Great tool for all ages and ability levels!

Submitted 5 years ago
Conor M.
Conor M.
Technology coordinator
Northwest Arctic Borough School District
Kotzebue AK, US
My Rating

My Take

Overall, I feel this is a great free resource for teachers to get students excited about computer science! The future workforce will need more people trained in coding and it doesn't hurt to start young!

How I Use It

I began using this as a way to teach a computer science unit with my middle school class (7th/8th grade). It was easy to create accounts for all my students and get them all into one class. I assigned them an introductory course and I make them complete one lesson a day. The classes are informative and good for a range of learning abilities. But besides the actual course curriculum, there are tons of free games and activities all geared towards improving coding skills. The code for an hour activities have been great for my more advanced students to tackle once they finish other work! They are fun and I am down for anything educational that my students can be enthusiastic about! The only downside to some of the activities and games is that you might not be able to help students along with it unless you do some front loading and attempt yourself prior. You will definitely need to play around and get use to navigating the site but it is totally worth it!