Original report by @andypost


Currently forum module trying to delete taxonomy_forums field in forum_uninstall() but this field could be used in other entities. Also forum node type is not deleted when forum uninstalled so it makes sense preserve all its fields as well

Proposed resolution

Remove field deletion from forum_uninstall()
Also this removes need in calling field_purge_batch() so uninstall will be quicker.
This does not affects re-install of the forum module because forum_enable() cares to re-create all needed entities and fields

API changes


#2077435: Use a yml file to create the forum vocabulary

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andypost’s picture

Status: Active » Needs review
766 bytes

let's see the tests...

Status: Needs review » Needs work

The last submitted patch, forum-2032699-1.patch, failed testing.

larowlan’s picture

Is there an equivalent of field_delete_instance in d8? that used to have the 'cleanup' flag.
So we could call that, if something else used it - it would stick around, else it would be removed.

andypost’s picture

Component: plugin system » forum.module
Status: Needs work » Needs review
1.03 KB


Status: Needs review » Needs work

The last submitted patch, drupal8.forum-module.2032699-4.patch, failed testing.

andypost’s picture

Status: Needs work » Needs review
627 bytes

Containers should be removed, also comment about disabled taxonomy module makes no sense

Status: Needs review » Needs work

The last submitted patch, drupal8.forum-module.2032699-6.patch, failed testing.

larowlan’s picture

The forum uninstall tests can be removed, as they are to check the field is gone.
The uninstall test I'm not sure on, its making sure that taxonomy can be removed once forum has been - from memory.

drumm’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Updated issue summary.

andyceo’s picture

Status: Needs work » Needs review

Status: Needs review » Needs work

The last submitted patch, 6: drupal8.forum-module.2032699-6.patch, failed testing.

Temoor’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
3.21 KB

Removed field deletion and it's part of tests.

Temoor’s picture

Status: Needs work » Needs review

Status: Needs review » Needs work

The last submitted patch, 12: drupal8-forum-2032699-12.patch, failed testing.

xjm’s picture

So, I believe this issue runs counter to the expectations we've set up for config dependencies. What should happen is:

  1. You cannot remove a field until all data in it has been purged. This should already be the case following #2198429: Make deleted fields work with config synch.
  2. For correct dependency management, and to unblock #2140511: Configuration file name collisions silently ignored for default configuration, all of the forum module's supplied configuration should be removed when the module is uninstalled. This means its vocabulary, its node type, and its field. (See #2224581-7: Delete forum data on uninstall.)
  3. The taxonomy field should have a dependency on the taxonomy vocabulary, ensuring that the field data must be purged first, then the field deleted, then the vocabulary deleted. If the field data has not been purged, then the module cannot be uninstalled.
  4. If other config entities have added the taxonomy field, they too are subject to the same rules. (Field data must be purged before the field is deleted.)

So, I think this issue is actually a wonfix, and what we should do instead is clean up all our data for #2224581: Delete forum data on uninstall.

xjm’s picture

andypost’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » larowlan

+1 to wontfix, not sure that "disable module" will be reverted for core so issue makes no sense without that

alexpott’s picture

Status: Needs work » Closed (won't fix)

Totally agree to won't fix in light of #2224581: Delete forum data on uninstall