Make STAR TREK LEGACY with Terry Matalas as Showrunner!

Make STAR TREK LEGACY with Terry Matalas as Showrunner!

February 14, 2023
Petition to
CBS and
Signatures: 64,724Next Goal: 75,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by The Popcast

We Want A Star Trek Legacy show Spinoff of Picard Season 3 with the wonderful characters that have been created and we would like Terry Matalas to be the Showrunner for this show wish would continue the current events of Star Trek Picard Season 3. This season has already set up the idea and characters to continue the story with a Next, Next Generation... with actors currently in Picard Season 3. With the name Star Trek Legacy, Terry Matalas would be able to build upon the themes already created in the Picard series and allow him to continue telling the Star Trek story moving into the 25th Century.  

Terry Matalas is a Star Trek veteran who helped Star Trek Voyager, Deep Space Nine, and Enterprise boldly go forward in the Star Trek universe. And he has now created in Star Trek Picard Season 3 what we believe is the best season of Star Trek. Nearly all Trek fans enjoy and support Picard Season 3 and Matalas has expertly navigated the galaxy of Trek legacy and in a way that has truly stunned and thrilled many lifelong fans.

We would like Paramount Studio Executives and Star Trek head Alex Kurtzman to pat themselves on the back for finding this talented Showrunner and give him more work! He wants to make more Star Trek, but for whatever reason, he is not yet set to make any new Star Trek after the Picard Series. He's already set up a Crew that can continue pushing the Star Trek story forward.  Matalas has already told us, he set the ending of Picard season 3 to continue the Star Trek story in this Timeline. Please sign this petition so we can show Paramount how much we love his work and want more of it! Thank you!

As passionate Trekkies, we crave a show that pays tribute to the Legacy era and carries on the story from the current timeline. Terry Matalas, a true Star Trek veteran, holds the key to rekindling the spirit of Gene Roddenberry's vision. He's crafted the perfect recipe for making the fandom soar once again, and we need him to keep the franchise boldly going by passing on his wisdom to future Trek creators.

The fate of our beloved Star Trek franchise is up to us. Together with our voice, the support of Alex Kurtzman and Paramount and With the talent of Terry Matalas, the future of the final frontier can continue to the excitement of all fans. We call upon you to boldly sign this petition and join our mission to keep the spirit of Gene Roddenberry's vision alive. Let us unite as a crew to explore the stars and overcome our differences. Together, we can ensure that Star Trek's legacy endures for generations to come!

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Signatures: 64,724Next Goal: 75,000
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