SPROUT Awards support 6 novel research collaborations

From exploring the mechanics of early-stage bone metastasis to analyzing price formation policies in wholesale electricity markets, Cornell Engineering’s Sprout Awards are funding unique research projects with the potential to grow partnerships across Cornell. Read more

Merrill Scholars honor mentors who inspired them

At a luncheon on May 21, 42 Merrill Scholars celebrated the mentors who had the greatest influence on their early education and the Cornell faculty or staff members who contributed most significantly to their college experience. Read more

Jonathan Jaramillo wins 2023-24 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

Ph.D. student Jonathan Jaramillo has been selected to receive the 2024 Electrical and Computer Engineering Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Jonathan was the lead instructor for Fast Robots, an interdisciplinary course serving mechanical and aerospace engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and computer science students focused on designing, building, and programming foundational robotic algorithms. Jaramillo also co-instructed Computer Systems Programming, a foundational computer programming class focused on data structures and algorithms in C and C++ that leverages continuous... Read more

Spring 2024 ECE M.Eng. poster session winners

The ECE M.Eng. Poster Session was held in the Duffield Atrium on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Over 70 posters were evaluated by a combination of ECE faculty members and ECE Ph.D. students. The judges selected winners in seven individual categories, as well as overall Best in Show. Category: AI / Pattern Recognition (Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics) Poster Title: Design of a Large-Scale Robotic Swarm M.Eng. Student: Eshita Sangani Category: Bio-Signals (Neural, controls, Imaging, Bioinformatics) Poster Title: Machine Learning for Predicting Properties of Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Vehicles... Read more

Zhiru Zhang receives 2023 Amazon Research Award

Zhiru Zhang, associate professor in electrical and computer engineering receives a 2023 Amazon Research Award for his research titled "A Unified Approach to Tensor Graph Optimization". According to Amazon, "these awards provide unrestricted funds and AWS promotional credits to academic researchers investigating various research topics in multiple disciplines." Recipients have access to more than 300 Amazon public datasets, along with AWS AI/ML services and tools. “Given that data is central to Amazon’s core businesses, I am excited by this opportunity to collaborate with universities on... Read more

Zhiru Zhang, Niansong Zhang, and Hongzheng Chen receive Best Paper Award at the International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

Zhiru Zhang and his students, Niansong Zhang and Hongzheng Chen, received the Best Paper Award at the International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays for their work "Formal Verification of Source-to-Source Transformations for HLS". This research is a collaboration with with Colorado State University. The International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) is a premier conference for presentation of advances in FPGA technology. Read more

Cong Chen and Zeki Hayran receive 2024 ECE Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Research Award

Cong Chen and Zeki Hayran are the winners of this year's ECE Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Research Award. The annual award is given to graduating Ph.D. students from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) based on the significance of their doctoral research. Chen’s research aims to drive the global energy transition toward a carbon-neutral future, which relies on the large-scale integration of renewables and electrification across transportation, civil infrastructure, and industrial manufacturing sectors. Her thesis addresses two challenges of energy transition: (i) the... Read more