Medical devices

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Action for hearing loss
Health 16-03-2017

Action for hearing loss: Make a sound investment

In March of 2017, MEPs Helga Stevens and Roberta Metsola hosted a lunch debate in the European Parliament titled, “Action for hearing loss: Make a sound investment”.

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Hearing Awareness: Professional Hearing Care Makes You Smarter and Healthier
Active ageing 21-04-2016

Hearing awareness: professional hearing care makes you smarter and healthier

Around 16% of adult Europeans experience hearing loss severe enough to have a negative impact on their daily lives.

Health 22-10-2013

Parliament wants stricter control on medical devices

The European Parliament on Tuesday (22 October) voted to improve the control for medical devices via strengthened traceability rules and transparency of information for patients and medical staff, but without creating additional burden for small manufacturers.