only one hope she didn't and wouldn't allow herself to hold on to: that if, in almost thirty years, she hadn't found a man, not a single one, who was exclusively significant for her, who had become inevitable to her, someone who was strong and brought her the mystery she had been waiting for, not a single one who was really a man and not an eccentric, a weakling or one of the needy the world was full of - then the man simply didn't exist, and as long as this New Man did not exist, one could only be friendly and kind to one another, for a while. There was nothing more to make of it, and it would be best if women and men kept their distance and had nothing to do with each other until both had found their way out of the tangle and confusion, the discrepancy inherent in all relationships.”
Ingeborg Bachmann, Simultan: Erzählungen

Daniel Keyes
“When you mature intellectually we may not be able to communicate. When you mature emotionally you may not even want me.”
Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon

Darnell Lamont Walker
“You were only there to be a healer. A fixer. To prepare them for the next love. Not yours.”
Darnell Lamont Walker

Jacques Monod
“...the scientific attitude implies what I call the postulate of objectivity—that is to say, the fundamental postulate that there is no plan, that there is no intention in the universe. Now, this is basically incompatible with virtually all the religious or metaphysical systems whatever, all of which try to show that there is some sort of harmony between man and the universe and that man is a product—predictable if not indispensable—of the evolution of the universe.”
Jacques Monod

“An omnipotent god can create a being whose acts are known only to itself.

An omniscient god cannot do this.

It would appear, then, that no god can be both omnipotent and omniscient.”
Richard R. LA Croix

Elizabeth Cadell
“I'm only judging by his letters, but are you sure you want to marry a fellow who uses six words where one would do?”
Elizabeth Cadell, The Friendly Air

Jeanette Winterson
“my husband, the first time i kissed him he turned into a frog”
Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry

Steven Magee
“You can get married in an hour, but it typically takes a year to get divorced.”
Steven Magee

Jean Baudrillard
“Between the race of microbes and the race of humans there exists a total symbiosis and a radical incompatibility. One cannot say that the microbe is other to man: the two are never opposed in their essential natures, and they do not confront one another in any real sense; they are linked together, however, and this interlinking is, as it were, predestined: no one (neither men nor bacilli) can imagine things being any other way. Nor is there any clear line of demarcation, because this link is reproduced over and over ad infinitum. So perhaps after all we shall have to conclude that otherness is located here: that the absolute Other is indeed the microbe in its radical non-humanness - a being of which we know nothing, and which cannot even be deemed different from us. The microbe as the hidden form which alters everything - and with which no negotiation or reconciliation is possible. Yet we are quickened by the same life as the microbe, and the race of microbes will perish along with the human race: we share the same destiny. One is reminded of the worm that has a sort of alga living in its stomach, without whose help it can digest no food.
This is a fine arrangement until the day the worm takes a notion to devour the alga itself. And it does so - but dies as a result (without even digesting it, of course, because the alga is no longer there to help it to do so).”
Jean Baudrillard, The Transparency of Evil: Essays in Extreme Phenomena

“Call-out cultures and us-versus-them thinking are incompatible with the educational and research missions of universities, which require free inquiry, dissent, evidence-based argument, and intellectual honesty.”
Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan Haidt, The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
“Incompatibility is a misnomer in divorce. No one replicates another. They were compatible from dating to wedding only to discover incompatibility in wedlock? Weird! Two adult bodies clinging to the emotions and reasonings of babes - and that's what they call each other.”
Vincent Okay Nwachukwu

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
“Incompatibility is a misnomer in divorce. No human replicates another. How come they were compatible from dating to wedding only to become incompatibility in wedlock? Weird! Two adult bodies clinging to the emotions and reasonings of babes; ironically, that's what they call each other.”
Vincent Okay Nwachukwu

Jon Fosse
“but you can’t just touch a whiteness like that. because if you did you’d probably get it dirty. and imagine getting something so white dirty”
Jon Fosse, A Shining