YesCT's picture iconDrupalCode profile
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Starred projects

Location United States
Current Role(s): 
Support Team Manager

Professional Info

Companies Worked For
SciShield, BlackMesh, Breakthrough Technologies, Cheppers Ltd., comm-press, Yes! Training and Education

Personal Info

she/her or they/them
Other languages: 

On for 16 years 4 months

Over 100 edits to documentation


Member of the Drupal Security Team

Over the years, scholarships enabled me to go to events, sprint, and mentor. Thank you!

Contributor roles

✓ Can opt projects into security advisory coverage

Drupal Contributions: 

Queue cleaner.
Writer of patches for core.
Reviewer of patches.
Participant in #d8mi sprints
Helper with New Core Contributor sprints
Core office hours
Co-led Prep Dev Environment BoF in Munich
Blogger about D8 and contributing
Planned March 2013 SprintWeekend
Co-planned Portland Get Involved Sprint Day
Part of Drupal 8 Multilingual Team
Prague Sprint Planning Lead
Planned January 2014 Global Sprint Weekend
Mentor of mentors
Planning DrupalCon Austin extended sprints and the Friday sprint day
One of the DrupalCon Amsterdam sprint planning leads
See more organizing and speaking at
Inaugural Aaron Winborn Award winner

Events spoken at

Areas of Expertise: 
Site builder
Drupal events: 
DrupalCon Chicago 2011
DrupalCon Denver 2012
DrupalCon Munich 2012
DrupalCon Portland 2013
DrupalCon Prague 2013
DrupalCon Austin 2014
DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014
DrupalCon Latin America 2015
DrupalCon Los Angeles 2015
DrupalCon Barcelona 2015
DrupalCon New Orleans 2016
DrupalCon Dublin 2016
DrupalCon Baltimore 2017
DrupalCon Vienna 2017
DrupalCon Nashville 2018
DrupalCon Seattle 2019
DrupalCon Minneapolis 2020 (was planning to attend)
DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023

Credited on 7 security advisories

Credited on 216 fixed issues

Projects maintained

Platinum Drupal Certified Partner
Discover Drupal: Sponsor

135 people list YesCT as a mentor

I contributed Drupal patches
I contributed Drupal modules
I contributed to Drupal issue queues
I contributed to
I contributed Drupal documentation
I helped organize DrupalCon
I contributed Automated tests
I reviewed Project applications
I provide Drupal-related services
I give support on Slack
I give support on IRC
I help mentor new contributors