Ginni Saraswati

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

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There's Another Tax That Will Cost You In Big Ways If You Don't Do These 3 Things

Emotional tax is the interchange of energy and value. If you're depleted, this exchange of person or project is a cost. If you're energized and have received value, the exchange is a plus or profit. Learn three practical ways to kick overwhelm and lower your emotional tax for good.


Want to Succeed? Learn to Say 'No'

As a first-year founder and entrepreneur, saying "yes" to every opportunity can hurt your chance of survival.


How to Talk to Your Boss Like a Boss (And How to Listen to Your Team)

If your workplace is one where you feel your opinion is valued, then that speaks well for your leadership team.

Growing a Business

How to Bounce Back and Succeed During Times of Disruption

Consistency is hard, and showing up doesn't mean giving 110% every day, all the time. It's about daring to pause.


¿Altos niveles de rotación y una cultura tóxica? Tu estilo de liderazgo podría estar perjudicando a tu empresa

¿Eres un jefe que controla todo o un jefe que culpa a los demás? Debes abordar el problema central: la falta de confianza.


High Turnover and a Toxic Culture? Why Your Leadership Style Might Be Hurting Your Company

Are you a micromanager or a blame game boss? You must address the core issue: your lack of trust.

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