Keep Star Trek Convention Safe for All Community Members

Keep Star Trek Convention Safe for All Community Members

November 3, 2017
Petition to and
Signatures: 907Next Goal: 1,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Elaine Vicious

Since its inception, the Star Trek community has always been a welcoming place that promoted the idea of diversity and acceptance.  In the 52 years since the Original Series, both creators and fans alike have built on that ideology – Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, that humankind can have a better future, where no one suffers and we raise each other up so that all may live long and prosper.

On October 29th, 2017, Star Trek Discovery actor Anthony Rapp came forward with an account of sexual abuse by a famous (non-Trek) actor when he was only 14 years old.  These kinds of actions are never okay, whether the victim be a child or an adult, whatever gender, famous or otherwise, and we in the Star Trek community stand by Anthony as he publicly faces this difficult situation.

However, not everyone in the Star Trek business has been supportive.  Shortly after Anthony’s admission, Star Trek Voyager actor Manu Intiraymi, used his public Twitter account to ridicule Anthony, using cruel and vile language.  Despite the protestations of many fans that his behavior was unacceptable, Manu went on a 'tweet storm' against Anthony, calling him a "whiner" and writing off the account as "liberal pussy nonsense," and worse.  Anyone who has given a cursory glance at his Twitter history, however, will not find this surprising, as the actor often makes derogatory remarks about women, including how difficult it was to hide his erection while filming scenes on set.

Please see linked photos:

This kind of bullying and harassment is not acceptable and has no place at any organized Star Trek event.  It is disrespectful to Anthony, any survivors of sexual assault, and women in general.  Please consider signing this petition to show convention organizers and Roddenberry Entertainment that we, the fans, do not wish for Manu Intiraymi to be included at any future conventions, and that they should strongly consider if it would be in the best interest of their company to continue to allow such a person to be associated with the production of any new content.


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Signatures: 907Next Goal: 1,000
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