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Retirement Planner

Let’s get you ready for retirement

The Retirement Planner can help put you on the right track toward retirement by letting you:

  • Run different scenarios.
  • Anticipate big expenses.
  • Create a spending plan.
  • Add income events.
  • Simulate a recession.

Key features

Get deep insights into your retirement plan.

Run different scenarios

What if you retire earlier or save a little bit less? See how a new scenario stacks up to your current plan with a side-by-side comparison. You can even turn a new scenario into your actual plan.

Anticipate big expenses

Putting your kids through college? Buying a second home? Add these events to the Retirement Planner and see their impact on your retirement plan.

Add income events

You can easily include additional sources of income such as Social Security, rental income, pensions and windfalls.

Get a spending plan

How much will you be able to spend in retirement? Use this data-driven feature to find out just how much you’ll be able to afford each month.

Get perspective

The Recession Simulator can show you how your retirement plan would have been impacted by a market event like the Dotcom crash or 2008 financial crisis.

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