Bethlehem placed in Tier 3: Inns closed. Herodian enforcement

A new variant of Covid has been detected among infants in the Bethlehem area.

After receiving intelligence from a committee of experts, King Herod has decreed that all hospitality facilities will be closed until the source of infection has been removed.

The Massacre of the Innocents Matthew 2: 16

Given the impact that Lockdown has had on the most disadvantaged in society I have had what we would have spent on food and drink for the guests we cannot entertain to our annual donations in lieu of Chrirsmas cards to:

Barnados – Change a life | Barnardo’s

NSPCC – Make a donation | NSPCC

and the

Salvation Army – Support The Salvation Army this Christmas 4 | The Salvation Army

P.S. In view of recent outages with Amazon and Google and the probability of a massive global ZOOM peak over Christmas and Boxing Day we will be spreading our family ZOOMs and Whats App conversations over the 24 days of Advent and the 12 Days of Christmas.  I also suggest adding jigsaw puzzles, CDs and other non-Internet dependent, socially isolated, entertainment to Christmas present lists for those unable to get together to renew family rivalries over rowdy board games.


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