Dragonthunders on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dragonthunders/art/The-future-is-far-Earth-1-billion-years-630270901Dragonthunders

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The future is far: Earth 1 billion years



At the end of the far time and deep future, with the result of the survival of earth, hundreds of millions of years of geological changes and erosional forces that shaped each land piece, have created a completely alien world to ours, but in many ways quite familiar. Many of the fragmented continents over 400 million years have been reunited, but due to changes in sea level, erosion and tectonic changes the deformed in different forms.

Ereboreus and one of the parts of Ruamoku (left) now make a huge continent, at the right of it, there is a isolated piece of the second continent mentioned; (at the right) great part of Qarrajadi, vashude and another remain piece of Ruamoku have formed another huge continent, which in part is fragmented; In the north, are only two subcontinents, which together formed a new Arctic Circle. The climate is most temperate with mild winters that freeze much of the pole.

At the end of all, the earth in this period is about to receive one of the most unusual species that have evolved, one capable of shaping the world at its whim....


With this I have finished with realistic maps for my project, to establish all possible ways that the earth could take in the next billion yeas, and also soon I will give some new details about how this world has come to this point and where are the actual continents
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Philippines1898's avatar

1 Billion Years From Now, The Oceans Will Start Evaporating Due To The Sun's Increasing Luminosity!