Energy & Environment


How the new EU Battery Fund can put Europe on the battery map

Est. 5min

Europe is still running behind in the global scramble to secure the green supply chains of the future. China’s decades’ long planning and investment, and the US’s more recent surge of support, risk leaving our continent in the dust.

Households and businesses should not be burdened with a disproportionate share of the total costs and should retain the incentive to electrify.
Electricity 16-07-2024

The changing dynamics of European electricity markets

Est. 4min

The recently adopted electricity market reform sees the state becoming a major financial intermediary in the European electricity sector, with implications for its approach to recovering costs

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Political will and collaboration can revise plastics system

Est. 6min

For the first time, the European plastics industry is united to redesign the plastics system and achieve net zero emissions. Learn why ‘the Plastics Transition’ roadmap is being considered as a profound cultural shift for the plastics industry.

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From 9 to 45 TWh: Urgent intervention for UHS needed for a cost-effective & swift energy transition

Est. 7min

A recent study published in April 2024 by Artelys and Frontier Economics reveals that achieving the 2030 ambitions set by REPowerEU in a cost-effective way would require 45 TWh of Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS).

Those with their finger on the pulse understand that the definition of low carbon hydrogen has big implications: it is the key to ensure that EU hydrogen helps rather than hinders the energy transition, and therefore the competitiveness of European industry.

Low-carbon hydrogen definition: Commission’s last chance to leave a hydrogen legacy

Est. 5min

As the dust settles around EU election results and Brussels looks towards the EU's incoming leaders, one last policy hurdle sits on the desks of energy officials: a definition of low-carbon hydrogen.

Prioritising grants to renovate the worst-performing buildings, often occupied by vulnerable consumers, will yield both climate and social benefits.

Buildings decarbonisation can make or break the Green Deal

Est. 6min

Buildings and transport are the two most crucial sectors to decarbonise to meet EU’s 2030 climate targets. However, they are also have the most directly affect on EU citizens in their daily lives, as the choice to undertake energy renovations …

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Biodiversity problems, power sector solutions

Est. 6min

The European power sector's commitment to biodiversity is not just a moral obligation, but a pragmatic strategy for ensuring sustainable project development, lowering consenting risks and gaining more social acceptance.

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Decarbonising district heating will require power-to-heat technology

Est. 10min

Power-to-heat shows how renewable energy can also be used for heating. This technology may be one of the most preferred and useful options for decarbonising district heating systems in Poland.

The Commission’s decision to approve spending vast sums of public money on LNG terminals sets a worrying precedent for future State aid decisions on fossil gas projects and could influence problematic decisions on hydrogen and lock-in in other EU and national contexts.

Why backing Germany’s LNG investment is a roadblock – not a bridge to the future

Est. 5min

The European Commission's recent decision to greenlight €40 million in State aid for a new Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal in Brunsbüttel, Germany is a short-sighted gamble riddled with environmental and legal concerns. Stéphanie Nieuwbourg is a legal expert at …

The original Bauhaus was a 1920s movement in Germany that married the trades to art and was especially influential in architecture, shaping European cities. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wanted to achieve similar objective as part of the European Green Deal.

The New European Bauhaus – a paradigm shift

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A recent critique of has ignited a discussion about whether the New European Bauhaus (NEB) is living up to its promises. With the NEB in its early stages, is it fair to write off this ambitious initiative?


The perils of relying on Russian transit for Azeri gas

Est. 5min

A proposal to transit Azeri gas through Russia and subsequently to the EU raises significant strategic and security concerns, writes Sergiy Makogon.

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Agrifood 24-06-2024

Used cooking oil: there is a cobra in the room

Est. 4min

The European green oil industry is concerned about massive and potentially fraudulent imports of biofuels from Asia. This fraud consists of importing so-called “used cooking oil biofuels” which are in fact biofuels made from virgin palm oil.

E-fuels are a rare and precious commodity. Even for essential applications like air travel, the projected global production capacities are insufficient, meeting only around three percent of European kerosene demand by 2030

E-fuels: as much import as necessary, as sustainably as possible

Est. 5min

This year's International E-Fuels Dialogue organised by the German Federal Ministry of Transport focused on the use of e-fuels in aviation. For e-fuels to be part of a globally just energy transition, the implementation of sustainability criteria should also be a priority.

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The Hidden Key to Sustainable Buildings

Est. 6min

Rebuilding the EU for citizens was headline news this month, as European Parliament elections took place ahead of the appointment of new European commissioners. But a quietly overlooked proposal, known as the Construction Products Regulation (CPR), is set to bring home the benefits of the EU and its single market, for businesses and for voters.

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Charting the Path to Climate Neutrality and Energy Resilience

Est. 5min

While EU's next institutional cycle opens new perspectives, some objectives remain unchanged: Climate neutrality by 2050, security of supply and energy resilience. Renewable fuels are critical in meeting those objectives, but an EU strategy for liquid fuels is needed.

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The New Council Conclusion on the 8th EAP: A new step towards a Water-Smart Strategy

Est. 6min

On Monday, the 17th of June, the Council adopted its conclusions on the mid-term review of the 8th environment action programme, paving the way forward to a green, just and inclusive transition for a sustainable Europe. The water community welcomes these conclusions as they stress out ‘the important regulating role of water cycles for ecosystems, human life and the functioning of the economy and our society’.

At the start of Von der Leyen’s first term, securing jobs for fossil industry workers was a primary concern. Now, labour shortages in clean tech sectors are a bigger imperative, with Germany’s eastern coal regions struggling to attract enough skilled workers outside the coal industry.

The European Green Deal has matured: the path forward

Est. 5min

A European Green Deal 2.0 was always going to be a very different agenda, especially if the original European Green Deal succeeded.

Global Europe 13-06-2024

Russia’s strategy: Bombing Ukraine into full blackout

Est. 5min

The consequences of Ukraine becoming uninhabitable in the coming winter are underestimated by Europe and the world, write Victoria Voytsitska and Olena Halushka.

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Harnessing biosolutions for a sustainable and prosperous future: A call to action for the new European Parliament and upcoming Commission

Est. 5min

With the European Parliament elections concluded, 720 MEPs have been entrusted by European citizens to deliver on critical issues such as Co2 reductions, food security, job creation, and the overall well-being and security of Europeans in an increasingly unstable world

Global Europe 12-06-2024

G7 cooperation with China on climate-aligned trade is vital

Est. 5min

G7 countries should work with China to put in place climate-aligned trade policies needed to accelerate global climate action, by harnessing the power of international trade to promote innovation, reduce costs, and stimulate demand for green goods, write Matt Piotrowski and Joseph Dellatte.

As of today, if none of the attacked plants can be repaired, in almost 90% of the time some Ukrainians will not get electricity in winter and overall, a fifth of the electricity demand cannot be met.

Preventing Ukraine from falling into darkness

Est. 5min

Russia is trying to strategically destroy Ukraine’s ability to supply its population and economy with electricity and heat. However a number of complimentary energy-side measures can minimize the risks.


The Brief – Make electric cars, not war

Est. 6min

The global liberal order has long been written off. It was naïve, the argument now goes, to think that trade would bind together countries’ interests and encourage cooperation over conflict. But Europe’s current China contortions suggest that global trade can still keep the peace.

Green hydrogen prioritised for decarbonisation in the sectors – such as aviation and shipping – that are hardest to electrify.

MEPs need green hydrogen on their radar from day one

Est. 4min

How the EU addresses the climate crisis has been high up the political agenda in the approach to this week’s elections. But there are two sectors that continue to fly under the radar in the bloc’s pursuit of decarbonisation: shipping and aviation.

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Green Deal or Industrial Deal? Why Grids Always Matter!

Est. 6min

A well-established electricity infrastructure is not only key for the delivery of the Green Deal objectives but also a precondition for a competitive European industry. Given their relevance, grids must remain on top of the EU’s next strategic agenda.