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Silicones. Enabling the construction revolution.
Economy 06-09-2017

Silicones: Enabling the construction revolution

The skylines of so many of our modern cities are truly awe-inspiring. They are the product of incredible engineering, pioneering design, inventive architecture and the use of clever technology.

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Digital Transformation in the Global Era: New Skills for Jobs and Growth
Technology 31-03-2017

Digital transformation in the global era: New skills for jobs and growth

As the pace of technology continues to advance, tech figures, app developers, education, industry and public policy leaders gathered in Brussels to find out how businesses can make the most of the mobile economy.

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Technology Opening New Doors for People With Disabilities
Technology 08-12-2016

Technology opening new doors for people with disabilities

With almost 15% of the world’s population living with a disability, building a more inclusive society is a key priority.

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Mobile Innovation

2016 Mobile Innovation Event

Europe's mobile economy is a hotbed for innovation

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Economy 04-10-2016

‘Factories of the Future’ Conference 2016 explores the future of manufacturing

On 15 and 16 September, leading industry and research experts from across Europe gathered to explore the future of European manufacturing and the achievements of the EU’s ‘Factories of the Future’ and the achievements of the EU’s ‘Factories of the Future’ partnership.

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Future Media Lab 2016

Technology and Media: Shaping the Future of Audience Engagement – Future Media Lab’s 2016 Annual Conference

The sixth Future Media Lab. conference took place on 26 January 2016 in Brussels.

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Transport 14-12-2015

Why Aviation Matters – Reviewing the potential of the EU Aviation Strategy

The air transport industry is a catalyst for economic growth and social development. The aviation sector generates more than 3 million jobs in the European Union (EU) while the air transport industry supports more than €675 billion in GDP in Europe.

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Technology 04-08-2015

Invitation: Growth through online innovation

How can Europe bring back growth and take advantage of a digital revolution? How can SMEs be encouraged to innovate? How can consumer confidence be boosted?

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Aviation 02-07-2015

Clean Sky in Action

Aviation faces big challenges in the years to come, in terms of growth and environment. Clean Sky is part of the solution, through the EU H2020 vision, by developing innovative technologies that will help to reduce CO2 emissions and noise levels produced by aircraft.

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Economy 02-07-2015

European Energy Union – What role for innovation?

The Energy Union will cut across a number of policy sectors including energy, transport, research and innovation, foreign policy, regional and neighbourhood policy, trade and agriculture, according to the EU executive's plans.

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Without non-ferrous metals, no energy transition!

The video demonstrates how non-ferrous metals contribute to achieve an energy transition – with three case studies.

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Making History: EUREKA 30 Years!

EUREKA is an intergovernmental organisation focused on mobilising funds and fostering collaboration for the benefit of near-market projects across all fields of civilian technology. Over the last three decades, it has been responsible for bringing together SMEs, large companies, research institutes and universities to advance the state of technology in Europe for economic benefit. More than 40 countries now hold EUREKA membership, and a number of nations outside of the continent – South Korea, Canada and South Africa – are also included as associate countries.

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Technology 12-06-2015

Digital for Growth: Removing Barriers to Build for Europe’s Future

Andrus Ansip, vice-president of the European Commission for the Digital Single Market, delivers the 2015 Guglielmo Marconi Lecture at the European Digital Forum.

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Technology 08-06-2015

The 2015 European Digital Forum

Tech entrepreneurs, web startups, think tankers, policymakers and thought leaders team up for a fascinating exchange on how Europe's Digital Single Market can fuel a European renaissance. For more information, visit

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Economy 29-05-2015

Channelling the dynamism of innovative start-ups in the EU

New technologies are opening avenues for growth in areas as diverse as renewable energy, smart systems, mobility and health. The opportunities to boost innovation in Europe are enormous. Start-ups will be a cornerstone of this economic future.

Pedro de Sampaio Nunes: We must scrap excessive legislation

“Structural reforms can give our economies a competitive advantage,” Eureka head Pedro de Sampaio Nunes said during the 2015 European Business Summit in Brussels.

Energy 11-05-2015

Anders Marvik: It’s time for the Commission to put things into action

“We really need to see a growth investment to really see the change in Europe. That hasn't happened yet,” said Statoil's EU Affairs Office Vice President Anders Marvik during the 2015 European Business Summit in Brussels.

Roland Verstappen: Industry in Europe is growing, but not enough

“Overall, I'm optimistic, but we have to do massive restructuring in some key markets,” said Roland Verstappen, Heineken's Global Director of Public & Governmental Affairs, during the 2015 European Business Summit.

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Technology 27-03-2015

Open Data: The Next Frontier

Robert D. Atkinson, president and founder of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, discusses ITIF's latest publication, Open Data in the G8: A Review of Progress on the G8 Open Data Charter. The paper was launched at the High-Level Roundtable on Open Data, hosted by the Lisbon Council, a Brussels-based think tank.

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Valbruna on Trade Secrets in Europe

Know-how or confidential business information (trade secrets) are important for the competitiveness of European businesses. These intangible assets are fundamental to their innovation and research efforts. Their adequate and harmonised protection across Europe therefore represents an invaluable factor for growth and jobs.

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UEAPME on Trade Secrets in Europe

Know-how or confidential business information (trade secrets) are important for the competitiveness of European businesses. These intangible assets are fundamental to their innovation and research efforts. Their adequate and harmonised protection across Europe therefore represents an invaluable factor for growth and jobs.

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Economy 19-03-2015

Perspectives on Trade Secrets in Europe

Know-how or confidential business information (trade secrets) are important for the competitiveness of European businesses. These intangible assets are fundamental to their innovation and research efforts. Their adequate and harmonised protection across Europe therefore represents an invaluable factor for growth and jobs.

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Economy 28-01-2015

EuropaBio’s Most Innovative European Biotech SME Award 2014

EuropaBio’s Most Innovative European Biotech SME Award aims to showcase European Biotech SMEs that have developed an innovative solution to technical, social and environmental problems.  The award is committed to strengthening the biotechnology and innovation arena in Europe while promoting and empowering SMEs to generate novel solutions to unmet needs.

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Transport 05-12-2014

The European Postal Industry in 2014

The European postal industry is a key contributor to the European economy. Today, PostEurop's members directly employ 2 million people full-time and link an estimated 800 million people daily.