Regional Policy

Economy 17-10-2023

The Brief – The cash dispenser that needs repair

Est. 7min

The EU’s cohesion policy accounts for the biggest chunk of its budget, yet it is distributed through back-door negotiations, far away from public attention. For transparency's sake, this needs to change – especially as new, less-developed countries will still join the bloc.

Economy 11-10-2022

When unity is at stake, regions and cities help keep Europe together

Est. 7min

Regions and cities have a key role in defending the European project, reinforcing our democratic culture not to fall into simplistic and egoistic traps set by populists, who pour oil on troubled waters, writes Vasco Alves Cordeiro.

Promoted content
Economy 03-10-2022

Across Europe, Industrial Unions Have One Message: We Need a Pay Rise to Save the Economy

Est. 6min

Inflation is at record levels. The energy crisis threatens to stall European industry. The spiralling cost of living is driving millions into poverty and stoking fears of social unrest.

Europe's East 24-08-2022

Rebuilding Ukrainian cities, hand in hand

Est. 5min

Before the winter arrives, Ukraine has an urgent need: to rebuild homes and facilities. As the brutal war of aggression waged by Putin’s regime continues to take its toll on people across the country, our determination to show that Ukraine …

Economy 09-05-2022

It’s time for the EU to be closer to people

Est. 6min

Giving cities and regions more power in the EU decision making process would help incorporating criticism of the EU more productively and thus be a good strategy against further alienation between the EU and its citizens, argues Apostolos Tzitzikostas.

Promoted content
Economy 05-04-2022

Platform work: Walking the line between technological innovation and protecting workers’rights

Est. 4min

Balanced regulation is required from the proposed EU Directive on platform work to ensure the best outcome for platforms and workers alike. The diversity within the platform economy merits a considered and flexible approach to classifying labour.

Promoted content
Global Europe 17-11-2021

Is Europe still committed to children’s rights?

Est. 6min

Marking the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, we look at how far we have come to realise the rights of all children in Europe and whether the commitment still stands the test of time.

Elections 20-10-2021

The Brief, powered by EPRA — A yellow traffic light for fiscal integration

Est. 6min

“Generating energy from friction,” “focusing on the joint big picture,” — the parties likely to form Germany’s new government are competing for the blandest metaphors in an effort to signal love, peace, and harmony within the budding three-way alliance.

Promoted content

How not to lose the process of transformation towards a Green Deal in Poland

Est. 7min

Contrary to established stereotypes, fundamental changes are undergoing in Poland to achieve climate neutrality in 2050. However, this will require difficult and costly changes, primarily in electricity generation, which will allow for the construction of the foundations of a zero-emission …

Fiscal Policy 24-06-2021

EU recovery plans will be a waste of time and money without transparency 

Est. 5min

The lack of transparency requirements on the use of EU recovery funds risks generating corruption and undermining public support, argue Helen Darbishire and Karolis Granickas.

Stakeholder Opinion
Cities & regions 23-06-2021

Raising awareness on what citizens can do and policy makers should do

Est. 4min

“We must be able to count on ambitious political commitment that takes into account local communities’ needs,” writes José Hila Vargas, Mayor of Palma, Balearic Island (Spain). He signs the forward of a publication on Global …

Special ReportPromoted content
Economy 16-06-2021

Thinking about investing in Portugal? Think again.

Est. 5min

In 2017, a coalition of institutional investors, including Pimco and Blackrock, boycotted an issuance of Portuguese bonds to protest the risks associated with actively investing in Portuguese public or private debt “as the Banco de Portugal still has not addressed …

EU recovery funds must close gaps between education, employment, entrepreneurship

Est. 6min

The EU's recovery fund must be used to support significant investments in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship, also known as Gen-E, write Salvatore Nigro and Andzelika Rusteikienė.

Economy 07-06-2021

Lack of coal phase-out commitments in Eastern Europe jeopardises just transition

Est. 5min

Unambitious coal phase-out policies in central and eastern Europe threaten the just transition in the region and the European Commission should only accept plans that use the just transition fund to develop and diversify local economies for a greener future, writes Alexandru Mustață.

Future EU 03-06-2021

A new phase for the European project

Est. 7min

The European Union must assert itself as a full-fledged political entity with economic, social, cultural dimensions and take internal and external actions that are decided democratically by its own citizens, writes Maria Joao Rodrigues.

Promoted content
Economy 01-06-2021

Private equity industry ready to finance recovery

Est. 6min

Europe’s private equity industry stands ready to finance the recovery and contribute toward climate neutrality and digital leadership. Eric de Montgolfier is the CEO of Invest Europe.  How has your industry been coping with this health and economic crisis? With speed, strength and …

Future EU 20-05-2021

The Robin Hood of Brussels should go away

Est. 6min

There are many advantages in the EU becoming more financially independent of the member states, write Jakub Kučera and Lukáš Rejzek.

Economy 06-05-2021

Transition of cities – an opportunity for people and planet

Est. 5min

Mayors and city leaders can play a double role in the green transition – as ambassadors for the European green deal locally, and as representatives of people’s concerns and interests to other levels of government, writes Dario Nardella

Nature is the missed opportunity of the EU’s recovery plans

Est. 6min

Post-COVID recovery plans are the perfect moment to reset Europe's economy and become more sustainable, but current plans show that Europe is failing to embrace a systematic change in how it views nature, writes Sandrine Dixson-Decleve and Simon Zadek.

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Economy 04-05-2021

A joint effort to boost the European recovery

Est. 5min

In 2021, Generali celebrates its 190th anniversary. It is not only a significant milestone that few companies can boast, but also an opportunity to honour our history by continuing to play an ever-increasing active corporate citizenship role that goes beyond …

Special ReportPromoted content
Energy 26-04-2021

The Green Deal Should Be Just and Based on Solidarity

Est. 7min

Only a Green Deal that is just, based on solidarity and sensitive to the differences between EU countries has a chance of success. Otherwise, we will see a predatory transition and the failure of the whole project. "We need to show …

Economy 21-04-2021

No need to panic about the EU recovery fund

Est. 5min

The EU recovery fund has been delayed by another court case in Germany. But there's no need to worry, writes Sony Kapoor.

Energy 16-04-2021

From Brussels with love: the secret to spending the recovery fund

Est. 4min

The post-COVID recovery funds need to be spent quickly by member states already struggling with absorption rates. President Ursula von der Leyen and Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans need to promote the help available, writes Brook Riley.

Central Asia 10-03-2021

Why is Uzbekistan relevant for the European Union?

Est. 6min

Uzbekistan has been through significant policy changes over the past five years. Under the leadership of Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the country has moved from an isolated dictatorship into a young democracy, writes Vita Kobiela.