Forgiveness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "forgiveness" Showing 211-240 of 3,981
Shannon L. Alder
“Accomplishments don’t erase shame, hatred, cruelty, silence, ignorance, discrimination, low self-esteem or immorality. It covers it up, with a creative version of pride and ego. Only restitution, forgiving yourself and others, compassion, repentance and living with dignity will ever erase the past.”
Shannon L. Alder

Jennifer Ashley
“I loved and adored you, but I drained you like a thirsty man at a spring. I loved what you could give me - your admiration, your acceptance, your love, your forgiveness. I forgot to love you for yourself.”
Jennifer Ashley, Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage

Norman Cousins
“Life is an adventure in forgiveness”
Norman Cousins

Richard Yates
“He couldn't even tell whether he was angry or contrite, whether it was forgiveness he wanted or the power to forgive.”
Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road

Kahlil Gibran
“Men who do not forgive women their little faults will never enjoy their great virtues.”
Khalil Gibran, Sand and Foam

“Still, we will let all this be a thing of the past, though it hurts us, and beat down by constraint the anger that rises inside us.
Now I am making an end of my anger. It does not become me, unrelentingly to rage on”
Homer, The Iliad

Criss Jami
“It's a good sign but rare instance when, in a relationship, you find that the more you learn about the other person, the more you continue to desire them. A sturdy bond delights in that degree of youthful intrigue. Love loves its youth.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Eckhart Tolle
“There is only one perpetrator of evil on the planet: human unconsciousness. That realization is true forgiveness. With forgiveness, your victim identity dissolves, and your true power emerges--the power of Presence. Instead of blaming the darkness, you bring in the light.”
Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

Stefan Molyneux
“Forgiveness is created by the restitution of the abuser; of the wrongdoer. It is not something to be squeeeeeezed out of the victim in a further act of conscience-corrupting abuse.”
Stefan Molyneux

Bree Despain
“But why is it so hard to forgive?' Mrs. Conners asked.

'Pride,' Dad said. 'This person has already wronged you in some way, and now you are the one who has to swallow your pride, give something up, in order to forgive him.”
Bree Despain, The Dark Divine

Adlai E. Stevenson II
“I believe in the forgiveness of sin and the redemption of ignorance.”
Adlai E. Stevenson II

Maggie Stiefvater
“He sounded absolutely miserable. “Are you ever going to speak to me?”
Maggie Stiefvater, Forever

Ana Monnar
“At times anger will trigger harsh words. After a cooling period wisdom sets in; finally, the ability to speak from the heart with love and compassion.”
Ana Monnar, Relax: New And Selected Poems

Margaret Atwood
“Now we come to forgiveness. Don't worry about forgiving me right now. There are more important things. For instance: keep the others safe, if they are safe. Don't let them suffer too much. If they have to die, let it be fast. You might even provide a Heaven for them. We need You for that. Hell we can make for ourselves.”
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale

Criss Jami
“A man does not have to feel less than human to realize his sin; oppositely, he has to realize that he gets no special vindication for his sin.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Christopher Hitchens
“Part of the function of memory is to forget; the omni-retentive mind will break down and produce at best an idiot savant who can recite a telephone book, and at worst a person to whom every grudge and slight is as yesterday's.”
Christopher Hitchens, Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays

Edward M. Hallowell
“Forgiveness takes intelligence, discipline, imagination, and persistence, as well as a special psychological strength, something athletes call mental toughness and warriors call courage.”
Edward M. Hallowell, Dare to Forgive: The Power of Letting Go and Moving On

P.D. James
“It is difficult to be generous-minded to those we have greatly harmed.”
P.D. James, The Children of Men

James E. Faust
“Sometimes we carry unhappy feelings about past hurts too long. We spend too much energy dwelling on things that have passed and cannot be changed. We struggle to close the door and let go of the hurt. If, after time, we can forgive whatever may have caused the hurt, we will tap 'into a life-giving source of comfort' through the Atonement, and the 'sweet peace' of forgiveness will be ours ("My Journey to Forgiving," Ensign, Feb. 1997. 43). Some injuries are so hurtful and deep that healing comes only with help from a higher power and hope for perfect justice and restitution in the next life. . . . You can tap into that higher power and receive precious comfort and sweet peace.”
James E. Faust

Iris Murdoch
“Amo amas amat amamus amatis amant amavi amavisti amavit amavimus amavistis amaverunt amavero amaveris amaverit… Everything was love. Everything will be love. Everything has been love. Everything would be love. Everything would have been love. Ah, that was it, the truth at last. Everything would have been love. The huge eye, which had become an immense sphere, was gently breathing, only it was not an eye nor a sphere but a great wonderful animal covered in little waving legs like hairs, waving oh so gently as if they were under water. All shall be well and all shall be well said the ocean. So the place of reconciliation existed after all, not like a little knot hole in a cupboard but flowing everywhere and being everything. I had only to will it and it would be, for spirit is omnipotent only I never knew it, like being able to walk on the air. I could forgive. I could be forgiven. I could forgive. Perhaps that was the whole of it after all. Perhaps being forgiven was just forgiving only no one had ever told me. There was nothing else needful. Just to forgive. Forgiving equals being forgiven, the secret of the universe, do not whatever you do forget it. The past was folded up and in the twinkling of an eye everything had been changed and made beautiful and good.”
Iris Murdoch, A Word Child

Hannah More
“Forgiveness is the economy of the heart.…forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits.”
Hannah More

John F. MacArthur Jr.
“What you cant forget... God cant remember!”
John MacArthur

Criss Jami
“A utopian system, when established by men, is likely to be synonymous with a dystopian depression. The only way for perfect peace by man is absolute control of all wrongs. Bully-cultures find this: with each and every mistake, another village idiot is shamed into nothingness and mindlessly shut down by the herd. This is a superficial peace made by force and by fear, one in which there is no freedom to breathe; and the reason it is impossible for man to maintain freedom and peace for everyone at the same time. Christ, on the other hand, transforms, instead of controls, by instilling his certain inner peace. This is the place where one realizes that only his holiness is and feels like true freedom, rather than like imprisonment, and, too, why Hell, I imagine, a magnified version of man's never-ending conflict between freedom and peace, would be the flesh's ultimate utopia - yet its ultimate regret.”
Criss Jami, Healology

John Green
“You are helpful, and you are loved, and you are forgiven, and you are not alone.”
John Green

Andrew Murray
“Our forgiving love toward men is the evidence of God's forgiving love in us. It is a necessary condition of the prayer of faith.”
Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer

“Life is not a series of pathetic, meaningles actions. Some of them are so far from pathetic, so far from meaningless as to be beyond reason, maybe beyond forgiveness.”
Judith Guest, Ordinary People

Ray A. Davis
“Nothing releases like forgive. Nothing renews like forget.”
Ray A. Davis

Sharon Carter
“Great, she didn't lie to me. "Mind if I tag along with you? I would love to have some company. Please don't say no. I don't know if I can take it if you turn me down, beloved," he spoke inaudibly. "Remember the last time we were at an art gallery together?" he asked. "Sure I do," she remarked, walking slowly. Wish I hadn't gone anywhere with you, Creepville!”
Sharon Carter, Love Auction: Too Risky to Love Again