517 Results for:making tax digital

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Making Tax Digital explained: Everything you need to know

By Lis Evenstad 25 Mar 2024

Making Tax Digital is meant to overhaul the UK tax system, make it easier for businesses to file tax returns, and reduce error and fraud. How successful has the programme been? Computer Weekly looks at the details ... Read More

MPs have ‘little confidence’ in Making Tax Digital success

By Lis Evenstad 27 Nov 2023

MPs say HMRC’s Making Tax Digital programme is riddled with widespread and repeating failures, and criticise the programme for failing to be open about the costs and increased burdens on taxpayers Read More

Delayed Making Tax Digital programme to cost taxpayers extra £1.5bn

By Lis Evenstad 13 Jun 2023

HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) Making Tax Digital programme, which is running several years behind schedule, is expected to cost five times more than planned, National Audit Office (NAO) report finds Read More

HMRC postpones Making Tax Digital until 2024

By Angelica Mari 24 Sep 2021

Digital tax changes have been delayed to allow more time for customers taking part in the pilot and for the government to enhance the service Read More

HMRC channel shift to digital ‘too aggressive’, says NAO

By Lis Evenstad 16 May 2024

HMRC digital services have not had the anticipated effect on customer service it hoped for, NAO report reveals, as the auditor says the department needs to develop more realistic plans Read More

HMRC extends Making Tax Digital programme

By Lis Evenstad 21 Jul 2020

Programme to be extended gradually until April 2023 to cover business below the VAT threshold and income tax self-assessments above £10,000 a year Read More

Making Tax Digital could impose unreasonable costs on taxpayers, says PAC

By Lis Evenstad 20 Oct 2020

Public Accounts Committee calls on HMRC to assess whether the administrative burden placed on taxpayers through its Making Tax Digital programme is reasonable before continuing to roll it out Read More

HMRC Single Trade Window project hits turbulence

By Lis Evenstad 16 May 2024

Less than a year into the programme to create a Single Trade Window as a digital gateway for traders, HMRC has already gone through a formal dispute resolution process with its supplier Read More

AAT calls on government to re-think the Making Tax Digital exemption threshold

By Lis Evenstad 05 Jan 2021

The Association of Accounting Technicians calls for improvements to HM Revenue and Customs’ Making Tax Digital programme, and says the exemption threshold, currently at £10,000, should be raised Read More

Making Tax Digital will boost business resilience in case of future Covid crises

By Jesse Norman 23 Jul 2020

HMRC is expanding the digitisation of income and corporation tax in a move that will benefit businesses, the self-employed and the economy, writes the government's financial secretary to the Treasury Read More