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Location Nicaragua
Current Role(s): 
Lead Instructor
Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
Tag1 Consulting

Personal Info

Other languages: 
Portuguese, Portugal

On Drupal.org for 13 years 11 months

At least 1 edit to documentation


I am passionate about Drupal, teaching, and traveling. Over the last few years I have presented 30+ sessions and full day trainings in 20+ DrupalCamps and DrupalCons over America and Europe. If you would like to have me at your local event, meetup, or camp I would love present either in person or remotely. Currently I can present in Spanish and English, but I am working on getting more languages under my belt. ;-)

I am also very active in my local community. I serve as a lead organizer of the Nicaraguan Drupal community. As such, I co-organize regular meetups, Global Training Days, Global Sprint Weekends, and other events to share my knowledge and experience.

See https://udrupal.com/talks for a list, descriptions, and recordings of session and trainings I have presented.

✓ Can opt projects into security advisory coverage

Drupal Contributions: 
  • Blog series containing 31 articles covering different aspects of Drupal migrations.
  • Nicaraguan Drupal community lead.
  • DrupalCamp Lakes and Volcanoes organizer and presenter.
  • Global Training Days Nicaragua organizer and presenter.
  • Global Sprint Weekend Nicaragua organizer and presenter.
  • Core contributor.
  • Core office hours mentor. I made it into MAINTAINERS.txt as part of the Core mentoring coordinators team. Yay!
  • Mentor at DrupalCon Seattle 2019, Nashville 2018, Vienna 2017, Baltimore 2017, Dublin 2016, New Orleans 2016 and Los Angeles 2015.
  • Speaker at the following DrupalCamps: Antwerp, BADCamp, Centroamerica, Costa Rica, Design 4 Drupal, DrupalCorn, Drupal Iberia, Florida, Lakes and Volcanoes, London, MidCamp, New Jersey, Northern Lights, SANDCamp, Synergy Camp, Texas, and Twin Cities.
  • Speaker at DrupalCon Portland 2024, Lille 2023, Pittsburgh 2023, Prague 2022, Europe 2021, North America 2021, Global 2020, Seattle 2019, Nashville 2018, and Vienna 2017.
  • WordCamp Managua organizer. Speaker at WordCamp US 2019, Miami, Porto, Denver, Los Angeles, Managua, and San José.

Events organized

Events volunteered at

Events spoken at

Areas of Expertise: 
Site builder
Module developer
Project Manager
Drupal events: 
DrupalCon Austin 2014
DrupalCon Los Angeles 2015
DrupalCon Barcelona 2015
DrupalCon New Orleans 2016
DrupalCon Dublin 2016
DrupalCon Baltimore 2017
DrupalCon Vienna 2017
DrupalCon Nashville 2018
DrupalCon Seattle 2019
DrupalCon Minneapolis 2020 (was planning to attend)
DrupalCon Global 2020
DrupalCon Europe 2020
DrupalCon North America 2021
DrupalCon Europe 2021
DrupalCon Prague 2022
DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023
DrupalCon Lille 2023

Credited on 222 fixed issues

Projects maintained

Drupal Association Organization Member
Bronze Drupal Certified Partner
Migration Certified Partner
Diamond Drupal Certified Partner
Migration Certified Partner
Drupal Association #DrupalCares Supporter
Drupal Association Individual Member

dinarcon helps support and grow the Drupal community with the Drupal Association.

22 people list dinarcon as a mentor

I contributed Drupal patches
I contributed Drupal modules
I contributed to Drupal issue queues
I contributed Drupal documentation
I contributed Drupal translations
I helped organize DrupalCon
I provide Drupal-related services
I give support on Slack
I give support on IRC
I help mentor new contributors