Great website for young students to learn coding

Submitted 1 year ago
Neel G.
Neel G.
K–12 district
My Rating

My Take

Very engaging for young students to get their feet in the door of the world of computer science and coding. Teaches the students the basics like running the code, compiling, and using cartoon avatars(Sprites) to keep students engaged and keep them progressing in their skills. Eventually this website and spark their interest in computer science, and allow them to express this as a future career pathway which can be a very encouraging sign in today's society.

How I Use It

I would very much recommend using the Sprite Lab and the "Hello World" space. This would teach my students the basics of programming, where to say a message, and the Sprites(avatars) have to match to get "Hello World" displayed. Students can play around with the Sprites, change the location, and teach them if they run the program, and an error occurs, they have to go back and fix it to match the Sprites to compile the code correctly.