How They Made It

Sometimes indie creators really do hit it big. Hear how some of your favorite independent podcasters and video creators got their start—and the turning point that changed everything.


Out There's Willow Belden on the joys and challenges of indie podcasting
Willow Belden started Out There before podcasts were a household word. She talked about her journey toward growth, funding, and how new podcasters should pace themselves.
How They Made It: How Wild West Extravaganza took Josh Taylor from construction worker to full-time podcaster
When Josh Taylor first thought about starting a podcast, he didn't have a computer. Now he has tens of thousands of listeners. Here's how.
How They Made It: Megan Tan of Millennial about learning the podcast ropes as you go
Megan Tan started Millennial back in 2015 as a sort of resumé builder. She's since been named Producer of the Year. Here's how she did it.
How They Made It: Industry veteran Jane Marie on making art in a podcast graveyard
Jane Marie sat down with us to talk about her time at This American Life, hosting The Dream, and making good podcasts when no one wants to pay.
How They Made It: The Overlook's Matt Peiken on the value of a local podcast
‎Matt Peiken is using podcasting to create the kind of local news coverage that’s fast disappearing all over the country. We asked him how he does it.
Join the Party's Eric Silver & Brandon Grugle on building community & funds for your podcast
The team behind Join the Party has built a loyal online fanbase—not to mention a entire indie podcast collective. We asked them how they did it.
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