
Hiding Feelings Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hiding-feelings" Showing 1-30 of 35
“Like a lot of people with mental illness, I spend a lot of time fronting. It’s really important to me to not appear crazy, to fit in, to seem normal, to do the things “normal people” do, to blend in.
As a defense mechanism, fronting makes a lot of sense, and you hone that mechanism after years of being crazy. Fronting is what allows you to hold down a job and maintain relationships with people, it’s the thing that sometimes keeps you from falling apart. It’s the thing that allows you to have a burst of tears in the shower or behind the front seat of your car and then coolly collect yourself and stroll into a social engagement…

We are rewarded for hiding ourselves. We become the poster children for “productive” mentally ill people, because we are so organized and together. The fact that we can function, at great cost to ourselves, is used to beat up the people who cannot function.

Because unlike the people who cannot front, or who fronted too hard and fell off the cliff, we are able to “keep it together,” whatever it takes.”
S.E. Smith

Dave Eggers
“This was a new skill she'd acquired, the ability to look, to the outside world, utterly serene and even cheerful, while, in her skull, all was chaos.”
Dave Eggers, The Circle

Kate McGahan
“I can love who I think you are
Or you can allow yourself
To be yourself
So that I can love YOU.”
Kate McGahan

Nenia Campbell
“All friends have secrets. We're like three-dimensional shapes on paper; we all have hidden sides. And there's some secrets we don't even reveal to ourselves.”
Nenia Campbell, Bound to Accept

Sophie Kinsella
“She's been used to hiding her feelings for so long, no wonder her manner can be a little awkward.”
Sophie Kinsella, Shopaholic Ties the Knot

Ella Fields
“If you let them see your heart, do not complain when they tear it apart.”
Ella Fields, A King so Cold

Brittany Burgunder
“What are you hiding? Is it something from others, or from yourself. Find your truth. The more you show up, the more you'll be found.”
Brittany Burgunder

Kate McGahan
“I cannot understand what you do not say.”
Kate McGahan

Anne Clendening
“I don't want to hide. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to wander off into the desert in shame and die and become vulture food. Or end up keeling over just because I'm too self-conscious to leave the house. Cause of Death: Unnecessary Loneliness.”
Anne Clendening, Bent: How Yoga Saved My Ass

Courtney M. Privett
“The two most common lies in our world are 'I'm fine' and 'You'll be okay'. They are said without harmful intent, and often said in an attempt to placate worries, but still they tell us it is not our place to make another person uncomfortable or to draw too much attention to ourselves. Over and over, we mindlessly repeat variations of the same two phrases as we hide within our lies and attempt to spare others from the miserable truth. I'm fine. I'm okay. You're fine. You'll be okay. Everything will be all right. We become our lies, but only on the surface. Underneath, we are not fine and they will not be okay. We all know this but we're afraid to speak it.”
Courtney M. Privett, Faelost

John Corey Whaley
“What he feared most was that all this hiding had made it impossible for him to ever be found again.”
John Corey Whaley, Highly Illogical Behavior

“Why do some hide what is part of them when only what they seem to be is worse?”
Jasmin Morin

R.J. Blizzard
“Everything does not happen for a reason. Believing this does not ease the pain for anyone. It hides it.”
RJ Blizzard

Alain de Botton
“Though we sometimes suspect that people are hiding things from us, it is not until we are in love that we feel an urgency to press our inquiries, and in seeking answers, we are apt to discover the extent to which people disguise and conceal their real selves.”
Alain de Botton

Jason Versey
“So much like the moon, we show the world only one and veil our many faces...even from the sun.”
Jason Versey

Edward Carey
“I put myself away. I came up with the great vanishing system, in which I could retreat so deep within myself that, though I might still appear the same creature, actually I was very different. I thrust all thoughts and feelings into the depths of me, where they were safe, but in an outward way I became something like an automation.”
Edward Carey, Little

Maddy Kobar
“I had assumed that a boy who loved me so intensely was full of happiness, love, and light so that he was free of his own demons and pain.

My assumption was entirely wrong.”
Maddy Kobar, With a Reckless Abandon

“My advice is to GET WEIRD so that the people who will love you for being you (your tribe) can find you.”
Benjamin Brown

Gregory Maguire
“Her head had turned quickly away...Not to hide her tears but to soften the fact of their absence.”
Gregory Maguire, Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

Federico García Lorca
“No pasa nada por fuera. Eso es verdad. […] Pero ni tú ni nadie puede vigilar por el interior de los pechos.”
Federico García Lorca, La casa de Bernarda Alba

Kim Liggett
“I used to think that was my magic-having the power to see things others couldn't-things they didn't even want to admit to themselves. But all you have to do is open your eyes. My eyes are wide open”
Kim Liggett, The Grace Year

Sarvesh Jain
“Always remember the one who doesn’t handshake, they are the ones you should be extra careful with.”
Sarvesh Jain

Isabelle Joshua
“Um, well, I’ve been working out with Alex. Today just happened to be right after our workout,” Craig admits finally.
“Really,” I say dripping with sarcasm. “And you failed to mention this earlier? You ran off so abruptly for your tryst. I should’ve suspected something illicit was occurring.”
Alex erupts in laughter looking at Craig. “You didn’t tell her.”
Isabelle Joshua, The Swallow

Cyrille  Mendes
“Le pâle sourire d’Ysaëlle fut sa seule réponse, l’accord muet taisant les élans protecteurs de son cœur. Nul à Bron ne souhaitait voir le bon peuple d’Ethyr abandonné aux cruautés du sort. Les temps à venir seraient difficiles ; la guerre, fatalité mêlée de domination et de deuils, c’était dans l’esprit du peuple d’Ethyr le manque, la terreur, les maladies, la douleur et l’agonie. Déjà, sa pensée doutait que la quête d’Axys, même couronnée de succès, puisse changer le sort qui avait frappé le royaume par la venue du Khazrug. Déjà, elle sentait poindre le regret et la peur, souhaitant que Célian restât auprès d’elle, sa seule famille. Néanmoins, Ysaëlle ne fit part de son trouble à personne, ne voulant pas décourager le groupe sur le départ par un simple pressentiment.”
Cyrille Mendes, Les Épieurs d'Ombre

“From C. R. Rogers’s (1961) perspective, the problems of inauthenticity arise not because a person hides his real emotional reactions from others (as may sometimes be appropriate) but because he hides them from himself.”
Christopher Peterson, Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification

“If only I could turn back time
If only I had said what I still hide
If only I could turn back time
I would stay for the night.”
Soren Rasted

Kelly Loy Gilbert
“What would it be like to admit that aloud - that you were angry, that the day had worn on you, to say those things, and to feel them, without worrying how they might look to whoever you were talking to? To let the ugly emotions you harbored, your anger and dissatisfaction and irritation, seep into your words without censoring them.”
Kelly Loy Gilbert, When We Were Infinite

“His smile lit the world, slipped a sharp shard of glass through the soft space below my sternum.”
eva v.gibson

P.S. Scott
“My royal status is both a shield that protects me and a sword that impales my heart.”
P.S. Scott, The Prince and the Thief

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