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Kevin Funk

Dashboard Redesign

by Kevin Funk
Screenshot of redesigned EasyPost shipments dashboard

Our new Dashboard redesign includes some big changes. We've made the content full-width, changed the organization of the navigation, and added a new Webhooks & Events Page. By making the content full-width, we make the Dashboard fit better on smaller screen sizes while making it easier to digest on larger screens. Our navigation has a new dropdown under the EasyPost logo that includes most of our account and user-related pages. This dropdown includes:

  • API Keys
  • Brand
  • Billing
  • Carrier Accounts
  • User Info

In most cases these pages will be used to configure an account, but not be revisited again for quite some time. We felt it was best to put them out of the way to give more room to the current and future pages that our users use daily: Shipments, Trackers, Insurance, Reports, and Webhooks & Events.

We realize that this change may make some users happy, and some upset. Our goal is to make our Dashboard as usable and useful to as many people as possible, so we welcome any feedback that you'd be willing to share with us.

A Closer Look At The Changes

Webhooks & Events

You can now debug your webhooks by investigating which <b>Events</b> were sent to your URLs, and what the HTTP request/response details were.

Screenshot of EasyPost's Webhooks & Events dashboard
API Keys

Your API Keys can now be managed in the account dropdown.

Screenshot of EasyPost's API Keys page

We've merged the Payment Logs and Billing Pages so that all billing-related information can be seen in a unified location.

Screenshot of EasyPost's Billing page