Easy to get and use!

Submitted 4 years ago
My Rating

My Take

Code.org is a good teaching tool because it is easy to get and help students to develop their critical thinking skills. It contains engaging activities that allow students to work individually. I like that Code.org is useful for elementary, middle, and high school. As a teacher assistant of elementary school, I believe that code.org will help students to develop computational thinking and problem solving. Also, I like that the activities are very creative and engaging, and it has challenging activities for students to learn ad develop problem solving skills. The app encourages students to use and develop their critical thinking skills. It is very helpful that has more than one language for the English language learners.

How I Use It

I will use this app to let students to develop their computer skills by letting them to create their own art, story, or game. The app will introduce coding to students from 4 to 18 years old. I like that is easy in the beginning and it gets harder and harder to challenge students.