6 Great Books Hitting Shelves This Week

Posted by Cybil on September 15, 2020
Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? We’ve got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day.

To create our list, we focused on the books Goodreads members can’t wait to read, which we measure by how many times a book has been added to Want to Read shelves. All these top titles are now available in the United States! Which ones catch your eye?

You should read this book if you like: science fiction, stories of first contact with aliens, curious xenobiologists, space opera, fantasy authors stretching out into new genres, Eragon

You should read this book if you like: historical fiction, the seeds of civilization, brave abbots, solitary abbeys, multigenerational narratives, the Dark Ages, Ken Follett books, The Pillars of the Earth

You should read this book if you like: contemporary fiction, immigrant stories, books that blend fact and fiction, family drama, social commentary, Pulitzer Prize–winning authors

You should read this book if you like: mysteries, thrillers, psychological suspense, baffling disappearances, desperate searches, people who might not want to be found, Emma in the Night, All Is Not Forgotten

You should read this book if you like: mysteries, crime thrillers, tenacious private investigators, cold case files, hunting psychopathic serial killers, the Cormoran Strike series, authors who are actually J.K. Rowling

You should read this book if you like: sophisticated fantasy novels with complex themes, dreamlike alternate realities, extradimensional houses with infinite rooms, non-Euclidean geometry, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Which new releases are you looking forward to reading? Let’s talk books in the comments!

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Comments Showing 1-50 of 74 (74 new)

message 1: by Addy (new)

Addy Maybe...you could NOT promote the transphobic JK Rowling book?

message 2: by Erin (new)

Erin I’m so excited for Piranesi! =]

message 3: by Rai (new)

Rai FG Addy wrote: "Maybe...you could NOT promote the transphobic JK Rowling book?"

Seconded. Very disappointing to see.

message 4: by Joy (new)

Joy Imad please do not promote she-who-must-not-be-named.

message 5: by Billie (new)

Billie Don’t blame goodreads for listing Rowling’s book. Blame the people who added it to their WTR shelf. The second paragraph of this article literally explains this...

message 6: by Karissa (new)

Karissa So many activists and authors alike have ridiculed JK Rowling’s book for its deeply stereotypical transphobic themes, which perpetuate violence against trans women every single day. You should be ashamed for including it.

message 7: by Rick (new)

Rick Brohman Welcome to book burning 101 in the comment section.

message 8: by akshay (new)

akshay kumar A very interesting story about the above books. Goodreads is a really good site for the user. Thank You, Goodreads to care of all it.

message 9: by Tony (new)

Tony da Napoli Seems some members have a severe shortage of tolerance of others similar to those they criticize?
Keep it off the site, please. Virtual book burning should be banned, not authors.

message 10: by Domi (new)

Domi Rai wrote: "Addy wrote: "Maybe...you could NOT promote the transphobic JK Rowling book?"

Seconded. Very disappointing to see."

For real.

message 11: by Svensgaard (new)

Svensgaard The “problem” with identity politics is that they largely play in echo chambers. Puerile comments and 1-star reviews make no difference. Check out the Amazon best sellers list if you believe otherwise. All you are achieving is helping to drag Goodreads to your level of toxicity.

message 12: by Melissa (new)

Melissa F. Addy wrote: "Maybe...you could NOT promote the transphobic JK Rowling book?"

Agree 100%

message 13: by Kristina (new)

Kristina Billie wrote: "Don’t blame goodreads for listing Rowling’s book. Blame the people who added it to their WTR shelf. The second paragraph of this article literally explains this..."

Apparently on a page dedicated to readers, most people just look at the pictures. 😂

message 14: by Cindy (new)

Cindy The fact remains that they could have culled JK Rowling's book from the list no matter how the list is made. It should not be there. Her violent rhetoric should not be promoted at all. And any apologists are just as immoral as she is. Period.

message 15: by Candace (new)

Candace W I had heard all the controversy over her new book, but didn't know this was the book. I didn't know she was using a pen name.

message 16: by Caroline (new)

Caroline Super weird concept...maybe just don't read the books that you don't agree with or like? She's a big name author and it's going to be promoted. Just don't read it.

message 17: by Ron (new)

Ron Gee Karissa wrote: "So many activists and authors alike have ridiculed JK Rowling’s book for its deeply stereotypical transphobic themes, which perpetuate violence against trans women every single day. You should be a..."

Just put stuff out there that EVERYONE agrees with and then we can start burning the other books.

message 18: by Timothy (new)

Timothy Joy wrote: "please do not promote she-who-must-not-be-named."
Most of these books are paid space, the publishers pay Goodreads to post it on the site. Just like the books on the front table of Barnes and Noble or other bookstore, it's all about the money..

message 19: by Ben (new)

Ben McIntire Caroline wrote: "Super weird concept...maybe just don't read the books that you don't agree with or like? She's a big name author and it's going to be promoted. Just don't read it."

Thank you!

message 20: by Timothy (new)

Timothy Caroline wrote: "Super weird concept...maybe just don't read the books that you don't agree with or like? She's a big name author and it's going to be promoted. Just don't read it."Ditto!!

message 21: by Brittany (new)

Brittany Cindy wrote: "The fact remains that they could have culled JK Rowling's book from the list no matter how the list is made. It should not be there. Her violent rhetoric should not be promoted at all. And any apol..."

Yes! This!

message 22: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Why can’t you just let Rowling have her opinion without trying to destroy her. Listing upcoming book releases shouldn’t be turned into a political boycott.

message 23: by Julie (new)

Julie N As a librarian, I can't help but consider that we don't get the legislate the moral decisions of what people choose to read. You may not like it, you may wish it didn't exist, you may choose not to read it. But asking people to cull it from lists of best sellers is a slippery slope. In asking an organization like Goodreads to hide books that readers want to read, you're starting down a path of forcing your own morality onto other readers, which would be completely unacceptable in most other cases.

message 24: by Carole (new)

Carole Richard wrote: "Welcome to book burning 101 in the comment section."


message 25: by Cindy (new)

Cindy Melissa wrote: "Why can’t you just let Rowling have her opinion without trying to destroy her. Listing upcoming book releases shouldn’t be turned into a political boycott."

Because it hurts real people. She is allowed to say whatever she wants, but she's not free from the consequences of her actions. The consequences are people boycotting her and her franchise. Vanity Fair published an article today about it, many bookstores have taken her books off the shelves. Real people are hurt by her rhetoric. Human rights trump her books.

message 26: by sarah ⛵️ (new)

sarah ⛵️ Other than the fact that J.K. Rowling is trash, her crime/suspens books are so bad, i tried the first Cormoran Strike long ago and it was just so lame… Not that Harry Potter is that well written either lmao

message 27: by coty ☆ (new)

coty ☆ Melissa wrote: "Why can’t you just let Rowling have her opinion without trying to destroy her. Listing upcoming book releases shouldn’t be turned into a political boycott."

her 'opinion' gets women killed.
there's nothing "political" about trans equality

message 28: by Chris (new)

Chris Chanona Rai wrote: "Addy wrote: "Maybe...you could NOT promote the transphobic JK Rowling book?"

Seconded. Very disappointing to see."

So easy to jump on the bash JK bandwagon. Very woke of you.

message 29: by Mairy (new)

Mairy I so look forward The Evening and The Morning as well as Piranesi <3

message 30: by MK (new)

MK Carole wrote: "Richard wrote: "Welcome to book burning 101 in the comment section."


Nazi Book Burnings.
Take Two.

message 31: by Joshua (new)

Joshua Sawyer Jk Rowling can forget about me ever reading another one of her books.

message 32: by Joan (new)

Joan Melissa wrote: "Why can’t you just let Rowling have her opinion without trying to destroy her. Listing upcoming book releases shouldn’t be turned into a political boycott."

Totally agree! Exercise your right to not read the book but don't condemn someone because they have another opinion.

message 33: by Nate (new)

Nate Trails of Koli & To Sleep in a Sea of Stars were both pre-ordered and delivered to my kindle this morning. Don’t Look For Me is also on the to-read list.

message 34: by Janis (new)

Janis So, IMHO, no matter how you feel about her book, she has the right to write it and it be out there. It is called free speech. I am tired our freedom of speech being taken about because it offends someone. Facebook is censoring, Instagram is censoring, twitter is censoring. I don't like censoring more. If you don't like the book, then don't read it. Goodbooks should not be censoring books either. They have to be unbiased.

message 35: by Linda (new)

Linda C Richard wrote: "Welcome to book burning 101 in the comment section."

Anyone who tells me that I shouldn't read something, or, even more egregious, that I "should be ashamed" for wanting to read something, immediately bumps it to the top of TBR list. I didn't know that JK Rowling HAD a new book coming out. Now, I'm going to read it... because I don't like censorship in any shape or form.

message 36: by Linda (new)

Linda C Janis wrote: "So, IMHO, no matter how you feel about her book, she has the right to write it and it be out there. It is called free speech. I am tired our freedom of speech being taken about because it offends s..."

I totally agree. No one is going to tell me what I can or cannot read. They can shove it, frankly.

message 37: by Gary (new)

Gary Linda wrote: "Janis wrote: "So, IMHO, no matter how you feel about her book, she has the right to write it and it be out there. It is called free speech. I am tired our freedom of speech being taken about becaus..." Absolutely agree. You may not agree with J. K. Rowling but frankly her Cormoran Strike novels are such a pleasure to read more so than some dreary "woke" writers.

message 38: by Sara (new)

Sara Hollingsworth Julie wrote: "As a librarian, I can't help but consider that we don't get the legislate the moral decisions of what people choose to read. You may not like it, you may wish it didn't exist, you may choose not to..."

I have to agree with you. I think there is a slippery slope scenario here. I don't believe in book bans of any kinds, I personal may be disgusted with JKR's statements and will not be buying the book, but I also don't want to ban anything. People should be able to make up their own mind on their opinions, the same way that I wish for other people to allow me my own ability to read material and make up my own opinions.

message 39: by Bell (new)

Bell "if you like authors who are actually J K Rowling" 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

message 40: by Bell (new)

Bell Karissa wrote: "So many activists and authors alike have ridiculed JK Rowling’s book for its deeply stereotypical transphobic themes, which perpetuate violence against trans women every single day. You should be a..."

damn right
if a book is bigoted garbage? burn that shit 🔥📚🔥

message 41: by Patience (new)

Patience I get that the JK Rowling one was added by an algorithm but...no ❤️ That’s not it sis

message 42: by Maro (new)

Maro yall dont seem to understand, you dont get to have an opinion on someone else's identity. got it? okay

message 43: by Susan (new)

Susan Agree with Tony. Astounded by the lack of tolerance evident in the comments on JK Rowling’s book. Each to their own: it’s currently impossible NOT to offend someone in our fledgling “tolerant“ culture - but it is possible! Respect each other. And respect writers creative freedom.

message 44: by Maro (new)

Maro Susan wrote: "Agree with Tony. Astounded by the lack of tolerance evident in the comments on JK Rowling’s book. Each to their own: it’s currently impossible NOT to offend someone in our fledgling “tolerant“ cult..."how do i respect her when she cant respect peoples identity? shes a bad person, plain and simple

message 45: by Caleb (new)

Caleb Kovalenko Maro wrote: "Susan wrote: "Agree with Tony. Astounded by the lack of tolerance evident in the comments on JK Rowling’s book. Each to their own: it’s currently impossible NOT to offend someone in our fledgling “..."

We'll respect J. K Rowling once she respects human lives, so fuck her and hope after this book we never see her face again ^^

message 46: by Ray (new)

Ray Rai wrote: "Addy wrote: "Maybe...you could NOT promote the transphobic JK Rowling book?"

Seconded. Very disappointing to see."

dont read it if you dont like it

message 47: by Maro (new)

Maro Ray wrote: "Rai wrote: "Addy wrote: "Maybe...you could NOT promote the transphobic JK Rowling book?"

Seconded. Very disappointing to see."

dont read it if you dont like it"

lol some people like to fight for ehwat they believe

Nope! You can't cancel ME I DO NOT internalise NONSENSE hhhhhhh Want to know how you can control the masses? Dumb them down...easy! We have twats who haven't read Troubled Blood and are calling it transphobic.

Well the rest of humanity is offended by every other book for mocking non-trans! WOKE = MR and MRS TWITS of the second century.

Nope! You can't cancel ME I DO NOT internalise NONSENSE Addy wrote: "Maybe...you could NOT promote the transphobic JK Rowling book?"

Sex is different and binary! Gender is a social construct and should be thrown away. Enjoy your life and stop putting people in boxes. Gender = social control for the stupid and money maker for clever ones.

Nope! You can't cancel ME I DO NOT internalise NONSENSE Joy wrote: "please do not promote she-who-must-not-be-named."

Sex is different and binary! Gender is a social construct and should be thrown away. Enjoy your life and stop putting people in boxes. Gender = social control for the stupid and money maker for clever ones.

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