Actions Quotes

Quotes tagged as "actions" Showing 151-180 of 1,049
Malcolm  Collins
“The realms of dating, marriage, and sex are all marketplaces, and we are the products. Some may bristle at the idea of people as products on a marketplace, but this is an incredibly prevalent dynamic. Consider the labor marketplace, where people are also the product. Just as in the labor marketplace, one party makes an offer to another, and based on the terms of this offer, the other person can choose to accept it or walk. What makes the dating market so interesting is that the products we are marketing, selling, buying, and exchanging are essentially our identities and lives.

As with all marketplaces, every item in stock has a value, and that value is determined by its desirability. However, the desirability of a product isn’t a fixed thing—the desirability of umbrellas increases in areas where it is currently raining while the desirability of a specific drug may increase to a specific individual if it can cure an illness their child has, even if its wider desirability on the market has not changed.

In the world of dating, the two types of desirability we care about most are:
- Aggregate Desirability: What the average demand within an open marketplace would be for a relationship with a particular person.
- Individual Desirability: What the desirability of a relationship with an individual is from the perspective of a specific other individual.

Imagine you are at a fish market and deciding whether or not to buy a specific fish:
- Aggregate desirability = The fish’s market price that day
- Individual desirability = What you are willing to pay for the fish

Aggregate desirability is something our society enthusiastically emphasizes, with concepts like “leagues.” Whether these are revealed through crude statements like, “that guy's an 8,” or more politically correct comments such as, “I believe she may be out of your league,” there is a tacit acknowledgment by society that every individual has an aggregate value on the public dating market, and that value can be judged at a glance. When what we have to trade on the dating market is often ourselves, that means that on average, we are going to end up in relationships with people with an aggregate value roughly equal to our own (i.e., individuals “within our league”). Statistically speaking, leagues are a real phenomenon that affects dating patterns. Using data from dating websites, the University of Michigan found that when you sort online daters by desirability, they seem to know “their place.” People on online dating sites almost never send a message to someone less desirable than them, and on average they reach out to prospects only 25% more desirable than themselves.

The great thing about these markets is how often the average desirability of a person to others is wildly different than their desirability to you. This gives you the opportunity to play arbitrage with traits that other people don’t like, but you either like or don’t mind. For example, while society may prefer women who are not overweight, a specific individual within the marketplace may prefer obese women, or even more interestingly may have no preference. If a guy doesn’t care whether his partner is slim or obese, then he should specifically target obese women, as obesity lowers desirability on the open marketplace, but not from his perspective, giving him access to women who are of higher value to him than those he could secure within an open market.”
Malcolm Collins, The Pragmatist's Guide to Relationships: Ruthlessly Optimized Strategies for Dating, Sex, and Marriage

Amita Parikh
“No matter what people said they wanted (Real estate! Stocks! Bonds!), their actions always spoke louder. People wanted an escape. They wanted entertainment, a place where they could revel in wonder and forget about the drudgery of everyday life.”
Amita Parikh, The Circus Train

“Only a good player knows... what it takes to reach there...”
Bhawna Dehariya

Richelle E. Goodrich
“God is always watching. Always.
It is more feasible to think you can hide your thoughts and actions from yourself than to hope you can hide them from God.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Hope Evermore: Quotes, Verse, & Spiritual Inspiration for Every Day of the Year

Tatiana Boncompagni
“Feelings of entitlement make people do horrible things, or, rather, they allow them to do horrible things without feeling the slightest inkling of guilt.”
Tatiana Boncompagni, Hedge Fund Wives

Ann Leckie
“You have only small and seemingly pointless choices available to you. But if there is anything I have been trying to teach you, it is that small actions can have larger consequences. If one has only small choices available, one must be patient, and canny.”
Ann Leckie, Translation State

T.M Cicinski
“… there were wise men I knew when I was young, who taught me that the stars are the eyes of the gods and angels which dwell above and that amongst them the spirits of our ancestors live, those who were granted a place in heaven. It is from there that they watch over us. Whether our actions please them or anger them, of course we cannot know. But whatever you do in your life, you should remember that you are not doing so unseen, and therefore you must never do a thing that you are not prepared to defend if you yourself are called to heaven.”
T.M Cicinski, From Whence The Rivers Run

Gift Gugu Mona
“Dear Daughter,
Delve into decisions and actions that assist you to unlock doors that were closed before.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Dear Daughter: Short and Sweet Messages for a Queen

Steven Magee
“Your actions during the first minute of an abduction may determine if you are going to die.”
Steven Magee

Dan Desmarques
“Some readers have said that it's crazy that a great book is so cheap, but unfortunately the rule applies that they won't know that until they read, and they won't read unless it's essentially free. People expect the best things in life to be free and they rarely are, or there wouldn't be any advantage or the need to accumulate money. Know how the rules you impose on yourself contradict your own actions and you will make less mistakes in life.”
Dan Desmarques

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“The causes always show themselves as angels against actions.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

“Brave thoughts, brave actions.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“When you know better. You must do better. You can’t be competing with people who are clueless, knowledge less, careless, misinformed, mislead and heartless. People who do stupid and bad things. Every person is responsible for their , even if their action was retaliation.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Vikrant Adams
“Don't be deceived by mere words of love. Look to actions for the true measure of one's affections.”
Vikrant Adams

Steven Magee
“The actions you take during a police harassment incident may determine if you live or die.”
Steven Magee

“Wrath springs only from thwarted desires. I do not expect anything from others, so their actions cannot be in opposition to wishes of mine. I would not use you for my own ends; I am happy only in your own true happiness.”
Sri Yukteswar

“The consequences of our actions reach far beyond ourselves; they ripple through the lives of others, shaping the world we inhabit”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

Binod Shankar
“If you aren’t happy with your decisions, it’s quite likely that you aren’t living your values. This is an indication that you should re evaluate your career and life choices.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

Binod Shankar
“Sit down and make a list of your values. Then look at your day and see whether most of what you do at work reflects those values. If your values are (for example) well-being and family but you are consumed by your work then clearly you aren’t living your values, are you?”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

“Actions are far better than advertisements.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“God calls us to judge those within the church, not those outside. Our actions as believers reflect on the name of Christ.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

“There's four things you can't get back in life

The word after it's said
The moment after it's missed
Time after it's gone
And trust after it's lost”
Matheesha Prathapa

“The only problem was that you can’t force someone to repent. You can’t force someone to change their heart and mind about something. You can force them to change their actions and even their behavior, but if their beliefs remain the same, they will only get angry with you for it.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

Ron Baratono
“It’s only God Himself who can truly give validation and recognition for our actions and opinions, and His approval is what makes them worthy of all things. The feelings in our heart coming from God are the only feelings of validation we strive. It’s that spark of Godhood. For this emotional gift of morals are some of the most spiritual gifts of all.”
Ron Baratono

Catherine Ryan Howard
“Do you think people can change, Shiv? Like, really change? At their core?"
Her sister sighs so hard it sounds like a gale blowing down the line.
"What does that even mean, 'at their core'? What does a person changing actually look like? How would you know if they did?"
"They'd act differently. Different to how you'd expect them to."
"Based on what?"
"Based on how they'd acted in the past."
"I think people can change their habits and behaviors," Siobhan says carefully, as if she's on the stand in a courtroom, testifying for the defense, and the hot-shot prosecutor has just tried to trip her up with a cleverly worded question. "And sometimes their mind and their beliefs. People get older and wiser and have more experiences, and that all updates their... let's call it their central operating system. Because everything they do they learned in the first place, right? No one is born being X, Y, or Z. And theoretically, if you can learn how to be a certain way, you can unlearn it, too. But at the same time, you can't erase the past. You can lock it in a box and put that box away, but you can't make it disappear.”
Catherine Ryan Howard, 56 Days

“My actions affect others, so having an open heart makes the connection available to others”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

“From Brandon's perspective, this kid possessed the unique ability (it was actually more of a gift) to get under his skin. Most of us know somebody like this. Through their words, actions, and even facial expressions, they evolve into a special breed of human able to push all the right buttons needed to get you upset, angry, or frustrated. It's an irritation really, like an inward pain you can't quite locate. These people needle you non-stop until they get the response they want. For reasons unknown, they somehow gain a sort of perverse pleasure out of making you upset. They decompose you. In the process your nerves resemble the ends of a frayed rope.
Come to think of it, those same people later grow up to be adults. And they don't go away, either. They work in your office, live in your neighborhood, and have children on your son's baseball team. Sometimes they even marry into your family! There is no escape from them.”
Jeff Kinley

Olga Ravn
“Cada ação encerra em si um elemento de caos.”
Olga Ravn, The Employees: A Workplace Novel of the 22nd Century

Володимир Станчишин
“Дії — це те, що повертає нас від абстрактних віри і надії в дуже конкретний, вимірювальний світ матеріальних речей тут і тепер.”
Володимир Станчишин, Емоційні гойдалки війни. Роздуми психотерапевта про війну

Володимир Станчишин
“Дія — це не про те, що ми щоразу здійснюємо подвиг, це про подвиг на певному рівні життя.”
Володимир Станчишин, Емоційні гойдалки війни. Роздуми психотерапевта про війну