Obtenha uma visão robusta sobre as estratégias da concorrência

Por mais de 15 anos, as marcas financeiras formaram parcerias com a Comscore para obter relatórios abrangentes de desempenho competitivo entre indicadores-chave de desempenho de aquisição e retenção – KPIs.

Aproveite as soluções da Comscore para todos os setores do ecossistema de serviços financeiros, incluindo bancos, cartões de crédito, empréstimos (automotivo, estudantil, pessoal, residencial), seguros, pagamentos e investimentos. Viabilize insights sobre comportamentos de consumo do consumidor entre produtos e canais para refinar estratégias de aquisição, identificar oportunidades de vendas cruzadas e informar estratégias de produto e marketing.

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Produtos a considerar

Path-to-Purchase Research

Comscore Consumer Journey™ provides behavioral and attitudinal insights to evaluate your consumers’ research process by examining how consumers shop. Get tactical insights into how you can improve sales and optimize marketing by examining how consumers are shopping and how competitors are reaching your target audience.

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Advertising Effectiveness

Measure and evaluate your advertising across platforms with Comscore’s Advertising Effectiveness solutions including in-flight campaign measurement, delivery validation and brand safety. Understand advertising impact on various KPIs such as brand sentiment and acquisition.

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Audience Targeting Solution

Comscore Audience Activation™ finds your high-value audiences by targeting demographics and cross-screen behaviors for digital, TV and CTV campaigns. Achieve stronger demographic in-target rates, protect your brand and get enhanced insights.

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Custom Solutions

Raw Data Feeds

Raw Data Feeds

Drive more efficient and effective campaign optimization with insights into you and your competitors’ target audiences. Access the most granular record-level data from our massive TV and digital assets for input into marketing mix models, multi-touch attribution studies, first-party CRM programs and custom behavioral analyses.

Client Acquisition Insights

Client Acquisition Insights

Get a granular view into the product acquisition funnel by tracking online consumer application performance at each step of the funnel, competitor strategies and marketing outcome measures.

Customer Engagement Tracking

Customer Engagement Tracking

Monitor how existing customers engage with digital assets, such as digital payments and online servicing for your organization and your competitors. Analyze online user experience flows to identify best practices, customer expectations, where your brand is at parity and where you are excelling.

Competitive Insights and Marketing Intelligence

Competitive Insights and Marketing Intelligence

Understand overall market dynamics as well as brand-level insights with reporting into competitive offerings, competitor ranking, marketing initiatives and consumer consumption. Comscore’s competitive insights and marketing intelligence solutions provide behavioral understanding of strategies in areas such as new customer acquisition, channel engagement, marketing, products and consumer demographics.