HBO announces writer and director for Harry Potter TV series



HBO, in association with Warner Bros. Television, has named Francesca Gardiner (HBO’s “Succession,” “Killing Eve”) as writer (showrunner) and executive producer and Mark Mylod (HBO’s “Succession,” “Game of Thrones” and “The Last of Us”) as executive producer and director of multiple episodes of the upcoming original Harry Potter series.

The series will be a faithful adaptation of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books and will feature a new cast to lead a new generation of fandom, full of the fantastic detail and characters Potter fans have loved for over twenty-five years, while the original, classic and beloved films will remain available to watch globally.

Produced in association with Brontë Film and TV and Warner Bros. Television, the series is executive produced by J.K. Rowling, Neil Blair, Ruth Kenley-Letts; and David Heyman for Heyday films.

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Published on June 26, 2024 07:01
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message 1: by Dorrie (new)

Dorrie So excited about this!!

message 2: by Mary Doran (new)

Mary Doran Cosgrove Ahh! I can't wait!

message 3: by Brittony (new)

Brittony Ohhhh snap

message 4: by **Theo (new)

**Theo Loved the novels, but hated the film format for them. So looking forward to watching with the little ones in my family and introducing a new generation to an amazing story. HP was amazing because the characters and the struggles were universal. The characters didn't depend on race or sexist stereotypes to appeal to people all over the world. As a fan I never felt pandered to. I could just connect with who the characters were as people. Please stay true to the books!!!

message 5: by Meadow (new)

Meadow So excited! Im rereading the books right now.

message 6: by Alice (new)

Alice Burlingham So excited for this! I hope it's more accurate than the movies (which were great, but had some problems.) Can't wait to hear more news!

message 7: by Sanchi (last edited Jun 30, 2024 10:54PM) (new)

Sanchi Verma Can’t replace the OGs with the new one
For me every time I imagine Harry, Hermione and Ron they’ll always be Daniel, Emma and Rupert
Anyway, hope it’s a good show which gets the real essence of the books.

message 8: by Philipp (new)

Philipp Love those books. Shame about your transphobic views though.

message 9: by Pandora (new)

Pandora Elinor I hope they convey the magic of the books better than the films, which didn't do such a good job in my opinion. Also hope they will be better cast this time, the casting of the kids for the films was pretty bad. The teachers were better cast.

message 10: by Colorado (new)

Colorado Any ETA?

message 11: by Nik (new)

Nik Really hope they stick to the source material and widen out the setting of the Wizarding World. Loved the books, still do! The films were great! Loved the cast, just wished they would have expanded on the Hogwarts and Wizarding World setting. Seemed so small on screen and in the games. Love that the Wizarding World is still alive and kicking. Wishing you and yours all the best!

message 12: by Mary Doran (new)

Mary Doran Cosgrove I liked the cast a lot, though there were definitely some problems. I did enjoy the movies, it's just that the books are so much better. The movie left out SO many plot details, and it really took away from the story for me. It couldn't really be helped with the timing, but I'm excited for the series to be truer to the books.

Almantė (Ravenclaw_of_Shire) I hate this idea. The original films are just fine, no - more than enough.

message 14: by eric (new)

eric the whole problem with this is HBO is notorious for going YEARS between seasons of tv shows. For Harry Potter, the cast are going to be 10 years old in the first season, but what about the second season? By the time they reach the end, which will probably be like season 7, the actors will be like 45 years old, unless they recast mid-way through, which would also be terrible.

message 15: by Clarita (new)

Clarita I loved and don't stop loving the books and the movies.
Not sure
about the series... Anyway, is a good news. I hope they will be true to books.

message 16: by Joseph (new)

Joseph Benitez I hope it will be a great show on Max. I own all seven books which is the original edition and I own the audio books narrated by Jim Dale. I only read the first three books and I only listened to the first three audio books.

message 17: by Karen (new)

Karen King ick bleh stinky

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