Books Quotes

Quotes tagged as "books" Showing 2,941-2,970 of 10,160
Andrea Longarela
“Para eso leemos, para sentir a través de otros. Para vivir mil vidas sin levantarnos del sofá.”
Andrea Longarela, El color de las cosas invisibles
tags: books

Jarod Kintz
“I'm writing a new book: "How To Not Be Seen By Invisible Entities." The book only appears to be blank, but that's because it has to be read with interdimensional eyes, and I help you achieve those in chapter three.”
Jarod Kintz, Powdered Saxophone Music

Jarod Kintz
“History is histrionic. Nothing much was happening, so historians had to fictionalize events to sell books.”
Jarod Kintz, Powdered Saxophone Music

Min Jin Lee
“If you like everything you read, I can't take you seriously. Perhaps you didn't think about these books long enough”
Min Jin Lee, Pachinko

“What mattered was to read a few books very well, not squander one’s attention promiscuously on a great number of volumes.”
School of Life

George R.R. Martin
“I have lived a thousand lives and I've loved a thousand loves. I've walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time. Because I read>”
George R.R. Martin
tags: books

“When you read a book as a child, it becomes a part of your identity in a way that no other reading in your whole life does.”
Nora and Delia Ephron

Louise Penny
“Every now and then, he pulled the books out and touched the bookmarks but hadn't yet found the strength to pick up where they left off, to read the rest of the story.”
Louise Penny, How the Light Gets In

“A mix of local news, world news, and shocking headlines coupled with experience and real life scenarios coated with imagination and intimate thoughts... the ones you can't say aloud = BOOKS”
Niedria Kenny, Order in the Courtroom: The Tale of a Texas Poker Player

“Books are not a commodity. They are a ticket for another journey.”
Clifford Thurlow, Making Short Films, 2nd Edition. Berg Publishers. 2008.

11am I plan to sort out my books and record collection, which I've been trying
“11am I plan to sort out my books and record collection, which I've been trying to do since about 1959 and, of course, I never really do because then the newspapers arrive and my determination to do something constructive is wiped out by the fact it takes so long to read them. ['My Saturday', Sunday Telegraph, December 2023]”
Tim Rice

“If you have friends who say they don't read, you need new friends. That is my final answer.”
Niedria Dionne Kenny

“What makes books quintessentially what they are is the promise that hides in their pages. The sense that we can metaphorically -- or even, with holy books, for "real" -- escape death through them, as authors and as readers. Even if they don't believe that books will really save them from death, writers still hold tight to the belief of living on after our deaths if their books are still read. What we want ultimately as humans is not to be forgotten. Indeed, one of the best cases for fiction being experiential rather than a mimetic reproduction of the real, is this: we still think it can save us from something -- from being forgotten, from oblivion, from death.”
Brian Evenson, Incidents in the Night: Volume 1

Sōsuke Natsukawa
“Unless it is opened, a book possessing great power or an epic story is mere scraps of paper. But a book that has been cherished and loved, filled with human thoughts, has been endowed with a soul.”
Sōsuke Natsukawa, The Cat Who Saved Books
tags: books

Mark Helprin
“Semi-enclosed within a rampart of books, she was reading intensely, oblivious of everything except the volumes she had gathered around her. Freddy tilted his head and read the titles on the bindings, whispering them as he read. He had assumed that her selection would be heavy on fashion, makeup, and “celebrities,” but he was wrong. With her left hand resting possessively on Who’s Who in Zimbabwe, she was deep in Sources and Methods of Hiccup Diagnosis. She had also chosen the Directory of Polish Hydraulic Fluid Wholesalers; the Encyclopaedia of Angels; the Catalogue of Chuvash Books in German Libraries; Aboriginal Science Fiction; The Register of Non-Existent Churches; A Bibliography of Indonesian Military Poetry; Orators Who Possessed Horses; Lloyds’ Survey of Failed Board Games; A Dictionary of the Efik Language; The Picture Book of Albanian Idioms—a list in her handwriting lay next to the latter, beginning with the entry, “I ka duart të prera, ‘to have one’s hands cut off,’ ”—The Language of the French & Indian War, Vol. I, Obscene Expressions; Glossary of Dead Architects (Freddy couldn’t wait to read the latest entries); and, finally, though not least, Nicknames of Popular Fish.
“You see,” he told her, “it’s fascinating.”
“Yes, I love it. Now go away.”
“I have our press.”
“I couldn’t care less about our press.”
She held up Who’s Who in Zimbabwe.
“There’s a whole world out there, Freddy, that has nothing to do with us.”
Mark Helprin, Freddy and Fredericka

Kai Meyer
“Bücher muss man fühlen, nicht katalogisieren. Dann bleiben sie ein Leben lang bei einem, selbst wenn man sie nicht mehr besitzt. Wie Erinnerungen, die dann und wann wieder auftauchen, zurückgerufen durch einen Geruch, einen Geschmack oder ein ganz besonderes Wort.”
Kai Meyer, Die Bibliothek im Nebel

Noora Ahmed Alsuwaidi
“The sun rose again. Nader woke up to the sounds of the laughing doves. He giggled as he listened to their lovey chirping. They talked nonstop with the loveliest voices ever.
He closed his eyes again, trying to get back to sleep while listening to their lovely chirping.
It only took him a minute to remember his task.
He opened his eyes wide, astonished that he almost forgot all about his friend.”
Noora Ahmed Alsuwaidi, The Desert Heroes: Novel

Nilantha Ilangamuwa
“Devoid of memory, civilisation crumbles, society dissipates, the future becomes an abyss, and the nation-state loses its essence.”
Nilantha Ilangamuwa

Roy Peter Clark
“Books have a way of finding you when you need them.”
Roy Peter Clark, Murder Your Darlings: And Other Gentle Writing Advice from Aristotle to Zinsser

Mohammad Hafiz Ganie
“Don't be inclined to someone you once adored so much that in your wrong phase they pull you so down that you start hating over them.”
Mohammad Hafiz Ganie

Mohammad Hafiz Ganie
“They don't settle somewhere and say, 'this is what we dreamed of'. No, they are all along with each other through their primes and crests.”
Mohammad Hafiz Ganie

“Because I didn't know it at the time, but I wanted you to see me”
Lauren Asher: The Fine Print

Sophie Mackintosh
“I don't want a book, I don't want the trouble of it, he said. I don't want to get involved, I just want to watch what's going on. I know what's going to happen and then it happens, and I can go outside and feel good about it, I can leave it in the room. A book hangs around, but an image is just a moment.”
Sophie Mackintosh, Cursed Bread

Brianna Labuskes
“We humans love telling each other stories. . . we've done just that in caves, and in amphitheaters, and in the Globe, and in kitchens around campfires, and in the trenches. Every culture, every country, every type pf person in the world tell stories. They've been whispered and sung and written down on scraps of paper and they always, always been an indelible part of our very humanity.”
Brianna Labuskes, The Librarian of Burned Books

Arturo Pérez-Reverte
“un libro es un libro pese a que en apariencia no tenga nada dentro, y nadie sabe nunca dónde puede saltar la chispa que abre tantos caminos mágicos”
Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Con ánimo de ofender:

Arturo Pérez-Reverte
“los libros no se equivocan nunca, sino que son los lectores quienes yerran al elegir libros inadecuados”
Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Con ánimo de ofender: artículos 1998-2001

Aida Mandic
“The Dark Cloud
Is a culmination of people and things that have been cruel to you
Is a war criminal that says that the stories of victims are not true
Is a table of contents that picks on people that are strong
Is a book that depresses you because its characters are wrong”
Aida Mandic, The Dark Cloud

Marceline Loridan-Ivens
“Je lis avec mes souvenirs, mes yeux faibles, mes colères, et je relis, je fouille chez moi, puisque dehors m'est devenu indéchiffrable.”
Marceline Loridan-Ivens, L'Amour après

Afonso Cruz
“It’s enough to know that a good book has more than one skin, and should be a building with several storeys. Just having a ground floor isn’t enough for a book. It’s fine for civil engineering, and comfortable for anyone who dislikes stairs, and useful for those who can’t cope with stairs at all, but literature needs storeys to be piled one on top of the other. Stairs and staircases, with words above and words below.”
Afonso Cruz, الكتب التي التهمت والدي

Manu J
“Books are little slices of reality which you have never lived.”
Manu J, The Artist