Books Quotes

Quotes tagged as "books" Showing 2,971-3,000 of 10,160
Sigrid Nunez
“Only when I was young did I believe that it was important to remember what happened in every novel I read. Now I know the truth: what matters is what you experience while reading, the states of feeling that the story evokes, the questions that rise to your mind, rather than the fictional events described. They should teach you this in school, but they don’t.”
Sigrid Nunez, The Vulnerables

“There's a kind of passion particular to the written word which stays fresh long after the ink or even the writer's veins are dry. You could call it the sacred duty of the reader to keep that spark alive.”
M. L. Rio, If we were villains

Tori Bovalino
“As early as she could remember, she was escaping into books, falling into stories, cloaking herself from the great summer storms with silken words.”
Tori Bovalino, In These Hallowed Halls: A Dark Academia Anthology

“Even when an extraordinary book ends at precisely the right point, with precisely the right words, and anything further would only destroy that perfection, it still leaves us wanting more pages. That is the paradox of reading.”
Carsten Henn, The Door-to-Door Bookstore

Hilary Mantel
“How nice, then, to go to Waterstones and not to have to disinfect yourself when you get home; yet sometimes as a reader I feel nostalgic for disorder, for the random and unpredictable. I find myself wanting to be free from categorization, or to introduce another kind; I wish bookshops had a shelf called Really Interesting Books. We all know what a RIB is, I think. It's a book that is about more than you imagined when first you picked it up. RIBs are like treasure maps—the marks on the paper are only symbolic indications of the riches to be recovered. They tell you things you always somehow knew, but had never been able to articulate. A RIB is like going on your travels, but also somehow like arriving home.”
Hilary Mantel, A Memoir of My Former Self: A Life in Writing

Dushawn Banks
“I have many books that I haven’t read yet. Some books will only make sense when you’re ready. Some books will only be effective when you’re ready. Some books will only make sense when you’re intellectually equipped. The beauty of it is that books are timeless; ready when you are.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“The salvation of mankind lies only in making everything the concern of all.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”
Elie Wiesel . .

Ray Bradbury
“They opened the door and stepped in.

They stopped.

The library deeps waited for them.

Out in the world, not much happened. But here in the special night, a land bricked with paper and leather, anything might happen, always did. Listen! and you heard ten thousand people screaming so high only dogs feathered their ears. A million folk ran toting cannons, sharpening guillotines; Chinese, four abreast, marched on forever. Invisible, silent, yes, but Jim and Will had the gift of ears and noses as well as the gift of tongues. This was a factory of spices from far countries. Here alien deserts slumbered. Up front was the desk where the nice old lady, Miss Watriss, purple-stamped your books, but down off away were Tibet and Antarctica, the Congo. There went Miss Wills, the other librarian, through Outer Mongolia, calmly toting fragments of Peiping and Yokohama and the Celebes.”
Ray Bradbury, Something Wicked This Way Comes

Dushawn Banks
“Our creator gave us the ability to think. When we have to be told how to do everything we are not using our gift. We should have faith in God, but also trust ourselves to make conscious decisions. The world has a lot of things confused. Books are written tools to help us align our lives in a positive way. We are using them incorrectly when we allow a book to think for us. That’s really contradictory to its purpose.”
Dushawn Banks, True Blue

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“To be alive is to get lost in the books, poetry, and the smell of pressed memories for ultimately, they bring us to us. It then becomes a beautiful homecoming.”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

“At all costs, I avoided sitting quietly with a book.”
Prince Harry The Duke of Sussex, Spare

Joan London
“It’s always instructive to return to a book you admired a long time ago. It carries the ghost of the first reading.”
Joan London, The Watch Tower

Elizabeth Harrower
“Clare rushed away, clutching the book she had quoted from, begging its forgiveness. Not she, but something beautiful had been traduced. Oh, but I know what you mean, she exulted, holding it to her on the dark balcony and smiling like someone in love. I truly do.”
Elizabeth Harrower, The Watch Tower

Elizabeth Harrower
“Clare summarily called up her dear ones and relations out of books. They knew her. What did it matter if there had never been anyone about to talk to? These others knew the real world was not tables and chairs and meat and vegetables—or that, given food and shelter, you could surely agree to, had obligations to—venture out? With her head on her folded arms, she stood dreaming.”
Elizabeth Harrower, The Watch Tower

Sunshine Rodgers
“Oh! The lettuce! The lettuce got stuck! Remember the time..." I then
stop myself. “Sorry. Another...”

“Inside joke between you and Travis?” Martin finishes my sentence. “It seems to me like you are bringing up this Travis guy a lot tonight. Maybe he’s a little more than... just a friend?”

“No... no.” I stumble for words.”
Sunshine Rodgers, The Characters Within

Italo Calvino
“But how to establish the exact moment in which a story begins? Everything has already begun before, the first line of the first page of every novel refers to something that has already happened outside the book. Or else the real story is the one that begins ten or a hundred pages further on, and everything that precedes it is only a prologue.”
Italo Calvino

Italo Calvino
“Tomorrow, Reader and Other Reader, if you are together, if you lie down in the same bed like a settled couple, each will turn to the lamp at the side of the bed and sink into his or her book; two parallel readings will accompany the approach of sleep; first you, then you will turn out the light; returning from separated universes, you will find each other fleetingly in the darkness, where all separations are erased, before divergent dreams draw you again, one to one side, and one to the other. But do not wax ironic on this prospect of conjugal harmony: what happier image of a couple could you set against it?”
Italo Calvino, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler

“I can hardly conceive of how limited my perception would be without the books I have been privileged to read, how superficial my understanding of others, how underdeveloped my sympathies. And I mean here, especially, without fiction, which pus flesh and blood on, and soul and feeling in, other human beings. Precisely because of its appeal to my imagination, which -Webster's- dictionary defines as 'the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality,' in fiction I come to know and understand people I may not have met otherwise. And thus I am persuaded to a more compassionate, generous, and loving response in my life beyond books.”
Nancy M. Malone, Walking a Literary Labyrinth

“Books contain both our memories and our hopes, shape them, in some cases create them. Since the first human put chisel to stone, we have traveled a long distance in our inner and outward journeys, so much of what we know of these journeys preserved for us in writing. Now when an author puts the first word on paper or screen, she commits an act of hope. And every time we open a book, so do we. We hope for all kinds of things from a book--pleasure, knowledge, insight, intimacy, greater understanding of others and ourselves, beauty. But reading can also, in a deeper and more inchoate fashion, -give- us hope. Hope that there is a God whose extravagant fecundity is the source of the mysterious creative impulse of the artists among us. That the care and attention writers lavish on their characters are bestowed on us by our Creator. And that there is in life the kind of wholeness achieved in a great work of literature--a master narrative in which, though we cannot always see how, your story and mine have their part.”
Nancy M. Malone, Walking a Literary Labyrinth

Sarah Addison Allen
“Book lovers could spot a wrapped book from a mile away.”
Sarah Addison Allen, Other Birds

John Connolly
“They were books speaking to other books, which was what books did, because no book was ever created in isolation, and literature was a long, ongoing conversation between stories.”
John Connolly, The Land of Lost Things

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Even the bestselling books have some mediocre chapters. A few bad years don’t mean our life story is over.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Noora Ahmed Alsuwaidi
“Good morning, Grandma little owl,” he said, still running.
“Good morning, dear Nader… I’m trying to sleep. It was a long night,” said the kind owl, resting above a high rock.
“Well, then… happy dreams, grandma little owl,”
“Don’t wander far alone; the wolves might eat you,” warned the little owl before she surrendered to sleep.
Of course, the fawn was running at top speed; he couldn’t hear her advice.”
Noora Ahmed Alsuwaidi, The Desert Heroes: Novel

Susan         Hill
“Imagine having nothing to read in the house but cookery books.”
Susan Hill, Howards End Is on the Landing: A Year of Reading from Home

Pip Williams
“Love Eternal, in Baskerville typeface. He'd chosen it for its clarity and beauty.”
Pip Williams, The Bookbinder

Becky Dean
“Books are like adventures. They take you to new places and let you be new people. The best ones teach you about life or inspire you.”
Becky Dean, Love & Other Great Expectations

Andrew James Pritchard
“, it was his observations, prying and intellect which had furthered his wisdom the most. That was why he wouldn’t rely solely on books or the words of others to relate the facts of the world of man, or that of the spirit, or the nature of existence. Since it is very easy for books to be wrong and men to lie, and even his senses could be misled.”
Andrew James Pritchard, Way of the Snow Crane

“It was a dreary gray afternoon, the sort of day that begged for an endless cup of warm black tea and a thick book by the hearth.”
Rebecca Ross, Letters of Enchantment
tags: books

Charlie Jane Anders
“Everybody needs books, Molly figured. No matter where they live, how they love, what they believe, whom they want to kill. We all want books. The moment you start thinking of books as some exclusive club, or the loving of books as a high distinction, then you're a bad bookseller.

Books are the best way to discover what people thought before you were born. And an author is just someone who tried their utmost to make sense of their own mess, and maybe their failure contains a few seeds to help you with yours.”
Charlie Jane Anders, A People's Future of the United States: Speculative Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers

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