Did you know?

Founded more than forty years ago, the Club Med Foundation is one of the oldest Foundations created by a company in France. A pioneer in involving our employees, and then involving our customers, Club Med helps thousands of GOs and GEs to get involved in our charitable endeavours. Discover and support these projects on the Friends of the Club Med Foundation website at www.amisfondationclubmed.com

Discover our conservation efforts

Turtle Monitoring & Protection Program – Club Med Ixtapa

In Partnership with the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources Club Med Ixtapa is protecting the Olive Ridley Turtle, a threatened species. Each year, nesting females return to this beach to lay between 80 and 100 eggs each. Our teams have been trained and licensed to collect these eggs and place them in a protected structure to hatch.

In 2022 Club Med Ixtapa reached 13,108 baby turtles release, reaching a 83% productivity of the turtle camp (minimum required in Mexico is 70%).

Turks & Caicos reef fund partnership – Club Med Turkoise

In Partnership with Turks & Caicos Reef Fund, Club Med Turkoise has adopted a Coral ladder were we are growing critically endangered coral species and some of the most important reef building corals in the Caribbean and Tropical Atlantic.

Eventually these corals will be transported to the reef to integrate into building the coastal environment biodiversity.

Plastic lids recycling – Club Med Cancun

It's important to recognize the impact that our actions have on the ocean and its inhabitants. Over the past three decades, more than 20 million bottle caps and lids have been found during beach cleanups around the world, making it one of the top 5 deadliest ocean trash items for sea life.

At Club Med Cancun, we decided to take action and make a difference. Last year, we partnered with El Banco de Tapitas, a nonprofit organization that collects, stores, and recycles plastic lids of all kinds. Their mission being to generate economic resources to support different care programs for children diagnosed with cancer.

El Banco de Tapitas has collected around 800 tons of plastic taps and has provided support to more than 420 patients nationwide. By working together, we can make a real impact and help protect our oceans and the amazing creatures that call it home. Join us in celebrating World Ocean Day by taking action and supporting initiatives like El Banco de Tapitas. Together, we can create a healthier planet for generations to come.

Our vision

Developing a real eco-system in our resorts

At Club Med, we know that our planet’s resources are not infinite. We are aware of the growing impact of tourism on the environment. We think that local communities ought to be able to benefit from our business. And we see how our employees (G.Os & G.Es) are looking for meaning in their work.

An old commitment, an up-to-date approach

From 1950 to today, some key dates

§ 1950: birth of Club Méditerranée, initially a non-profit association
§ 1965: opening of the first permanent Village in Agadir (Morocco), a destination chosen for its beauty and hospitality, but also to contribute to the rebirth of a region that was devastated by the earthquake of 1960
§ 1973: construction of the first wastewater treatment plant in Mauritius at Pointe aux Canonniers
§ 1978: creation of the largest solar panel field in Europe at Club Med des Boucaniers, in Martinique
§ 1979: birth of the Club Med Foundation
§ 2005: creation of the Club Med sustainable development department
§ 2012: Valmorel, first mountain hotel in France to be certified HQE (High Environmental Quality)
§ 2013: first natural swimming pool in China, at Club Med in Guilin
§ 2019: launch of the Happy to Care scheme

What is the purpose of a CSR report?

Since 2007, Club Med has published a CSR report to comply with the growing and legitimate regulatory requirements for accountability, sometimes exceeding them, but also and above all in a spirit of sincerity towards its stakeholders and continuous progress. The commitments made and the actions described are always open to improvement, as is the way in which they are reported. Any comments or questions regarding the 2022 CSR Report are welcome and can be addressed to developpement-durable@clubmed.com

Expert in dream locations, conscious of their fragility

To preserve our exceptional natural heritage

§ Certified sustainable vacations: 80% of our resorts are GREEN GLOBE certified, with a target of 100% by 2021
§ Concrete eco-commitments such as the elimination of single-use plastic, combatting food waste and the promotion of animal welfare
§ Activities to discover and protect nature

Pioneer in tourism, accelerator of local development

Share value locally

§ Charity at the heart of your vacations, with the Club Med Foundation: for example with "Friends around the world", children from local communities meet young GMs and learn from them
§ Support for local farmers and agroecology with the "Green Farmers" scheme
§ Respect for local hosts and support for the local economy such as prevention of child abuse in tourism with ECPAT
§ 75% of jobs are filled locally, local purchases being developed

Happy G.Os and G.Es make happy G.Ms

Offer more than a job – offer experiences, for self development and the forging of bonds for life

§ 100% of Chefs de Village come from internal promotion
§ 46% of management committees are women
§ 90% of Resorts have G.Os of at least 9 different nationalities

Some initiatives in our Resorts

Discover our Eco-Chic resorts in North America

Your dream vacation in total connection with the environment

Sustainable Reasons

To Visit Club Med Michès Playa Esmeralda

Because at Club Med, we know that our planet’s resources are not infinite. We are aware of the growing impact of tourism on the environment. We think that local communities ought to be able to benefit from our business. And we see how our employees (G.Os & G.Es) are looking for meaning in their work.
Our contribution to your eco-friendly vacation:

✻ No single-use plastics - Reusable Glass Bottle
✻ Green Globe Certified
✻ Locally sourced coffee & cacao
✻ Sustainable Tourism
✻ Local Economic Boost
✻ Development for local Community
✻ Sustainable Uniforms
✻ Plant Nursery


Sustainable Reasons

To Visit Club Med Québec Charlevoix

Because at Club Med, we know that our planet’s resources are not infinite. We are aware of the growing impact of tourism on the environment. We think that local communities ought to be able to benefit from our business. And we see how our employees (G.Os & G.Es) are looking for meaning in their work.
Our contribution to your eco-friendly vacation:

✻ No single-use plastics - Reusable Glass Bottle
✻ Green Globe Certified
✻ Local Farming Partnerships
✻ Sustainable Tourism
✻ Local Economic Boost
✻ Heritage Preservation
✻ Sustainable Uniforms
✻ Solucycle, recycling system


Club Med’s commitment to sustainable tourism is built on solid foundations

Awarded by recognized international certification bodies

§ 100% of the construction of our new resorts has been BREEAM eco-certified (or equivalent) since 2018
§ 46 Resorts certified Green Globe for their sustainable management (objective: 100% in 2021)
§ Over 20 Resorts awarded the Ecoleader label by TripAdvisor®
§ Discovery Tours by Club Med certified as ATR since 2017
Learn More

Did you know?

Born more than forty years ago, the Club Med Foundation is one of the oldest Foundations created by a company in France. As a pioneer of employee involvement and then customer involvement, it helps thousands of GOs and GEs to engage in solidarity projects.

What is BREEAM certification?

Eco-certification of construction

Since 2018, Club Med has been committed to eco-certifying the construction of all of our new Resorts with BREEAM (or equivalent certification depending on the world region), one of the most recognised international and independent green building certifying bodies in the world which certifies the responsible design and construction of different types of buildings.

Additionally, in October 2017, Club Med's Construction and Sustainable Development teams worked with the BREEAM teams to create the first CLUB MED - BREEAM "Resort" eco-construction benchmark, the first standard specially for Resorts, which are specifically composed of several buildings spread over large spaces.