
PhD defense Anton Schreuder

PhD defense Anton Schreuder

Anton Schreuder will defend his PhD thesis with the title 'Lung cancer screening: use the scan to decide who to scan when' on the 6th of April at 12.30.

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Academic Alliance grant for development of Mohs surgery AI tool

Academic Alliance grant for development of Mohs surgery AI tool

The Academic Alliance Fund of Radboudumc and Maastricht UMC+ awarded Geert Litjens, Daan Geijs, Avital Amir, Lisa Hillen, Veronique Winnepenninckx and Nicole Kelleners a grant of 100,000 euros for their project proposal entitled: ‘Mohs chirurgy supported by artificial intelligence; better, faster, cheaper’.

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Final presentations second AI for Health course

Final presentations second AI for Health course

Friday, February 12, 2021, the second edition of the AI for Health course concluded with a meeting where all participants presented the results of their AI projects. The course was followed by about 25 RadboudUMC employees from various backgrounds, offering them a deep dive into the possibilities of AI in …

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