Actions Quotes

Quotes tagged as "actions" Showing 241-270 of 1,049
“What matters is what one feels about the choices one had made. Our souls must be at peace.”
Abhaidev, The Influencer: Speed Must Have a Limit

Iqra Iqbal
“I have a dream
And wished to be far above the stars
I suddenly feels
And wished to be a person of good deeds
I, with my means
And wished to be a scholar of seven seas
I will never leave
My culture and my perfect themes
I, with my acts
Will make the air a better one to feel
I will shine
And make the world rinse with light
I will not cry
And face the realities of life
I will dive
Into the bottom of sights
I will fly
If I have wings of my choice
I will be there
If anyone needs me in their pains
Allah, You are with me
So, I can dream and make this happen in my life”
iqra iqbal

“Assignments without deadlines are far better at producing guilt than stimulating action.”
Kerry Patterson, Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High

Amit Kalantri
“When you regret of burning the bridges, pray that it would light the ways.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Amit Kalantri
“It takes several right actions to build reputation and it takes just one wrong action to ruin it.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

“Remember! You have the choice to filter your emotions, thoughts, words, and actions as they determine your well-being.”
Heidi M. Morrison (Heidi Morrison Teachings)

T.H. White
“Do you think you can stop the consequences of a bad action, by doing good ones afterwards? I don't. I have been trying to stopper it down with good actions, ever since, but it goes on in widening circles.”
T.H. White, CliffsNotes on White's the Once and Future King

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Don’t waste my time telling me who you are. Instead, use that time showing me.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Mariana Zapata
“We’d grown up in the same environment, went to the same schools, and had about the same intelligence, I figured. She’d always been a ruthless, angry, mean person, but at thirteen, she’d started doing stupid crap that led to more stupid crap and more stupid crap and more stupid crap until she was buried under so much crap, she could never find her way out of it.

You couldn’t expect anyone to take care of you better than you could take care of you.”
Mariana Zapata, The Wall of Winnipeg and Me

Sukant Ratnakar
“Our actions should be derived from needs, not from our comforts.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

Debashis Chatterjee
“Action is much more than random motion of the body and the mind. True action is born of wonder. When our heart, mind and our entire human capacity is invested in what we do, we get to see true action. The deeper the root of our action goes within our being the more spontaneous our action becomes. True action is indeed not random motion – like goods moving unconsciously through an assembly line. Action is the movement of the conscious being towards a larger purpose.”
Debashis Chatterjee, The Other 99%: You Can Dare To Lead

Franz Werfel
“The deeds of our hearts too...are not without their progeny.

[Jeremiah, to Ebed-melech]”
Franz Werfel, Jeremias, höret die Stimme

“Never Let your words or actions be an obstacle to anyone”
Aadhil Ahamedh

“Do you know what words are without actions? Lies. They are lies.”
Deanna L. Lawlis, Of Ashes and Embers: Exploring Self Awareness After Spiritual Trauma

Darcy Luoma
“Your thoughts determine your actions. When you have greater awareness and more control over your thoughts, you have greater awareness and more control over your actions. Thoughtfully Fit teaches you to be aware of your thoughts and decide if they’re serving you well. If not? Well, it might be time to think again, consider the choices, and find a new path forward.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Darcy Luoma
“New awareness gives you access to new actions. That’s the power of questions: they create new awareness. And when you identify the options and choose the path forward, you are totally sold on executing it.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Darcy Luoma
“Are your thoughts getting in the way? Telling you all the reasons you can’t do something or making you feel like you don’t have a choice? Or urging you to tell others what jerks they are? Time for these thoughts to get out of the way. When you are Thoughtfully Fit, your thoughts can lead the way to better actions.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

“Words are precious.
Deeds are plentiful.
But actions speaks with authority of power.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

Darcy Luoma
“It’s no coincidence that this model is called Thoughtfully Fit. The goal is to be more thoughtful—to do more thinking—about your actions, reactions, and interactions. Thoughtfully Fit asks you to override some of your default thoughts and behaviors.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Darcy Luoma
“Perhaps the greatest benefit of being Thoughtfully Fit is that it allows you to save your energy for the things that matter most to you. Rather than using up your energy stomping around, being angry, harboring resentment, trying to change people, or cleaning up the messes you made from acting thoughtlessly, you can use these practices to help build strong, honest relationships and get back to working on what you do best.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

J.S. Felts
“A life lived is a much better gauge of someone’s belief, than what they say.”
J.S. Felts, Ageless Wisdom: A Treasury of Quotes to Motivate & Inspire

Wallace Miles
“The power of our emotional mind is astounding. Unless you are made aware that there is a war to be had, it will control and govern your feelings, words, and actions without you even knowing.”
Wallace Miles, UNDERR8TED: The Route That Caught an NFL Dream

“It is what they know and what they do about what they know that makes them good or bad people.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Darcy Luoma
“Being thoughtful can be both an internal practice and an external one. Internally, being thoughtful includes behaviors like careful consideration, thinking before speaking, and weighing your options. Externally, being thoughtful means you think about others, and their wants and needs, when acting. It’s this care and consideration that can show up in your daily life and your everyday behavior when you are Thoughtfully Fit.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Alexis Henderson
“I'm saying it's difficult, often impossible, to undo what's already been done. When you make a mark, it's there forever. It can be altered but never fully erased.”
Alexis Henderson, The Year of the Witching

Darcy Luoma
“The Pause allows us to slow down. To reflect. To check ourselves before we act thoughtlessly. To give us a chance to be thoughtful instead.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

“The quality of your thought is the quality of your reality.”

Kate DiCamillo
“Because we must act to make our fate come true," said the king.”
Kate DiCamillo, The Beatryce Prophecy

Darcy Luoma
“Strength is a huge part of being Thoughtfully Fit, and it requires you to be in control of your actions and emotions, instead of letting them control you. Strength does not mean you can’t feel sad, angry, or frustrated, but it requires you to make a conscious choice not to lead with anger or frustration. Having Strength is about honoring what you’re feeling and then thoughtfully choosing what you want to do next.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Darcy Luoma
“The great thing about Strength is that it helps you feel like there are options. Without it, you often feel like life is happening to you, that other people and their actions are in charge of what happens to you. But when you build your Strength and your ability to control how you show up, then you’re in a place to choose what you do next. You’re no longer a victim of the circumstances.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success